







参考文献 1
XUE Q S,WU X W,JIN J,et al.Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring accurately predicts arterial carbon di⁃ oxide partial pressure in patients undergoing prolonged laparoscopic surgery[J].Anesth Analg,2010,111(2):417-420
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KADAM P G,MARDA M,SHAH V R.Carbon dioxide ab⁃ sorption during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy:a com⁃ parison between retroperitoneal and transperitoneal ap⁃ proaches[J].Transplant Proc,2008,40(4):1119-1121
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NOSOVITCH M A,JOHNSON J O,TOBIAS J D.Nonin⁃ vasive intraoperative monitoring of carbon dioxide in chil⁃ dren:endtidal versus transcutaneous techniques[J].Pae⁃ diatr Anaesth,2002,12(1):48-52
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TINGAY D G,STEWART M J,MORLEY C J.Monitoring of end tidal carbon dioxide and transcutaneous carbon di⁃ oxide during neonatal transport[J].Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed,2005,90(6):F523-F526
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DUYU M,MOCAN ÇAĞLAR Y,KARAKAYA Z,et al.Comparison of arterial CO2 estimation by end ⁃ tidal and transcutaneous CO2 measurements in intubated children and variability with subject related factors[J].J Clin Monit Comput,2021,35(1):101-111
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SPELTEN O,FIEDLER F,SCHIER R,et al.Transcutane⁃ ous PTCCO2 measurement in combination with arterial blood gas analysis provides superior accuracy and reliabil⁃ ity in ICU patients[J].J Clin Monit Comput,2017,31(1):153-158
参考文献 10
LEE H J,CHAE J S,AN S M,et al.Strategy to reduce hy⁃ percapnia in robot ⁃ assisted radical prostatectomy using transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring:a prospective observational study[J].Ther Clin Risk Manag,2022,18:249-258
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LIU S J,SUN J,CHEN X,et al.The application of trans⁃ cutaneous CO2 pressure monitoring in the anesthesia of obe⁃ se patients undergoing laparoscopic bariatric surgery[J].PLoS One,2014,9(4):e91563
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CHAUHAN R,MAHAJAN S,LUTHRA A,et al.Evalua⁃ tion of arterial to end⁃tidal carbon dioxide pressure differ⁃ ences during laparoscopic renal surgery in the lateral de⁃ cubitus position[J].Anesth Essays Res,2019,13(3):583
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    目的:比较呼气末二氧化碳分压(end-tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure,PETCO2)和经皮二氧化碳分压(transcutane- ous carbon dioxide partial pressure,PTCCO2)预测泌尿外科腹膜后腹腔镜手术患者动脉血二氧化碳分压(arterial carbon dioxide pressure,PaCO2)的准确性。方法:选择全身麻醉下行腹膜后腹腔镜泌尿外科手术患者50例,于气腹前及气腹后30、60、90 min 分别测定PaCO2、PETCO2、PTCCO2。计算PaCO2-PETCO2和PaCO2-PTCCO2的差值。对PaCO2与PETCO2、PaCO2与PTCCO2进行相关性和回归分析。采用Bland-Altman分析评价PaCO2与其他两个指标的一致性。结果:PaCO2-PETCO2和PaCO2-PTCCO2的绝对差值分别为 (13.20±4.43)mmHg和(4.35±2.56)mmHg(P < 0.05)。PaCO2与PETCO2的相关系数为0.79(r 2 =0.62,P < 0.001),与PTCCO2的相关系数为 0.91(r 2 =0.83,P < 0.001)。PaCO2与 PETCO2的 95%一致性界限为 4.53~21.88 mmHg,与 PTCCO2的 95%一致性界限为-3.18~ 10.48 mmHg。结论:PTCCO2监测可提高评估患者腹膜后腹腔镜泌尿外科手术中PaCO2的准确性。


