


马晶晶,E-mail: majingjing@jsph.org.cn





参考文献 1
CHOI S,HONG S S,PARK H J,et al.The many faces of Meckel’s diverticulum and its complications[J].J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol,2017,61(2):225-231
参考文献 2
JARAMILLO C,JENSEN M K,MCCLAIN A,et al.Clinical diagnostic predictive score for Meckel diverticulum[J].J Pediatr Surg,2021,56(9):1673-1677
参考文献 3
BRUNGARDT J G,CUMMISKEY B R,SCHROPP K P.Meckel’s diverticulum:a national surgical quality improvement program survey in adults comparing diverticu-lectomy and small bowel resection[J].Am Surg,2021,87(6):892-896
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CHEN Y,TANG Y,HU C,et al.Bleeding Meckel diverticulum:a retrospective analysis of computed tomography en-terography findings[J].J Comput Assist Tomogr,2019,43(2):220-227
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MALLIGIANNIS N D,MALOULA R N,MALLIGIANNIS N K,et al.Anatomical variations of vascular anatomy in Meckel’s diverticulum[J].Acta Med Acad,2022,51(3):243-248
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IRVINE I,DOHERTY A,HAYES R.Bleeding Meckel’s diverticulum:a study of the accuracy of pertechnetate scintigraphy as a diagnostic tool[J].Eur J Radiol,2017,96:27-30
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WU J,HUANG Z,WU H,et al.The diagnostic value of video capsule endoscopy for Meckel’s diverticulum in children[J].Rev Esp Enferm Dig.2020,112(6):429-433
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    目的:探讨气囊辅助式小肠镜及其他不同检查方法对小肠Meckel憩室的诊断价值。方法:回顾性分析2010年1月 —2023年12月于南京医科大学第一附属医院确诊为小肠Meckel憩室的87例患者,收集患者的一般资料、临床表现、诊断方法、治疗及病理结果等资料,总结归纳临床特征,比较气囊辅助式小肠镜与其他检查方法对小肠Meckel憩室的诊断价值。结果:87例小肠Meckel憩室患者中,55例合并消化道出血、肠梗阻、憩室炎、肠穿孔等并发症。与无并发症患者相比,伴并发症患者中位年龄较小(P=0.003),憩室直径更长[(5.2±2.6)cm vs.(3.3±1.4)cm,P=0.001],开口更宽[(2.4±1.1)cm vs.(1.6±0.7)cm,P= 0.002],手术率也更高(89.1% vs. 56.3%,P < 0.001)。不同检查方法的诊断灵敏度分别为:气囊辅助式小肠镜94.4%,核素显像 (异位胃黏膜显像)58.3%,胶囊内镜30.0%,小肠CT 9.4%,腹部CT 8.2%,数字减影血管造影0。结论:年轻患者、憩室直径长、开口宽的小肠Meckel憩室更易合并憩室炎、穿孔、出血、梗阻等并发症。气囊辅助式小肠镜对Meckel憩室的术前诊断价值最高,应作为疑诊小肠Meckel憩室患者的首选检查方法。


    Objective:To investigate the diagnostic value of balloon-assisted small enteroscopy and other examination methods for Meckel’s diverticulum of the small intestine. Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on 87 patients diagnosed with Meckel’s diverticulum at the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University from January 2010 to December 2023. Data regarding demographics,clinical presentations,diagnostic methods,treatments,and pathological findings were collected. Clinical characteristics were summerized,and the diagnostic efficacy of balloon-assisted small enteroscopy was compared with other examination methods for detecting Meckel’s diverticulum. Results:A total of 87 patients with Meckel’s diverticulum were included,with 55 patients had complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding,intestinal obstruction,diverticulitis,and intestinal perforation. Compared to patients without complications,those with complications had a younger median age(P=0.003),longer diverticulum diameter[(5.2 ± 2.6)cm vs. (3.3 ± 1.4)cm,P=0.001],wider opening[(2.4 ± 1.1)cm vs.(1.6 ± 0.7)cm,P=0.002],and higher surgery rate[(89.1% vs. 56.3%,P < 0.001]. The diagnostic sensitivity of different examination methods for Meckel’s diverticulum were as follows:balloon-assisted small enteroscopy 94.4%,nuclide imaging(ectopic gastric mucosal imaging)58.3%,capsule endoscopy 30.0%,small intestine CT 9.4%, abdominal CT 8.2%,and digital subtraction angiography 0%. Conclusion:Young patients with longer diverticulum diameter and wider opening of small intestine Meckel’s diverticulumin are more prone to complications such as diverticulitis,perforation,bleeding,and obstruction. Balloon-assisted small enteroscopy has the highest preoperative diagnostic value for Meckel’s diverticulum and should be the preferred examination method for patients suspected of having small intestine Meckel’s diverticulum.

