The effect of vasopressin on the hemodynamics in CABG patients

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    Objective:To investigate the effect of vasopressin on the hemodynamics in cardiac angioplastic bridge graft sugery (CABG). Methods:Twenty coronary artery disease(CAD) patients were randomly divided into two groups:norepinephrine group and vasopressin group. During the anesthesia and the operation, the central venous pressure and pulmonary capillary wedge pressure were maintained to 8~10 cmH2O, and the hemocrit was maintained above 30% through lactate ringer’s mixture, artifact colloid and red blood cells. The invasive artery blood pressure(IBP) was maintained by appropriate anesthetic depth and norepinephrine or vasopressin respectively. The target IBP was 70 mmHg, and heart rate(HR) was 60 bpm. The MAP,HR,ST-T,CVP,PAP,PCWP,SVR,PVR,CO, urine output, blood gas analysis, surgery duration and blood loss were monitored. Results:The MAP,HR,and ST-T was stable in either group during the operation. CVP, PCWP and SVR increased but CI deceased during the posterior descending artery (PDA) was grafted in both groups and without any significant difference between them. PAP increased during PDA was grafted in either group and there was significant difference between the two groups. PVR increased during ADA and PDA were grafted in norepinephrine group but not in vasopressin group. Betaloc usage was 11.2 mg and 5.9 mg in norepinephrine group and vasopressin group respectively. Conclusion:Vasopressin can stabilize the hemodynics in CABG surgery better than norepinephrine.

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孙 杰,朱敬明,王灿琴,唐晓阳,丁正年.垂体后叶素对冠状动脉搭桥患者血流动力学的影响[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版英文版),2009,29(1):106-109.

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  • Received:October 10,2008
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