    Objective:To compare the accuracy of end - tidal carbon dioxide partial pressure(PETCO2)and transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure(PTCCO2)in predicting arterial carbon dioxide pressure(PaCO2)in patients undergoing retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery. Methods:Fifty patients undergoing retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery under general anesthesia were included. Values of PaCO2,PETCO2,and PTCCO2 were measured before and 30,60,90 min after insufflation. The differences between PaCO2-PETCO2 and PaCO2-PTCCO2 were calculated. Correlation and regression analysis were conducted between PaCO2 and PETCO2,as well as between PaCO2 and PTCCO2. Bland-Altman analysis was used to assess the agreement between PaCO2 and the other two variables. Results:The absolute differences of PaCO2-PETCO2 and PaCO2-PTCCO2were(13.20 ± 4.43)mmHg and(4.35 ± 2.56)mmHg,respectively(P < 0.05). The correlation coefficient between PaCO2 and PETCO2was 0.79(r 2 =0.62,P < 0.001),and between PaCO2 and PTCCO2 was 0.91(r 2 =0.83, P < 0.001). The 95% limits of agreement between PaCO2 and PETCO2 were 4.53 to 21.88 mmHg and between PaCO2 and PTCCO2 were -3.18 to 10.48 mmHg. Conclusion:PTCCO2 monitoring improves the accuracy of estimating PaCO2 in patients undergoing retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery.

  • Retroperitoneal laparoscopic(RPL)surgery,utiliz⁃ ing retroperitoneal carbon dioxide(CO2)insufflation,is currently established as a safe and reliable technique for specific urologic procedures. Although arterial blood gas(ABG)remains the golden standard for monitoring arterial blood carbon dioxide partial pressure(PaCO2), it is invasive and lacks consistency. The frequent need for ABG analysis also contributes significantly to iatro⁃ genic anemia,particularly in critically ill patients and infants.

  • End ⁃tidal carbon dioxide(PETCO2)is a commonly used noninvasive method for predicting PaCO2 in me⁃ chanical ventilated patients. However,the accuracy of PETCO2 can be influenced by various factors such as sur⁃ gical position,as well as severe cardiovascular or pul⁃ monary diseases. Another noninvasive method for mon⁃ itoring CO2 partial pressure is transcutaneous carbon dioxide partial pressure(PTCCO2). This method has been widely accepted and is reported to provide better accuracy in predicting PaCO2 compared to PETCO2 under many circumstances during laparoscopic surgery. In a study by XUE et al. [1],in patients undergoing pro⁃ longed pneumoperitoneum laparoscopic surgery,88% and 17% of the samples showed a clinically acceptable difference( ≤ 5mmHg)between PTCCO2 ⁃ PaCO2 and PETCO2⁃PaCO2,respectively.

  • Retroperitoneoscopic surgery,a minimally inva⁃ sive surgical technique used for treating urinary system conditions,involves operating in the space behind the peritoneal cavity,which is enclosed by the posterior ab⁃ dominal wall. This area contains loose connective tis⁃ sue and adipose tissue and spans from the neck to the pelvis. During retroperitoneoscopic procedures,a surgi⁃ cal cavity is created by separating the peritoneum and posterior abdominal wall. However,this blunt dissec⁃ tion leads to significant surgical trauma,potentially re⁃ sults in higher CO2 absorption compared to intraperito⁃ neal laparoscopic techniques[2] . Despite this,there is inconsistency in CO2 absorption between intraperitoneal and retroperitoneal pneumoperitoneum. KADAM et al. [3] found that CO2 absorption does not depend on the route of surgery. They found no significant difference in CO2 absorption between laparoscopic and retroperi⁃ toneal nephrectomy,with only subcutaneous emphyse⁃ ma notably increasing CO2 absorption. Similarly,NG et al. [4] suggested that retroperitoneoscopy does not exhib⁃ it higher CO2 absorption compared to transperitoneal laparoscopy for renal or adrenal surgeries. However,in STREICH et al.’s study[5],they discovered that the ret⁃ roperitoneal approach results in greater CO2 absorption than intraperitoneal insufflation in urologic surgeries.

