Abstract:Objective: To analyze the results of these treatments in patients with stage M non-small cell lung cancer selectly and study the value of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in p atients with stage 111 non-small cell lung cancer.Methods:This research performed a retrospective analysis of 287 patients with stage IJ non-small cell lung cancer in our hospital enrolled in the protocol between January 1989 and May 1998.I n group A,1 16 casesa dministered operation alone and 126 cases accepted operation and postoperativec hemotherapyc onsistingo f3 -4c ourseso fet oposide(100m g/m2,da ys,_5) ,a d riamycin (50m g/m2,d a y,), andc isplatin (90m g/m2,day,)e very4 w eeks;45 c ases(GroupB )a cceptedn eoadjuvantch emotherapy,o perationa ndp ostoperativec hemotherapy.The regimen of neoadjuvant chemotherapy consist of 1-3 courses mitomycin C (6 mg/m2, day,),vindesine (2.5 mg/m2, day,:),cisplatin (20-30m 岁In2, day35)e very 4w eeks;T her egimeno fp ostoperativec hemotherapyw asth es amea sG roupA .All data were analysed with SPSS statistical software. Results: Group B had higher resectable rate than Group A (P<0.05). The rates of morbidity and1 ,3- years urvivalin t heseg roupsc loseb y(P >0.05).B utth er ateo f5 -yearsu rvivalo fG roupB w ereh igherth anG roupA ( P<0.05). Conclusion: The patient with stage M AI who have good prognosis in neoadjuvant chemotherapy should accept neoadjuvant chemotherapy+operation+postoperative chemotherapy.