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    目的:比较冠脉CT血流储备分数(CT⁃fractional flow reserve,FFRCT)联合斑块特征与心肌灌注显像(myocardial perfu⁃ sion imaging,MPI)对冠心病(coronary artery disease,CAD)患者主要不良心脏事件(major adverse cardiovascular events,MACE)的预测效能。方法:回顾性分析南京医科大学第一附属医院80例在3个月内完成CT血管成像(coronary computed tomography an⁃ giography,CCTA)及MPI并有完整随访资料的患者,测量FFRCT值及斑块定量特征值、总负荷积分、总积分差、相位标准差(stan⁃ dard deviation,SD)及相位直方图带宽(band width,BW)等影像参数,比较无事件组与事件组之间影像参数的差异,绘制受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线比较两种方法对MACE的预测效能。结果:11例发生MACE。与无事件组相比,事件组的FFRCT更低(P =0.009)、斑块更长(P =0.007)、非钙化斑块体积更大(P =0.026)、静息状态下舒张期SD及BW更低 (P<0.05)。ROC曲线分析示,FFRCT及斑块长度对MACE的曲线下面积为0.80、0.81,SD及BW的曲线下面积为0.62、0.56。结论:FFRCT联合斑块特征对CAD患者发生MACE的预测效能优于MPI。


    Objective:This study aims to analyze the predictive value of fractional flow reserve derived from coronary CTA(FFRCT) and plaque characteristics for major adverse cardiac events(MACE)in patients with coronary artery disease(CAD),and compare with myocardial perfusion imaging(MPI). Methods:Eighty patients with suspected CAD patients who underwent coronary CTA(CCTA) and MPI within 3 months were retrospectively enrolled and followed up. Measurement parameters included FFRCT,atherosclerosis plaque characteristics,summed stress score,summed difference score,phase standard deviation(SD),phase histogram bandwidth (BW). The differences of indicators were compared between positive MACE group and negative MACE groups. ROC curve analysis was performed to evaluate the predictive value of FFRCT combined with plaque characteristics and MPI for MACE. Results:MACE occurred in 11 patients. FFRCT,rest diastole SD(RDSD)and rest diastole BW(RDBW)in positive MACE group were significantly lower than that in negative MACE group(all P<0.05). Plaque length and non ⁃ calcified volume in patients with MACE were significantly higher(all P<0.05). The AUC of FFRCT and plaque length for prediction of MACE was 0.80 and 0.81,while the predictive value of RDSD and RDBW was 0.62 and 0.56,respectively. Conclusion:FFRCT and plaque characteristics demonstrated a higher predictive value for MACE than phase analysis of MPI in CAD patients.

  • 准确的危险度分层是冠心病精准治疗的基础[1-2]。目前,冠脉CT血管成像(coronary CT angiography, CCTA)已被公认为评估冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病(coronary artery disease,CAD)的首选无创检查方法[3],可以准确提供冠脉解剖学信息,但缺乏对心肌血供的功能学评估。近年来,基于CCTA数据应用人工智能算法获得血流储备分数(CT⁃fractional flow reserve,FFRCT)的技术已逐渐成熟,在明确冠脉解剖狭窄后,可进一步判断其与心肌缺血的关系[4-6]。此外,CCTA还可通过软件对斑块进行定量评估,有助于冠心病危险程度分层[7]

  • 心肌灌注显像(myocardial perfusion imaging, MPI)是评估心肌缺血较为传统的方法,由于空间分辨率的限制,其依靠灌注信息识别心肌缺血的敏感性较低[8]。基于MPI的相位分析技术,通过对左室心肌运动协调性的定量分析,可反映心肌局部灌注减低所引起的运动不同步。研究表明,相位分析联合心肌灌注信息对冠心病危险度分层具有价值[9-12]

  • 尽管FFRCT及MPI同样反映心肌功能学信息,但两者原理不同,前者运用流体力学的方法间接计算,而后者通过核素的摄取直接反映。因此,本研究旨在比较FFRCT联合斑块特征与MPI所获得的心肌运动分析和灌注信息对冠心病患者主要不良心脏事件(major adverse cardiovascular events,MACE) 的预测价值。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 回顾性分析2011年3月—2015年12月符合以下标准的患者。纳入标准:①临床因怀疑CAD而行CC⁃ TA,显示单支血管病变(管腔狭窄率范围40%~70%) 或两支及以上血管病变(单支管腔最狭窄率40%~70%,其他病变狭窄率<40%);②接受MPI检查(负荷+静息),且上述两种检查间隔时间<3个月;③病史资料完整,具有随访结果。排除标准:①既往行血运重建术者;②CCTA图像质量不满足FFRCT计算者。