  • Given this inconsistency,the aim of this study was to investigate the accuracy of two distinct CO2 par⁃ tial pressure monitoring techniques(PTCCO2 and PETCO2) and their correlation with PaCO2 in patients undergoing retroperitoneoscopic surgery.

  • 1 Materials and methods

  • 1.1 Materials

  • This prospective observational study received ap⁃ proval from the Institutional Ethics Committee of the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University and was registered on www.ClinicalTrials.gov(NCT03 226041). Initially,patients who were classified as the American Society of Anesthesiologists(ASA)Ⅰ-Ⅲ and scheduled for retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery were screened. Those with severe cardiovascular or re⁃ spiratory diseases,such as coronary heart disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD),asth⁃ ma,a history of smoking or lung surgery(lobectomy or simple wedge resection),and individuals with morbid obese[body mass index(BMI)≥ 30 kg/m2 ]were ex⁃ cluded. Subsequently,written consent was obtained from each participant before the surgery.

  • 1.2 Methods

  • 1.2.1 Sample size

  • Based on our preliminary study,a sample size of 45 achieves 90% power to detect a mean of paired differences of 5.0 mmHg,with an estimated standard devi⁃ ation of differences of 9.9 mmHg,at a significance level α of 0.05 using a paired t⁃test. Given the possibility of loss to follow ⁃ up,we increased the sample size by 10%,resulting in a required sample size of 50.

  • 1.2.2 determination of PTCCO2 and PETCO2

  • After entering the operating room,a16⁃G intrave⁃ nous(Ⅳ)catheter was inserted into the median cubi⁃ tal vein for fluid and drug administration,while a20⁃G arterial catheter was cannulated in the non ⁃ operated radial artery for continuous blood pressure(BP)monitor⁃ ing and ABG sampling. The arterial catheter was flushed with 500 mL of heparinized saline using a pres⁃ sure bag. Standard monitoring including electrocardio⁃ gram(ECG),saturation of pulse oxygen(SpO2),and arte⁃ rial BP was performed for all patients before anesthesia, with these values recorded as baseline values. Anesthe⁃ sia induction comprised propofol(1.5-2.5 mg/kg),fen⁃ tanyl(2-4 μg/kg),and rocuronium(0.6 mg/kg). Fol⁃ lowing intubation,patients were ventilated with volume control ventilation(VCV)using60% oxygen(2 L/min). The PETCO2 values were maintained ideally between 35-45 mmHg by adjusting tidal volume,respiratory rate, and aspiration ratio(inspiratory∶expiratory,I∶E),with an upper limit of 50 mmHg allowed. PETCO2 was mea⁃ sured by side stream spirometry(Mindray,BeneView T6,Shenzhen,China),while PTCCO2 was measured with the TCM ⁃ 4 monitor(Radiometer,Copenhagen, Denmark). Before placement,calibration was per⁃ formed by a trained author(LIU Shijiang)according to the manufacturer’s recommendation. The electrode was then placed onto the patient’s chest wall of the non⁃operated side,which was cleaned with alcohol to facilitate the adhesion of the disk to the skin,with the electrode working temperature set at 44℃. PaCO2 was determined using a blood gas/electrolyte analyzer (GEM premier 3000,Instrumentation Laboratory Co. MA 01730 ⁃ 2443,USA). Before ABG sampling,pa⁃ tients’hemodynamic was relatively stable for at least 5 min to ensure a stable PaCO2. PTCCO2 and PETCO2 were recorded simultaneously with ABG sampling.

