







参考文献 1
KIMURA H,KWONG Y L.EBV viral loads in diagnosis,monitoring,and response assessment[J].Front Oncol,2019,9:62
参考文献 2
KINGMA D W,WEISS W B,JAFFE E S,et al.Epstein⁃ Barr virus latent membrane protein⁃1 oncogene deletions:correlations with malignancy in Epstein⁃Barr virus⁃associ⁃ ated lymphoproliferative disorders and malignant lympho⁃ mas[J].Blood,1996,88(1):242-251
参考文献 3
EICHENAUER D A,ALEMAN B M P,ANDRÉ M,et al.Hodgkin lymphoma:ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis,treatment and follow ⁃ up[J].Ann Oncol,2018,29:iv19-iv29
参考文献 4
SKOETZ N,TRELLE S,RANCEA M,et al.Effect of ini⁃ tial treatment strategy on survival of patients with ad⁃ vanced ⁃ stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma:a systematic review and network meta ⁃ analysis[J].Lancet Oncol,2013,14(10):943-952
参考文献 5
GANDHI M K,LAMBLEY E,BURROWS J,et al.Plasma Epstein ⁃Barr virus(EBV)DNA is a biomarker for EBV ⁃ positive Hodgkin’s lymphoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2016,12(2):460-464
参考文献 6
LEI K I,CHAN L Y,CHAN W Y,et al.Quantitative anal⁃ ysis of circulating cell ⁃ free Epstein ⁃ Barr virus(EBV)DNA levels in patients with EBV⁃associated lymphoid ma⁃ lignancies[J].Br J Haematol,2000,111(1):239-246
参考文献 7
SWERDLOW S H,CAMPO E,HARRIS N L.WHO clas⁃ sifcation of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tis⁃ sues.World Health Organization Classifcation of Tumours [M].4th ed.Lyon:International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC),2008:77-83
参考文献 8
CHESON B D,FISHER R I,BARRINGTON S F,et al.Recommendations for initial evaluation,staging,and re⁃ sponse assessment of Hodgkin and non⁃Hodgkin lympho⁃ ma:the Lugano classification[J].J Clin Oncol,2014,32(27):3059-3068
参考文献 9
ASANO N,YAMAMOTO K,TAMARU J,et al.Age⁃relat⁃ ed Epstein⁃Barr virus(EBV)⁃associated B⁃cell lymphop⁃ roliferative disorders:comparison with EBV⁃positive clas⁃ sic Hodgkin lymphoma in elderly patients[J].Blood,2009,113(12):2629-2636
参考文献 10
LIANG J H,LU T X,TIAN T,et al.Epstein ⁃ Barr virus(EBV)DNA in whole blood as a superior prognostic and monitoring factor than EBV ⁃ encoded small RNA in situ hybridization in diffuse large B ⁃ cell lymphoma[J].Clin Microbiol Infect,2015,21(6):596-602
参考文献 11
LIANG J H,LU L,ZHU H Y,et al.The prognostic role of circulating Epstein⁃Barr virus DNA copy number in angio⁃ immunoblastic T⁃cell lymphoma treated with dose⁃adjust⁃ ed EPOCH[J].Cancer Res Treat,2019,51(1):150-157
参考文献 12
LIANG J H,WANG L,PETER GALE R,et al.Efficacy of pegaspargase,etoposide,methotrexate and dexametha⁃ sone in newly diagnosed advanced⁃stage extra⁃nodal natu⁃ ral killer/T⁃cell lymphoma with the analysis of the progno⁃ sis of whole blood EBV⁃DNA[J].Blood Cancer J,2017,7(9):e608
参考文献 13
KANAKRY J A,HEGDE A M,DURAND C M,et al.The clinical significance of EBV DNA in the plasma and pe⁃ ripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with or with⁃ out EBV diseases[J].Blood,2016,127(16):2007-2017
参考文献 14
HOHAUS S,SANTANGELO R,GIACHELIA M,et al.The viral load of Epstein⁃Barr virus(EBV)DNA in periph⁃ eral blood predicts for biological and clinical characteris⁃ tics in Hodgkin lymphoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(9):2885-2892
参考文献 15
KANAKRY J A,LI H,GELLERT L L,et al.Plasma Ep⁃ stein⁃Barr virus DNA predicts outcome in advanced Hodg⁃ kin lymphoma:correlative analysis from a large North American cooperative group trial[J].Blood,2013,121(18):3547-3553
参考文献 16
KIM S J,YOON D H,JACCARD A,et al.A prognostic in⁃ dex for natural killer cell lymphoma after non ⁃ anthracy⁃ cline ⁃based treatment:a multicentre,retrospective analy⁃ sis[J].Lancet Oncol,2016,17(3):389-400