  • 1.2 方法

  • 1.2.1 CCTA检查

  • 扫描采用Siemens公司双源CT机器(Somatom Definition,Siemens公司,德国)。所有患者检查前5min舌下含服硝酸甘油。经肘静脉注射对比剂碘普罗胺(370mgI/mL,Ultravist公司,德国),根据体重、心率和管电压个体化计算对比剂用量及注射速度(3.0~5.0mL/s),采用Bolus tracking触发扫描。扫描主要参数:管电压120/100kV,自动管电流,探测器准直为32.0mm×0.6mm,Pitch为0.20~0.43。重建参数:层厚为0.75mm,卷积核采用B30f。

  • 1.2.2 MPI检查

  • 所有患者均使用两日法行MPI。负荷MPI采用腺苷药物负荷,经肘静脉持续静脉泵注入,用药剂量为140 μg/kg,3min后静脉注射99m Tc⁃甲氧基异丁基异腈(MIBI)740MBq,60min后行门控图像采集,所用仪器为Siemens E.CAM+双探头SPECT,以心电图R波作为门控采集触发信号。所有门控采集的图像采用滤波反投影法重建,得到短轴、水平长轴和垂直长轴断层图像。隔日行静息MPI,在静息状态下经肘静脉注射99m Tc⁃MIBI 925MBq,90min后行心电图门控图像采集,图像采集及处理方法同负荷显像。

  • 1.2.3 图像分析与后处理

  • FFRCT值测量:选取图像质量较好的一期图像,使用基于机器学习的软件(Siemens cFFR,3.1.2版) 测量病变远端2cm处的FFRCT值。如1支血管内多处病变,则以最远端病变为准。当FFRCT≤0.8时认为有心肌缺血。由1名具有2年CCTA经验的影像科医师进行测量。

  • 斑块特征定量分析:使用Siemens半自动软件 (Coronary Plaque Analysis 4.3.1)对斑块进行定量分析,由1名具有2年CCTA经验的影像科医师进行测量,所测得的数据包括斑块长度、管腔体积、血管总体积、斑块总体积、非钙化斑块体积、脂质斑块体积、纤维斑块体积及钙化斑块体积(图1)。

  • MPI图像分析:使用定量灌注门控SPECT (QPS)软件分析心肌灌注图像,根据美国心脏协会 (American Heart Association,AHA)17节段评分法进行分析,心肌灌注评分标准:0分,血流灌注正常;1分,轻度减低;2分,中度减低;3分,重度减低;4分,血流灌注缺损。将负荷状态下17节段评分相加获得总负荷积分(summed stress score,SSS),SSS与总静息积分(summed rest score,SRS)相减获得总积分差(summed difference score,SDS),根据SSS及SDS结果判定:SSS<4、SDS<2为灌注正常,4≤SSS<8、 2≤SDS≤4为轻度灌注减低,8≤SSS<12、5≤SDS≤8为中度灌注减低,SSS≥12、SDS>8为重度灌注减低。

  • 采用EMORY大学心脏工具包进行相位分析技术,测定收缩期和舒张期相位时间标准差(standard difference,SD)和带宽(band width,BW)(图2)。

  • 1.2.4 随访

  • 所有患者均采用电话及查阅住院病历资料相结合的随访方式。以两种检查均完成的检查日期为随访起点,以MACE作为随访终点,主要包括心源性死亡、非致死性心肌梗死和晚期(CCTA及MPI后60d)血运重建术。

  • 图1 FFRCT及斑块特征测量示意图

  • Fig.1 Schematic diagram of plaque characteristics and fractional reserve flow measurements

  • 图2 舒张期直方图

  • Fig.2 Diastolic histogram

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 采用SPSS 23.0软件进行数据处理。经正态性检验,符合正态分布的计量资料采用均数±标准差 (x- ± s)表示,否则用中位数(四分位数)[MP25P75)] 表示,两组间比较采用两独立样本 t 检验或Mann⁃ Whitney U检验。计数资料以频数及百分比表示,使用Fisher精确检验或卡方检验进行比较。采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线分析得到的Youden指数作为最优阈值,并获得各参数预测MACE的诊断效能。P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 一般情况