  • Anesthesia was maintained with propofol,sevoflu⁃ rane,and remifentanil to limit the BP and heart rate (HR)fluctuations within 20% of baseline values. Pa⁃tients requiring a vasopressor to maintain hemodynamic stability or experiencing a hemodynamic fluctuation ex⁃ ceeding20% were excluded. Data collected before the use of a vasopressor or hemodynamic instability could still be used for analysis. Close communication was maintained with surgeons during the surgery. Patients were excluded if the peritoneum had been ruptured, but the data collected before peritoneal rupture was re⁃ tained. Patient’s temperature was continuously moni⁃ tored and maintained above36℃,while the room tem⁃ perature was set at 23-25℃. The retroperitoneal CO2 pressure was maintained at 12-15 mmHg during the surgery. PaCO2,PETCO2,and PTCCO2 of each patient were measured at four time points:before CO2 insuffla⁃ tion,30,60 and 90 min after CO2 insufflation.

  • If PETCO2 exceeded 50 mmHg during the surgery, adjustments could be made such as increasing respira⁃ tory rate,adjusting tidal volume,increasing the flow of fresh oxygen,reducing pneumoperitoneum pressure within the surgeon’s acceptable range,or pausing the operation or closing the pneumoperitoneum if neces⁃ sary to enhance CO2 excretion and lower PETCO2 levels.

  • 1.3 Statistical analysis

  • Statistical analyses were performed using Graph⁃ Pad 8.0 software(GraphPad Prism,La Jolla,California, USA). Quantitative data were presented as means ± standard deviation(x-±s)or median with interquartile range[MP25P75)]depending on the type of distribu⁃ tion. A difference of ≤5 mmHg between PaCO2 and PETCO2,or between PaCO2 and PTCCO2,was considered within the clinical acceptable range. Categorical vari⁃ ables,presented as frequencies(proportions)[n(%)], were analyzed using the chi⁃square test or Fisher’s exact test as appropriate. Pearson correlation coefficient was employed to assess the correlation between PETCO2 and PaCO2,as well as the correlation between PTCCO2 and PaCO2. Additionally,linear regression analysis was uti⁃ lized to model and quantify these relationships. Bland⁃ Altman analysis was used to compare the agreement be⁃ tween PaCO2 and PETCO2,or between PaCO2 and PTCCO2. P <0.05 is considered statistically significant.

  • 2 Results

  • Ninety ⁃ seven patients were initially assessed for eligibility,of whom 31 were excluded due to severe complications,a history of surgery,or morbid obesity. Within the remaining66 subjects,6 were reluctant to participate and 10 were excluded because phenylephrine was used during anesthesia induction and surgery. Fi⁃ nally,50 patients were included in this study. A detailed flowchart of participant enrollment was shown in Figure 1. In addition,as shown in Table 1,the50 patients(16 women)have a mean age of(42.14 ± 14.42)years and a BMI of(23.34 ± 2.99)kg/m2 . Thirty ⁃ one underwent partial nephrectomy,while the rest underwent nephrec⁃ tomy,urethroplasty,and renal cyst excision. The mean duration of CO2 pneumoperitoneum was 91.42(30.00-192.00)min.

  • The values of PaCO2,PETCO2,and PTCCO2 were re⁃ corded at the following four time points:before,and 30,60,90 min after pneumoperitoneum. After exclud⁃ ing values with a PETCO2 <35 mmHg or >50 mmHg,157 samples were finally analyzed. As shown in Table 2,the average level of PaCO2,PETCO2,and PTCCO2 at eachtime point were presented. Either PaCO2,PETCO2 or PTCCO2 increased and reached a plateau at 30-60 min, and slightly decreased at 90 min after pneumoperito⁃ neum.

  • 图1 参与者招募流程图

  • Figure1 Flowchart of participant enrollment

  • 表1 患者临床特征

  • Table1 Clinical characteristics of the patients

  • BMI:body mass index;ASA:American Society of Anesthesiolo⁃ gists;IAP:intra⁃abdominal pressure.

  • The correlation analysis between PaCO2 and PETCO2, as well as PaCO2 and PTCCO2,was performed at different time points or different PETCO2 levels. As shown in Table 2 and 3,a statistically significant correlation with PaCO2 was observed for both PETCO2 and PTCCO2. Moreover, the correlation coefficient with PaCO2 was consistently greater for PTCCO2 compared to PETCO2,whether detect⁃ ed at each time point or with PETCO2 maintained at 35-40,40-45,or 45-50 mmHg.