  • Meckel憩室是胚胎发育过程中卵黄管未完全闭合形成的最常见的先天性消化道畸形[1]。大部分 Meckel憩室患者无临床症状,约4%的患者会发生消化道出血、憩室炎、肠穿孔或肠梗阻等并发症,表现为消化道出血、腹痛、停止排气排便等,需要手术治疗[2]。 Meckel憩室常发生于回肠下段,由于小肠冗长重叠、不固定等解剖特点,术前诊断较为困难[3]。近年来,气囊辅助式小肠镜的使用实现了小肠图像可视化,为小肠疾病诊断提供了有效的诊断工具。本研究通过回顾性分析南京医科大学第一附属医院诊断为 Meckel憩室患者的临床资料,总结归纳Meckel憩室的临床特征,比较包括气囊辅助式小肠镜在内的不同检查方法对小肠Meckel憩室的诊断灵敏度,以评估其临床应用价值。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 回顾性分析2010年1月—2023年12月于南京医科大学第一附属医院确诊为小肠Meckel憩室的87例患者,纳入标准为:经影像学、内镜、手术等诊断为小肠Meckel憩室[4-8] 且年龄≥14岁的患者,排除临床资料不完整的患者。本研究通过医院伦理委员会审核批准 (2023⁃SR⁃906),并知情同意。

  • 1.2 方法

  • 诊断小肠 Meckel 憩室的方法包括腹部或小肠电子计算机断层扫描(computed tomography,CT)、数字减影血管造影、核素显像(异位胃黏膜显像)、胶囊内镜、气囊辅助式小肠镜、手术等,各种方法对 Meckel憩室的诊断标准如下:腹部或小肠CT显示与末端回肠相连的盲端样结构[4];数字减影血管造影见来源于肠系膜上动脉回肠末分支的卵黄动脉[5]; 核素显像可见位于中下腹部相对固定的锝(99m Tc) 异常放射浓聚灶,并且与胃摄取同步[6];胶囊内镜显示双腔征或胶囊滞留在异常的盲端段小肠[7];气囊辅助式小肠镜下见双腔征,可以合并溃疡、异位胃黏膜[8];开腹或腹腔镜手术中见到肠系膜对侧回肠肠管上突出的憩室样结构。

  • 采用以下2种指标评价各种检查方法的诊断价值:诊断灵敏度,为某种检查方法检出 Meckel 憩室例数与总检查例数的比值;诊断获益率,定义为检出 Meckel 憩室例数及其他重要发现例数之和与总检查例数的比值[9]

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 采用 SPSS 26.0 统计软件对数据进行整理分析。计量资料经正态性检验,符合正态分布的数据以均数±标准差(x-±s)表示,组间比较采用t检验或方差分析;非正态分布的数据以中位数(四分位数) [MP25P75)]表示,组间比较采用非参数检验。计数资料以例(百分率)[n(%)]表示,两组间比较采用卡方检验,多组间比较采用Bonferroni法多重比较。 P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 一般临床资料

  • 87例确诊为小肠Meckel 憩室的患者,其中,男 61例(70.1%),女26例(29.9%),中位年龄35岁。少年组(14~17 岁)13 例(14.9%),青年组(18~39 岁) 34 例(39.1%),占比最多,中年组(40~59岁)及老年组(≥60岁)各20例(23.0%)。55例患者因便血、腹痛、停止排气排便等就诊,诊断为Meckel憩室合并消化道出血、憩室炎、肠穿孔、肠梗阻等并发症。32例因其他原因行腹部手术或疑诊克罗恩病行小肠镜检查时偶然发现。