    目的:探讨治疗前全血EB病毒DNA(Epstein⁃Barr virus DNA,EBV DNA)水平对初诊霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin lym⁃ phoma,HL)患者预后意义。方法:对2013年1月—2019年12月于南京医科大学第一附属医院确诊的82例HL患者的资料进行回顾性分析。结果:82例患者中,中位年龄为32(12~79)岁,中位随访时间为25(4~84)个月,2年的无进展生存(progression⁃ free survival,PFS)率及总生存(overall survival,OS)率分别为 68.4%和 93.0%。其中 EBV DNA 阳性率为 12.2%(10 例),中位 EBV DNA 拷贝数为 8.66×103(5.21×103 ~5.35×104 )拷贝/mL。治疗前 EBV DNA 阳性患者有较差的 PFS(P =0.003)及 OS(P < 0.001)。多因素分析结果显示,治疗前EBV DNA阳性是影响OS的独立不良预后因素(P =0.027),而其虽不是PFS的独立预后因素,但呈现一定的影响趋势(P =0.056)。结论:治疗前全血EBV DNA水平是判断HL患者预后的指标。


    Objective:The aim of this study was to explore whether pretreatment Epstein ⁃Barr virus DNA(EBV DNA)status may influence prognosis in newly diagnosed Hodgkin lymphoma(HL)patients. Methods:We retrospectively analyzed 82 HL patients diagnosed between January 2013 and November 2019 in the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University. Results:Among 82 enrolled HL patients,the median age was 32 years(range,12⁃79). With a median follow⁃up of 25 months(4⁃84 months),the 2⁃year progression⁃free survival(PFS)and overall survival(OS)was 68.4% and 93.0%,respectively,and 12.2%(10/82)patients had positive EBV DNA status. The median viral load of them was 8.66×103 copies/mL(range,5.21×103 ⁃5.35×104 copies/mL). Those with positive EBV DNA status had inferior PFS(P =0.003)as well as OS(P < 0.001). Baseline EBV DNA status was observed as an independent prognostic factor in OS(P =0.027)on multivariate Cox analysis while had a trend to predict PFS(P =0.056). Conclusion:Our data demonstrated that pertreatment EBV DNA status can be an optimal biomaker to reflect HL patients prognosis.

  • 长期EB病毒(Epstein⁃Barr virus,EBV)感染可导致多种肿瘤的发生与发展[1],国内外已有多篇报道阐明了EBV与淋巴瘤之间的相关性,其中就包括霍奇金淋巴瘤(Hodgkin lymphoma,HL)[2]。HL发生率在亚洲地区较低,仅占淋巴瘤发生率的8.5%,而西方国家相对较高,占比15%~30%[3]。经过一线方案治疗,80%~90%HL患者可达到长期缓解[3-4]

  • 近1/3确诊HL的患者可检测到潜伏EBV感染[5]。现今,通过聚合酶链反应(PCR)动态监测外周血EBV DNA定量被广泛用于评估EBV相关淋巴瘤的治疗效果及疾病预后[6]

  • 本中心通过检测82例初诊HL患者全血EBV DNA的结果,分析其对患者生存的影响。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 本研究共纳入2013年1月—2019年12月于南京医科大学第一附属医院确诊的82例HL患者。诊断标准参考2008年世界卫生组织(WHO)淋巴造血系统肿瘤分类标准[7]

  • 1.2 方法

  • 收集患者的性别、年龄、症状、体征、实验室检查[血常规、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、EBV DNA定量]、 HL组织学亚型、影像学资料、治疗方案及生存情况。