  • Furthermore,based on linear regression analysis, both PETCO2 and PTCCO2 were closely correlated with PaCO2. The linear regression equations were as follows: PETCO2=0.60×PaCO2+9.10(r 2 =0.62,P <0.001,Figure 2A),PTCCO2=1.07 × PaCO2-7.30(r 2 =0.83,P <0.001, Figure 2B).

  • Additionally,the average PaCO2 ⁃PETCO2 difference was(13.20 ± 4.43)mmHg,and the average PaCO2 ⁃ PTCCO2 difference was(4.35 ± 2.56)mmHg(P <0.05).Among all157 samples,a difference ≤5 mmHg or ≤3 mmHg between PaCO2 and PETCO2 was observed in 5(3.2%)and 1(0.6%)sample,respectively. However,a difference ≤5 mmHg or ≤3 mmHg between PaCO2 and PTCCO2 was recorded in 101(64.3%)and 57 (36.3%)samples,respectively(P <0.001). According to Bland ⁃Altman analysis,the95% limit of agreement (LOA)of PaCO2 versus PETCO2 was 4.53 to 21.88 mmHg (Figure 3A)and PaCO2 versus PTCCO2 was-3.18 to 10.48 mmHg(Figure 3B).

  • 表2 不同时间点的PETCO2与PaCO2、PTCCO2与PaCO2相关性分析

  • Table2 The correlation analysis between PETCO2 and PaCO2 or letween PTCCO2 and PaCO2 at differ⁃ ent time points

  • 表3 不同PETCO2水平下PETCO2与PaCO2、PTCCO2与PaCO2 的相关性分析

  • Table3 The correlation analysis between PETCO2 and PaCO2 or between PTCCO2 and PaCO2 at different PETCO2 levels

  • 图2 泌尿外科腹膜后腹腔镜手术中PETCO2和PaCO2(A)或 PTCCO2和 PaCO2(B)的相关性分析

  • Figure2 Correlation analysis between PETCO2 and PaCO2(A)or between PTCCO2 and PaCO2(B)during retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery

  • 3 Discussion

  • Our results demonstrated that PTCCO2 estimated PaCO2 more accurately than PETCO2 in patients undergo⁃ ing retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery. Of note,the correlation between PaCO2 and PTCCO2 was consistently higher than that between PaCO2 and PETCO2 at all time points,even when PETCO2 was maintained within the ranges of 35-40 mmHg,40-45 mmHg,or 45-50 mmHg.

  • A difference of ≤ 5 mmHg between two measure⁃ ments is generally considered clinically acceptable,in⁃ dicating interchangeability. In the present study,the difference between PaCO2 and PTCCO2 was ≤5 mmHg in 101 out of 157 measurements(64.3%)whereas the dif⁃ ference between PaCO2 and PETCO2 was ≤5 mmHg in only 5 out of 157 measurements(3.2%). Compared to other studies defining acceptable bias as ≤3 mmHg[6-8], 36.3% of PTCCO2 values and only 0.6% of PETCO2 val⁃ ues fell within this threshold in our study. Our findings suggested that PTCCO2 showed a greater accuracy than PETCO2 in predicting PaCO2,with more values within 3 mmHg or 5 mmHg of PaCO2. Additionally,the mean PaCO2 ⁃ PETCO2 difference was(13.20 ± 4.43)mmHg (95%CI:4.53-21.88 mmHg). In contrast,the mean PaCO2 ⁃ PTCCO2 difference was(4.35 ± 2.56)mmHg (95% CI:-3.18 to 10.48 mmHg). Taken together, these results indicate that PTCCO2 estimated PaCO2 more accurately than PETCO2 in patients undergoing retroperitoneoscopic urologic surgery.