  • 2.2 Meckel憩室并发症分析

  • 55例 Meckel 憩室伴并发症的患者中,少年组 (14~17 岁)13 例(23.6%),青年组(18~39 岁)22 例 (40.0%),中年组(40~59 岁)11 例(20.0%),老年组 (≥60岁)9例(16.4%)。消化道出血最为常见,占所有并发症的比例为 54.5%(30/55),其次为肠梗阻 25.5%(14/55),憩室炎20.0%(11/55),8例合并憩室炎患者因透壁性炎发生坏疽穿孔。此外,2例合并消化道出血的患者继发肠梗阻。与无并发症的患者相比,有并发症的患者在性别、憩室距回盲瓣距离方面差异无统计学意义,但中位年龄较小(P= 0.003),憩室直径更长[(5.2±2.6)cm vs.(3.3±1.4)cm, P=0.001],开口更宽[(2.4±1.1)cm vs.(1.6±0.7)cm, P=0.002],手术率也更高(89.1% vs.56.3%,P <0.001),见表1。并发症组 Meckel 憩室病理示异位胃黏膜组织比例为 22%(11/50),高于无并发症组,但差异无统计学意义(P=0.055)。值得注意的是,11 例存在异位胃黏膜组织的 Meckel 憩室均合并消化道出血。

  • 将55例有并发症的患者分为消化道出血、肠梗阻和憩室炎3组。结果提示,Meckel憩室合并消化道出血组的术前诊断率高于肠梗阻组(76.0% vs.7.1%,P <0.05)。消化道出血组术后病理示异位胃黏膜组织率为42.3%,显著高于肠梗阻组和憩室炎组(P=0.001,表1)。

  • 表1 Meckel憩室合并并发症分析

  • Table1 Analysis of complications associated with Meckel’s diverticulum

  • a:Diverticulitis(combined gastrointestinal perforation or not);b:P⁃value comparing intestinal obstruction,gastrointestinal bleeding,and diverticu⁃ litis;c:P⁃value comparing the groups with and without complications;d:The gastrointestinal bleeding and intestinal obstruction groups differed from one another after multiple comparisons using Bonferroni’s method(P <0.05);e:The gastrointestinal bleeding and diverticulitis groups differed from one another after multiple comparisons using Bonferroni’s method(P <0.05);f:There was a difference between the groups with gastrointestinal bleed⁃ ing and intestinal obstruction(P <0.05)and gastrointestinal bleeding and diverticulitis(P <0.05)after multiple comparisons using the Bonferroni’s method.

  • 2.3 不同检查方法对Meckel憩室的诊断价值

  • 研究评估了6种不同的检查方法对小肠Meckel 憩室的诊断价值,计算各种方法的诊断灵敏度。结果如下:腹部 CT8.2%(4/49);小肠 CT9.4%(3/32); 数字减影血管造影0(0/9);核素显像58.3%(7/12); 胶囊内镜 30.0%(3/10);气囊辅助式小肠镜 94.4% (34/36,表2)。

  • 此外,腹部 CT 有 4 例提示不明原因的肠壁增厚、1例肠腔内占位,诊断获益率为18.4%(9/49);小肠CT发现2例肠壁增厚、1例肠腔狭窄、4例腔内占位以及 1 例肠套叠梗阻,诊断获益率为 34.4%(11/ 32);胶囊内镜2例发现回肠溃疡、1例腔内占位,诊断获益率为60.0%(6/10)。

  • 由此可见,气囊辅助式小肠镜对Meckel憩室的诊断灵敏度最高,仅有2例因进镜困难未能顺利达到憩室位置而漏诊。此外,15例患者在小肠镜检查中发现憩室旁或憩室内溃疡,1例见异位胃黏膜样结构,1例见黏膜桥,1例见活动性出血并行内镜下钛夹止血治疗。