  • EBV DNA>5×103 拷贝数/mL视为EBV DNA阳性。依照Ann Arbor标准进行疾病分期。HL国际预后评分(international prognostic score,IPS)进行预后分层。

  • 所有患者一线均接受多柔比星、博来霉素、长春碱、达卡巴嗪(doxorubicin,bleomycin,vinblastine, dacarbazine,ABVD)方案化疗,中位化疗6个周期。疗效评估参考2014Lugano标准[8],分为完全缓解 (complete response,CR)、部分缓解(partial response, PR)、病情稳定(stable disease,SD)和病情进展(pro⁃ gressive disease,PD)。

  • 本研究中无进展生存时间(progression⁃free sur⁃ vival,PFS)定义为确诊时间至疾病复发、患者死亡或末次随访时间。总生存时间(overall survival,OS)定义为从疾病确诊时间到死亡(任何原因)或末次随访的时间。

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 应用SPSS 25.0、Graphpad Prism 8.0软件进行统计学分析,皮尔逊卡方检验及Fisher精确概率法进行特征性分析,Kaplan⁃Meier法绘制生存曲线,Log⁃ rank检验进行单因素及多因素生存分析,P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 患者基线临床特征

  • 82例HL患者临床特征详见表1,年龄(12~79)岁,中位年龄为32岁,其中52例(63.4%)为男性,25例 (30.5%)≥45岁,根据病理组织学分型,37例 (45.1%)为结节硬化型,13例(15.9%)为混合细胞型,6例(7.3%)为淋巴细胞为主型。白蛋白<40g/L有45例(54.9%),血红蛋白<105 g/L有20例(24.4%),白细胞增多≥5×109/L有15例(18.3%),淋巴细胞数<0.6×109/L或比例<8%有12例(14.6%)。根据IPS评分,IPS≥4分者有18例(22.0%)。总纳入的82例初诊HL患者中,治疗前EBV DNA阳性者有10例 (12.2%),中位EBV DNA拷贝数为8.66×103(5.21× 103~5.35×104)拷贝/mL。EBV DNA阳性组与阴性组基线特征在年龄≥45岁(P=0.001)及组织学类型(P=0.003)方面存在差异。

  • 2.2 治疗前EBV DNA状态对HL患者预后影响

  • 随防时间4~84个月,中位随访25个月,2年PFS率及OS率分别为68.4%和93.0%。将EBV DNA阳性及阴性组进行生存分析,EBV DNA阳性组预后差, PFS(P=0.003)及OS(P< 0.001)均有统计学差异,生存曲线见图1。单因素生存分析结果示,疾病分期Ⅳ 期、年龄 ≥45岁、血红蛋白<105g/L、IPS ≥4分、EBV DNA阳性有较差的PFS;患者有B症状、年龄 ≥45岁、 IPS≥4分、EBV DNA阳性有较差的OS。多因素生存分析示,治疗前EBV DNA阳性(P=0.027)、IPS ≥4分 (P=0.013)是影响OS的独立预后不良因素。 IPS ≥4分 (P=0.015)证实为PFS的独立预后因素,而EBV DNA阳性仅呈现一定的影响趋势(P=0.056),单因素及多因素结果详见表2、3。

  • 表1 HL患者的基线临床特征

  • Table1 Clinical characteristics of HL patients

  • 3 讨论

  • 全世界90%以上人口在其一生中都有过EBV感染,无论初次感染严重程度如何,EBV在外周血记忆B细胞中可持续潜伏存在[9],此种机制尚未完全明确,大多数学者认为可能是细胞毒性T细胞功能受损而导致其在杀伤肿瘤细胞过程中发挥作用受限[9]。在临床工作中,对于EBV的检测包括EBV相关核抗原、潜伏膜蛋白、EBV DNA等。EBV DNA拷贝数可直观反映病毒活动度,动态监测其变化可反映肿瘤负荷变化、疾病控制程度及预后。