  • 图3 PETCO2和PaCO2(A)或PTCCO2和PaCO2(B)一致性的Bland⁃Altman图

  • Figure3 Bland⁃Altman plots of agreement between PETCO2 and PaCO2(A),or between PTCCO2 and PaCO2(B)

  • Retroperitoneoscopic surgery provides a minimally invasive approach to treating urinary system disease. The retroperitoneum refers to the space behind the peritoneal cavity,bounded by the posterior abdominal wall. This space is filled with adipose and loose con⁃ nective tissue,extending from the neck to the pelvis, and it is highly vascularized. During the operation,ex⁃ tensive tissue dissection is required to create the retro⁃ peritoneal space,potentially increasing CO2 absorption compared to intraperitoneal laparoscopy. Consequently, hypercarbia may occur.

  • Clinically,hypercapnia principally impacts the cerebrovascular and cardiovascular system. Elevated PaCO2 causes cerebral vasodilation and increases intra⁃ cranial pressure despite autoregulatory mechanisms. Moreover,acute hypercapnia may increase the release of catecholamines due to β ⁃ adrenergic stimulation. This may be detrimental in procedures like retroperito⁃ neoscopic adrenalectomy,especially for pheochromocy⁃toma,as heightened catecholamine levels exacerbate hemodynamic instability. Given the intermittence of ABG analysis,a continuous,non⁃invasive method to ac⁃ curately predict PaCO2 during retroperitoneoscopic sur⁃ gery is necessary. PTCCO2 was found to be equivalent or even superior to PETCO2 in predicting PaCO2 in differ⁃ ent populations[9-11] . However,the correlation between PTCCO2 and PaCO2 remains unclear in retroperitoneo⁃ scopic surgery. In this study,PaCO2 and PTCCO2 showed a stronger correlation than PaCO2 and PETCO2 across all subject groups(0.83 vs. 0.62). Subgroup analysis re⁃ vealed a declining correlation between PETCO2 and PaCO2 as PETCO2 rose from 35-40 mmHg to 45-50 mmHg(0.41 to 0.18). In contrast,PaCO2 ⁃ PTCCO2 correlation re⁃ mained high at 0.72 when PETCO2 exceeded 45 mmHg. This indicates PTCCO2 monitoring may have greater ac⁃ curacy and sensitivity for detecting hypercapnia than PETCO2. In other studies,the correlation between PaCO2 and PETCO2 values or between PaCO2 and PTCCO2 values was higher than those in the present study,especially at baseline. This difference may be attributed to hemo⁃ dynamic fluctuations during anesthesia induction and positional changes,which increased the mismatch of the ventilation/perfusion(V/Q)ratio.

  • A patient position has a considerable influence on the accuracy of PETCO2 monitoring. The lateral position often used in retroperitoneoscopic surgery can increase intrathoracic pressure and pulmonary pressures while decreasing venous return. Collectively,these effects re⁃ duce pulmonary blood flow,creating a mismatch be⁃ tween alveolar ventilation and perfusion. Thus,the dif⁃ ference between PaCO2 and PETCO2 in lateral position was greater than those in other positions[12-13] . Further⁃more,study had shown that PTCCO2 monitoring more ac⁃ curately predicted PaCO2 than PETCO2 monitoring in trendelenburg position[10] . Similarly,our study found more PTCCO2 than PETCO2 values were within ≤3 mmHg or ≤5 mmHg of PaCO2. Whether the position affects PTCCO2 accuracy remains unclear,although tissue per⁃ fusion and electrode position can significantly affect ac⁃ curacy[14-16] . Therefore,we chose the front chest wall in lateral position to ensure sufficient blood flow through the electrode.