  • 2.4 临床结局

  • 有67例Meckel憩室患者接受手术治疗,腹腔镜手术16例,开腹手术51例,包括急诊开腹探查21例,术前仅21例明确诊断Meckel憩室。另外20例未手术患者中,14例为偶然发现的无并发症的Meckel憩室患者,5例合并消化道出血,1例合并憩室炎,经保守治疗后好转。对手术切除的 Meckel 憩室标本进行病理分析,发现异位组织15例,包括胃黏膜组织 11例,胰腺组织4例。

  • 表2 不同检查方法对Meckel’s憩室诊断的价值

  • Table2 The diagnostic value of different examination methods for Meckel’s diverticulum

  • 3 讨论

  • 1933年,Charles Mayo将Meckel憩室描述为“一种经常被怀疑,经常被寻找,但很少被发现的疾病”。Meckel憩室具有“2”的特点,即人群患病率约 2%,男女比例约2∶1,2%的Meckel憩室有症状,症状最常出现于2岁前,憩室距离回盲瓣平均60.96 cm,憩室平均长 5.08 cm,平均宽 2 cm,最常见 2 种异位组织(胃黏膜组织异位、胰腺组织异位)[10]。本研究的结果与上述报道基本一致,但憩室距回盲瓣的平均距离更远(71.6±26.6)cm。本研究还发现,年轻患者、憩室直径长、开口宽的小肠 Meckel 憩室更易合并消化道出血、憩室炎、穿孔、梗阻等并发症,若 Meckel憩室病理存在异位胃黏膜组织,则更易发生消化道出血。

  • Meckel憩室是年龄<40岁患者小肠出血的主要病因[11]。合并并发症的 Meckel 憩室需要尽早明确诊断,以减少不明病因的开腹探查、更具针对性地制定手术方案。目前诊断Meckel憩室的方法很多,包括核素显像、腹部或小肠CT、数字减影血管造影、胶囊内镜、气囊辅助式小肠镜等。既往研究表明,核素显像(异位胃黏膜显像)在儿童 Meckel 憩室中的诊断准确率较高,可作为 Meckel 憩室的首选检查[12]。但近年众多研究证实其对成人的诊断价值并不高,且存在假阳性[13-15]。核素扫描检查Mechel 憩室的原理是利用异位的胃壁细胞摄取放射性示踪剂99m Tc成像。有研究指出,由于活动性出血时示踪剂的异常摄取可被洗脱,因此不宜在活动性出血时进行,以上均限制了其临床应用[6]。腹部或小肠 CT虽然对Meckel憩室诊断的灵敏度不高,但可以帮助诊断肠梗阻、穿孔等并发症,发现肠壁增厚、炎症等异常表现,同时评估整个腹腔状况,为后续手术方案的选择提供依据,作为小肠Meckel憩室的辅助检查方法有其独特价值[16-17]。数字减影血管造影诊断难点在于区分持续显影的卵黄动脉及超选回肠动脉的分支,需要操作者具有较高的临床经验[18]。胶囊内镜对Meckel憩室的诊断价值不高,还存在胶囊行进无法控制、胶囊滞留风险等缺点[19],本研究其诊断灵敏度仅30.0%,不作为Meckel憩室合并并发症的推荐检查。

  • 由于 Meckel 憩室 90%发生于距回盲瓣 100 cm 以内的回肠下段[9],逆行小肠镜平均插入深度在100~150 cm之间,基本可以到达病灶,在本研究中,仅 2 例(5.6%)患者因进镜困难未能达到病变部位。既往研究证实,气囊辅助式小肠镜对Meckel憩室定位诊断具有较高准确性[20],还可检出无症状憩室,发现溃疡、出血等病变,同时行内镜下干预[21],对Meckel 憩室的诊断、治疗有着重要的辅助价值,应作为疑诊小肠Meckel憩室患者的首选术前检查方法。

  • 本研究也存在一定的局限性,回顾性分析仅包括了明确诊断的Meckel憩室患者,无法纳入疑似患者,从而难以计算各项检查的特异度。且无法纳入大量无症状而未诊疗的患者,相关样本量较少。未来需要前瞻性、更大样本量的研究,以更加准确地评估整个群体的临床特征以及各项检查对小肠 Meckel憩室的诊断价值。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] CHOI S,HONG S S,PARK H J,et al.The many faces of Meckel’s diverticulum and its complications[J].J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol,2017,61(2):225-231