  • 图1 82例HL患者的无进展生存(A)及总生存(B)Kaplan⁃Meier生存曲线

  • Fig.1 Kaplan⁃Meier curve of PFS(A)and OS(B)in 82HL patients

  • 表2 HL患者无进展生存(PFS)及总生存(OS)单因素分析

  • Table2 Univariate analysis of PFS and OS in HL patients

  • 表3 HL患者无进展生存(PFS)及总生存(OS)多因素分析

  • Table3 Multivariate analysis of PFS and OS in HL patients

  • 治疗前EBV DNA即为阳性的HL患者中,中位病毒载量为8.66×103(5.21×103~5.35×104)拷贝/mL,相对于我中心的弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤(diffuse large B⁃cell lymphoma,DLBCL)[3.70×106(6.23×103~4.72× 107)拷贝/mL],血管免疫母T细胞淋巴瘤(angioim⁃ munoblastic T⁃cell lymphoma,AITL)[7.20×105(8.36× 103~5.58×106)拷贝/mL]及结外NK ⁃T细胞淋巴瘤 (extra⁃nodal natural killer/T⁃cell lymphoma,ENKTL) [2.68×104(5.36×103~3.30×107)拷贝/mL]而言,病毒复制数偏低[10-12]

  • 因EBV DNA可通过PCR定量检测,在HL治疗过程中,通过动态监测EBV DNA阳性患者的EBV DNA拷贝数的变化可间接反映原发病控制情况, EBV DNA的持续降低说明肿瘤负荷下降,疾病治疗反应好且伴有良好的预后。相反,若EBV DNA长期高水平复制,则多导致疾病的早期复发或进展[1013]。参考本中心对DLBCL患者治疗过程中EBV DNA的动态监测,发现若一线化疗3周期后检测EBV DNA<5×103 拷贝数/mL,初始阳性患者预后与阴性患者并无差异[10],而在HL的化疗中,第几疗程时EBV DNA的转阴意味着无差异的预后值得进一步分析探讨。

  • 本研究中,治疗前EBV DNA阳性患者的PFS及OS与阴性者相比有显著差异(P=0.003和P<0.001),与国外多项研究结果一致[14-15],且多因素分析结果示EBV DNA可作为HL患者OS的独立预后因素。 EBV DNA已明确为ENKTL的独立预后因素并加入其预后积分系统(prognostic index of natural killer lymphoma,PINK⁃E)[16],而对晚期HL患者的预后评估体系仍沿用IPS系统,IPS联合EBV DNA的积分分析体系是否有更优越的预后预测作用需后续进一步完善分析。

  • 总之,本中心的分析数据表明,治疗前EBV DNA的状态对HL患者的PFS及OS均存在显著性差异,且其可作为一独立预后因素影响OS。本研究分析的限制性主要有其标本量较少,且采用回顾性分析,需后续前瞻性大样本研究进一步证实。监测EBV DNA在HL患者中的动态演变对治疗效果及生存的影响,探索HL新预后积分系统也有待进一步完善。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] KIMURA H,KWONG Y L.EBV viral loads in diagnosis,monitoring,and response assessment[J].Front Oncol,2019,9:62

    • [2] KINGMA D W,WEISS W B,JAFFE E S,et al.Epstein⁃ Barr virus latent membrane protein⁃1 oncogene deletions:correlations with malignancy in Epstein⁃Barr virus⁃associ⁃ ated lymphoproliferative disorders and malignant lympho⁃ mas[J].Blood,1996,88(1):242-251

    • [3] EICHENAUER D A,ALEMAN B M P,ANDRÉ M,et al.Hodgkin lymphoma:ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis,treatment and follow ⁃ up[J].Ann Oncol,2018,29:iv19-iv29

    • [4] SKOETZ N,TRELLE S,RANCEA M,et al.Effect of ini⁃ tial treatment strategy on survival of patients with ad⁃ vanced ⁃ stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma:a systematic review and network meta ⁃ analysis[J].Lancet Oncol,2013,14(10):943-952

    • [5] GANDHI M K,LAMBLEY E,BURROWS J,et al.Plasma Epstein ⁃Barr virus(EBV)DNA is a biomarker for EBV ⁃ positive Hodgkin’s lymphoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2016,12(2):460-464