  • In spite of the PTCCO2 can precisely estimate PaCO2, many technical factors can still affect the accuracy of PTCCO2 monitoring,including monitor factors(penetra⁃ tion of air bubbles,incorrect electrode positions,dam⁃ age of electrode membranes,and inaccurate calibra⁃ tion,etc.)and patient factors(skin blood perfusion, skin thickness,edema,dehydration,vascular active drug and anoxic acidosis. etc.)[817-18] . Heating elec⁃ trodes can improve the reaction time,and increase lo⁃ cal blood flow through capillary arterialization but re⁃ duces measurement accuracy. NISHIYAMA et al. [19] thought the electrodes should be heated to at least 43℃ to guarantee more accurate estimates of PaCO2 and PaO2. SϕRENSEN et al. [20]found that lower elec⁃ trode temperature increases the system error of mea⁃ sured values in premature and neonates. However, higher temperatures increase skin burn risk. Hence, we chosed 44℃ PETCO2 values of 35-50 mmHg based on our data.

  • In conclusion,PTCCO2 demonstrated superior accu⁃ racy over PETCO2 for estimating PaCO2 in retroperitoneo⁃ scopic urologic surgery. Although PTCCO2 may not re⁃ place the application of PETCO2,it provides a promising continuous,non⁃invasive approach for monitoring PaCO2 and an early warning for hypercapnia.

  • Acknowledgements

  • We sincerely thank Professor YIN Changjun(1964-2015)for his excellent contributions to the Department of Urology in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical Chiversity. The authors acknowledge the indi⁃ viduals who contributed to this study and those who provided professional cares for the patients involved: WANG Zengjun,LI Pengchao,SHAO Pengfei and LI Jie(Department of Urology,the First Affiliated Hospi⁃tal of Nanjing Medical University). We are greatly in⁃ debted to Professor ZHANG Kai from the Pancreas In⁃ stitute of Nanjing Medical University,the Pancreatic Center and Department of General Surgery at The First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University for his guidance in statistical analysis.

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    • [12] CHAUHAN R,MAHAJAN S,LUTHRA A,et al.Evalua⁃ tion of arterial to end⁃tidal carbon dioxide pressure differ⁃ ences during laparoscopic renal surgery in the lateral de⁃ cubitus position[J].Anesth Essays Res,2019,13(3):583

    • [13] GRENIER B,VERCHÈRE E,MESLI A,et al.Capnogra⁃ phy monitoring during neurosurgery:reliability in relation to various intraoperative positions[J].Anesth Analg,1999,88(1):43-48

    • [14] CONWAY A,TIPTON E,LIU W H,et al.Accuracy and precision of transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring:a systematic review and meta⁃analysis[J].Thorax,2019,74(2):157-163

    • [15] NISHIYAMA T,NAKAMURA S,YAMASHITA K.Com⁃ parison of the transcutaneous oxygen and carbon dioxide tension in different electrode locations during general an⁃ aesthesia[J].Eur J Anaesthesiol,2006,23(12):1049-1054

    • [16] NISHIYAMA T,KOHNO Y,KOISHI K.Comparison of ear and chest probes in transcutaneous carbon dioxide pressure measurements during general anesthesia in adults[J].J Clin Monit Comput,2011,25(5):323-328

    • [17] MCBRIDE S D JR,JOHNSON J O,TOBIAS J D.Noninva⁃ sive carbon dioxide monitoring during neurosurgical pro⁃ cedures in adults[J].South Med J,2002,95(8):870-874

    • [18] REID C W,MARTINEAU R J,MILLER D R,et al.A comparison of transcutaneous,end⁃tidal and arterial mea⁃ surements of carbon dioxide during general anaesthesia[J].Can J Anaesth,1992,39(1):31-36

    • [19] NISHIYAMA T,NAKAMURA S,YAMASHITA K.Effects of the electrode temperature of a new monitor,TCM4,on the measurement of transcutaneous oxygen and carbon di⁃ oxide tension[J].J Anesth,2006,20(4):331-334

    • [20] SØRENSEN L C,BRAGE ⁃ANDERSEN L,GREISEN G.Effects of the transcutaneous electrode temperature on the accuracy of transcutaneous carbon dioxide tension[J].Scand J Clin Lab Investig,2011,71(7):548-552

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