    • [2] JARAMILLO C,JENSEN M K,MCCLAIN A,et al.Clinical diagnostic predictive score for Meckel diverticulum[J].J Pediatr Surg,2021,56(9):1673-1677

    • [3] BRUNGARDT J G,CUMMISKEY B R,SCHROPP K P.Meckel’s diverticulum:a national surgical quality improvement program survey in adults comparing diverticu-lectomy and small bowel resection[J].Am Surg,2021,87(6):892-896

    • [4] CHEN Y,TANG Y,HU C,et al.Bleeding Meckel diverticulum:a retrospective analysis of computed tomography en-terography findings[J].J Comput Assist Tomogr,2019,43(2):220-227

    • [5] MALLIGIANNIS N D,MALOULA R N,MALLIGIANNIS N K,et al.Anatomical variations of vascular anatomy in Meckel’s diverticulum[J].Acta Med Acad,2022,51(3):243-248

    • [6] IRVINE I,DOHERTY A,HAYES R.Bleeding Meckel’s diverticulum:a study of the accuracy of pertechnetate scintigraphy as a diagnostic tool[J].Eur J Radiol,2017,96:27-30

    • [7] WU J,HUANG Z,WU H,et al.The diagnostic value of video capsule endoscopy for Meckel’s diverticulum in children[J].Rev Esp Enferm Dig.2020,112(6):429-433

    • [8] YANG J,CHEN Z,FAN Y,et al.Endoscopic characteristics of Meckel’s diverticulum in adults:a retrospective case-series from two tertiary general hospitals in China[J].Scand J Gastroenterol,2023,58(7):805-812

    • [9] HONG S N,JANG H J,YE B D,et al.Diagnosis of bleed⁃ing Meckel’s diverticulum in adults[J].PLoS One,2016,11(9):e0162615

    • [10] CHATTERJEE A,HARMATH C,VENDRAMI C L,et al.Reminiscing on remnants:imaging of Meckel diverticulum and its complications in adults[J].Am J Roentgenol,2017,209(5):W287-W296

    • [11] 中华医学会消化内镜学分会小肠镜和胶囊内镜学组,国家消化系统疾病临床医学研究中心(上海).中国小肠出血内镜诊治专家共识意见(2023版)[J].中华消化内镜杂志,2023,40(12):949-960

    • [12] 汪锋,赖晓峰,张建平,等.小儿梅克尔憩室并发出血12例的诊断和外科处理[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2009,29(2):250-251

    • [13] CHOU J W,CHUNG C S,HUANG T Y,et al.Meckel’s diverticulum diagnosed by balloon-assisted enteroscopy:a multicenter report from the taiwan association for the study of small intestinal diseases(TASSID)[J].Gastroen-terol Res Pract,2021,2021:9574737

    • [14] YAN P,JIANG S.Tc ⁃ 99m scan for pediatric bleeding Meckel diverticulum:a systematic review and meta⁃analysis[J].J Pediatr(Rio J),2023,99(5):425-431

    • [15] MCDONALD J S,HORST K K,THACKER P G,et al.Meckel diverticulum in the pediatric population:patient presentation and performance of imaging in prospective diagnosis[J].Clin Imaging,2022,91:37-44

    • [16] TANG X B,WANG X,MA Y,et al.Radiological and clinical characteristics of intussuscepted,inverting,and inverted Meckel’s diverticulum:a case series[J].Eur J Radiol,2022,157:110611

    • [17] GAMBARDELLA M,SMALDONE M,IAZZETTA F,et al.Preoperative CT diagnosis of perforated Meckel ’s diverticulitis in a young patient:a case report[J].J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol.2023,35(1⁃2):93-97

    • [18] BALTES P,DRAY X,RICCIONI M E,et al.Small⁃bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with Meckel’s diverticulum:clinical features,diagnostic workup,and findings.A european multicenter I⁃CARE study[J].Gastrointest En-dosc,2023,97(5):917-926