    • [6] LEI K I,CHAN L Y,CHAN W Y,et al.Quantitative anal⁃ ysis of circulating cell ⁃ free Epstein ⁃ Barr virus(EBV)DNA levels in patients with EBV⁃associated lymphoid ma⁃ lignancies[J].Br J Haematol,2000,111(1):239-246

    • [7] SWERDLOW S H,CAMPO E,HARRIS N L.WHO clas⁃ sifcation of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tis⁃ sues.World Health Organization Classifcation of Tumours [M].4th ed.Lyon:International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC),2008:77-83

    • [8] CHESON B D,FISHER R I,BARRINGTON S F,et al.Recommendations for initial evaluation,staging,and re⁃ sponse assessment of Hodgkin and non⁃Hodgkin lympho⁃ ma:the Lugano classification[J].J Clin Oncol,2014,32(27):3059-3068

    • [9] ASANO N,YAMAMOTO K,TAMARU J,et al.Age⁃relat⁃ ed Epstein⁃Barr virus(EBV)⁃associated B⁃cell lymphop⁃ roliferative disorders:comparison with EBV⁃positive clas⁃ sic Hodgkin lymphoma in elderly patients[J].Blood,2009,113(12):2629-2636

    • [10] LIANG J H,LU T X,TIAN T,et al.Epstein ⁃ Barr virus(EBV)DNA in whole blood as a superior prognostic and monitoring factor than EBV ⁃ encoded small RNA in situ hybridization in diffuse large B ⁃ cell lymphoma[J].Clin Microbiol Infect,2015,21(6):596-602

    • [11] LIANG J H,LU L,ZHU H Y,et al.The prognostic role of circulating Epstein⁃Barr virus DNA copy number in angio⁃ immunoblastic T⁃cell lymphoma treated with dose⁃adjust⁃ ed EPOCH[J].Cancer Res Treat,2019,51(1):150-157

    • [12] LIANG J H,WANG L,PETER GALE R,et al.Efficacy of pegaspargase,etoposide,methotrexate and dexametha⁃ sone in newly diagnosed advanced⁃stage extra⁃nodal natu⁃ ral killer/T⁃cell lymphoma with the analysis of the progno⁃ sis of whole blood EBV⁃DNA[J].Blood Cancer J,2017,7(9):e608

    • [13] KANAKRY J A,HEGDE A M,DURAND C M,et al.The clinical significance of EBV DNA in the plasma and pe⁃ ripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with or with⁃ out EBV diseases[J].Blood,2016,127(16):2007-2017

    • [14] HOHAUS S,SANTANGELO R,GIACHELIA M,et al.The viral load of Epstein⁃Barr virus(EBV)DNA in periph⁃ eral blood predicts for biological and clinical characteris⁃ tics in Hodgkin lymphoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(9):2885-2892

    • [15] KANAKRY J A,LI H,GELLERT L L,et al.Plasma Ep⁃ stein⁃Barr virus DNA predicts outcome in advanced Hodg⁃ kin lymphoma:correlative analysis from a large North American cooperative group trial[J].Blood,2013,121(18):3547-3553

    • [16] KIM S J,YOON D H,JACCARD A,et al.A prognostic in⁃ dex for natural killer cell lymphoma after non ⁃ anthracy⁃ cline ⁃based treatment:a multicentre,retrospective analy⁃ sis[J].Lancet Oncol,2016,17(3):389-400

  • 参考文献

    • [1] KIMURA H,KWONG Y L.EBV viral loads in diagnosis,monitoring,and response assessment[J].Front Oncol,2019,9:62

    • [2] KINGMA D W,WEISS W B,JAFFE E S,et al.Epstein⁃ Barr virus latent membrane protein⁃1 oncogene deletions:correlations with malignancy in Epstein⁃Barr virus⁃associ⁃ ated lymphoproliferative disorders and malignant lympho⁃ mas[J].Blood,1996,88(1):242-251

    • [3] EICHENAUER D A,ALEMAN B M P,ANDRÉ M,et al.Hodgkin lymphoma:ESMO clinical practice guidelines for diagnosis,treatment and follow ⁃ up[J].Ann Oncol,2018,29:iv19-iv29