    • [19] ENG N L,KULAYLAT A,JEGANATHAN N A,et al.Meckel’s diverticulum charading as Crohn’s disease:a single ⁃institution case series[J].Cureus,2023,15(4):e38191

    • [20] 肖年军,宁守斌,金晓维,等.经肛气囊辅助小肠镜对成人梅克尔憩室术前诊断的价值[J].中华消化内镜杂志,2019,36(11):852-854

    • [21] JIA X,MA T,LIU G,et al.Inverted Meckel diverticulum diagnosed,treated,and followed up by enteroscopy[J].Am J Gastroenterol,2023,118(6):927

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    • [7] WU J,HUANG Z,WU H,et al.The diagnostic value of video capsule endoscopy for Meckel’s diverticulum in children[J].Rev Esp Enferm Dig.2020,112(6):429-433

    • [8] YANG J,CHEN Z,FAN Y,et al.Endoscopic characteristics of Meckel’s diverticulum in adults:a retrospective case-series from two tertiary general hospitals in China[J].Scand J Gastroenterol,2023,58(7):805-812

    • [9] HONG S N,JANG H J,YE B D,et al.Diagnosis of bleed⁃ing Meckel’s diverticulum in adults[J].PLoS One,2016,11(9):e0162615

    • [10] CHATTERJEE A,HARMATH C,VENDRAMI C L,et al.Reminiscing on remnants:imaging of Meckel diverticulum and its complications in adults[J].Am J Roentgenol,2017,209(5):W287-W296

    • [11] 中华医学会消化内镜学分会小肠镜和胶囊内镜学组,国家消化系统疾病临床医学研究中心(上海).中国小肠出血内镜诊治专家共识意见(2023版)[J].中华消化内镜杂志,2023,40(12):949-960

    • [12] 汪锋,赖晓峰,张建平,等.小儿梅克尔憩室并发出血12例的诊断和外科处理[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2009,29(2):250-251

    • [13] CHOU J W,CHUNG C S,HUANG T Y,et al.Meckel’s diverticulum diagnosed by balloon-assisted enteroscopy:a multicenter report from the taiwan association for the study of small intestinal diseases(TASSID)[J].Gastroen-terol Res Pract,2021,2021:9574737

    • [14] YAN P,JIANG S.Tc ⁃ 99m scan for pediatric bleeding Meckel diverticulum:a systematic review and meta⁃analysis[J].J Pediatr(Rio J),2023,99(5):425-431

    • [15] MCDONALD J S,HORST K K,THACKER P G,et al.Meckel diverticulum in the pediatric population:patient presentation and performance of imaging in prospective diagnosis[J].Clin Imaging,2022,91:37-44

    • [16] TANG X B,WANG X,MA Y,et al.Radiological and clinical characteristics of intussuscepted,inverting,and inverted Meckel’s diverticulum:a case series[J].Eur J Radiol,2022,157:110611

    • [17] GAMBARDELLA M,SMALDONE M,IAZZETTA F,et al.Preoperative CT diagnosis of perforated Meckel ’s diverticulitis in a young patient:a case report[J].J Basic Clin Physiol Pharmacol.2023,35(1⁃2):93-97

    • [18] BALTES P,DRAY X,RICCIONI M E,et al.Small⁃bowel capsule endoscopy in patients with Meckel’s diverticulum:clinical features,diagnostic workup,and findings.A european multicenter I⁃CARE study[J].Gastrointest En-dosc,2023,97(5):917-926

    • [19] ENG N L,KULAYLAT A,JEGANATHAN N A,et al.Meckel’s diverticulum charading as Crohn’s disease:a single ⁃institution case series[J].Cureus,2023,15(4):e38191

    • [20] 肖年军,宁守斌,金晓维,等.经肛气囊辅助小肠镜对成人梅克尔憩室术前诊断的价值[J].中华消化内镜杂志,2019,36(11):852-854

    • [21] JIA X,MA T,LIU G,et al.Inverted Meckel diverticulum diagnosed,treated,and followed up by enteroscopy[J].Am J Gastroenterol,2023,118(6):927