    • [4] SKOETZ N,TRELLE S,RANCEA M,et al.Effect of ini⁃ tial treatment strategy on survival of patients with ad⁃ vanced ⁃ stage Hodgkin’s lymphoma:a systematic review and network meta ⁃ analysis[J].Lancet Oncol,2013,14(10):943-952

    • [5] GANDHI M K,LAMBLEY E,BURROWS J,et al.Plasma Epstein ⁃Barr virus(EBV)DNA is a biomarker for EBV ⁃ positive Hodgkin’s lymphoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2016,12(2):460-464

    • [6] LEI K I,CHAN L Y,CHAN W Y,et al.Quantitative anal⁃ ysis of circulating cell ⁃ free Epstein ⁃ Barr virus(EBV)DNA levels in patients with EBV⁃associated lymphoid ma⁃ lignancies[J].Br J Haematol,2000,111(1):239-246

    • [7] SWERDLOW S H,CAMPO E,HARRIS N L.WHO clas⁃ sifcation of tumours of haematopoietic and lymphoid tis⁃ sues.World Health Organization Classifcation of Tumours [M].4th ed.Lyon:International Agency for Research on Cancer(IARC),2008:77-83

    • [8] CHESON B D,FISHER R I,BARRINGTON S F,et al.Recommendations for initial evaluation,staging,and re⁃ sponse assessment of Hodgkin and non⁃Hodgkin lympho⁃ ma:the Lugano classification[J].J Clin Oncol,2014,32(27):3059-3068

    • [9] ASANO N,YAMAMOTO K,TAMARU J,et al.Age⁃relat⁃ ed Epstein⁃Barr virus(EBV)⁃associated B⁃cell lymphop⁃ roliferative disorders:comparison with EBV⁃positive clas⁃ sic Hodgkin lymphoma in elderly patients[J].Blood,2009,113(12):2629-2636

    • [10] LIANG J H,LU T X,TIAN T,et al.Epstein ⁃ Barr virus(EBV)DNA in whole blood as a superior prognostic and monitoring factor than EBV ⁃ encoded small RNA in situ hybridization in diffuse large B ⁃ cell lymphoma[J].Clin Microbiol Infect,2015,21(6):596-602

    • [11] LIANG J H,LU L,ZHU H Y,et al.The prognostic role of circulating Epstein⁃Barr virus DNA copy number in angio⁃ immunoblastic T⁃cell lymphoma treated with dose⁃adjust⁃ ed EPOCH[J].Cancer Res Treat,2019,51(1):150-157

    • [12] LIANG J H,WANG L,PETER GALE R,et al.Efficacy of pegaspargase,etoposide,methotrexate and dexametha⁃ sone in newly diagnosed advanced⁃stage extra⁃nodal natu⁃ ral killer/T⁃cell lymphoma with the analysis of the progno⁃ sis of whole blood EBV⁃DNA[J].Blood Cancer J,2017,7(9):e608

    • [13] KANAKRY J A,HEGDE A M,DURAND C M,et al.The clinical significance of EBV DNA in the plasma and pe⁃ ripheral blood mononuclear cells of patients with or with⁃ out EBV diseases[J].Blood,2016,127(16):2007-2017

    • [14] HOHAUS S,SANTANGELO R,GIACHELIA M,et al.The viral load of Epstein⁃Barr virus(EBV)DNA in periph⁃ eral blood predicts for biological and clinical characteris⁃ tics in Hodgkin lymphoma[J].Clin Cancer Res,2011,17(9):2885-2892

    • [15] KANAKRY J A,LI H,GELLERT L L,et al.Plasma Ep⁃ stein⁃Barr virus DNA predicts outcome in advanced Hodg⁃ kin lymphoma:correlative analysis from a large North American cooperative group trial[J].Blood,2013,121(18):3547-3553

    • [16] KIM S J,YOON D H,JACCARD A,et al.A prognostic in⁃ dex for natural killer cell lymphoma after non ⁃ anthracy⁃ cline ⁃based treatment:a multicentre,retrospective analy⁃ sis[J].Lancet Oncol,2016,17(3):389-400