  • 80例符合标准且成功完成随访者纳入研究。年龄(64.20±9.82)岁,其中男48例,左前降支(LAD)病变58例(72.5%),左回旋支(LCX)病变5例 (6.3%),右冠状动脉(RCA)病变10例(12.5%)。随访时间53.5~63.0个月中位随访时间58.3个月,随访期间共有11例(13.8%)出现MACE,皆行晚期血运重建术。除高血压外(P< 0.05),MACE组和无事件组(对照组)在糖尿病、吸烟及冠心病家族史方面均不存在统计学差异(P> 0.05)。

  • 2.2 MACE影响因素的单因素分析

  • FFRCT及冠脉斑块特征单因素分析对MACE的预测价值见表1,共9项定量参数,其中FFRCT、斑块长度、斑块总体积、非钙化斑块体积、纤维斑块体积在两组间具有差异。

  • 由表2可知,SSS≥4组的MACE发生率大于SSS<4组(16.67%vs.13.23%),SDS≥2组的MACE发生率大于SDS<2组(22.22%vs.11.29%),但差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

  • 在相位分析对MACE的预测价值分析中(表3),静息状态下舒张期SD及BW在两组间有差异 (P< 0.05),而静息状态下收缩期、负荷状态下收缩/舒张期SD及BW在MACE组和无事件组间均无明显差异(均P >0.05)。

  • 2.3 MACE影响因素的多因素分析

  • 多因素回归分析发现FFRCT≤0.68是MACE的独立危险因子[OR=10.67(1.59~71.52),P<0.05]。而斑块长度、斑块总体积、非钙化斑块体积、纤维斑块体积以及静息舒张期SD、静息舒张期BW皆非MACE的独立危险因子(P>0.05)。

  • 2.4 ROC曲线分析

  • 各影像学参数对MACE的诊断效能见图3及表4,在相位分析中,静息状态下舒张期SD对预测MACE的敏感性较高(87.5%)但特异性较低(54.8%);而FFRCT及斑块长度对预测MACE的敏感性虽低于前者(分别为70.0%、75.0%),但特异性相对较好(分别为82.6%、69.6%)。ROC曲线下面积比较,FFRCT及斑块长度对MACE的预测价值为0.80、0.81,SD及BW的预测价值为0.62、0.56。

  • 表1 FFRCT及冠脉斑块特征对MACE的预测价值

  • Table1 The predictive value of FFRCT and plaque characteristics for MACE

  • 表2 MPI心肌灌注分析对MACE的预测价值

  • Table2 The predictive value of MPI for MACE

  • 3 讨论

  • 本研究将CCTA获得的FFRCT、斑块定量特征与MPI获得的SSS、SDS、相位分析参数进行比较,分析它们对CAD患者发生MACE的预测效能。结果表明,FFRCT联合斑块定量特征对于MACE的预测效能高于MPI。

  • 表3 相位分析对MACE的预测价值

  • Table3 The predictive value of phase analysis for MACE

  • 图3 MPI及CCTA参数对预测MACE的ROC线

  • Fig.3 The ROC curve of MPI and CCTA for pridicting MACE

  • 表4 FFRCT、冠脉斑块特征及相位分析对MACE的的诊断效能

  • Table4 The diagnosis efficacy of FFRCT,plaque charac⁃ teristics and phase analysis on MACE

  • 基于CCTA数据应用人工智能获得FFRCT通过单次检查达到解剖和功能相结合的新技术。NXT子研究结果显示[13],经过4.7年的随访,FFRCT≤0.8者MACE事件发生率较高(HR=0.92),而FFRCT正常人群中无1例发生心源性死亡或心肌梗死。本研究挑选了CCTA狭窄率在40%~70%的CAD患者,弱化了解剖狭窄率在CAD患者危险度分层中的作用,突出了FFRCT的价值。结果表明,MACE事件组患者平均FFRCT值显著低于无事件组,这与先前的研究结果一致。这可能因为FFRCT≤0.8时,下游心肌细胞发生功能性缺血,供氧与需氧失去平衡,从而引发MACE[14]。同时,在众多斑块定量特征参数中,发现MACE组中斑块长度、总斑块体积和非钙化斑块体积显著高于无事件组,这可能与斑块负荷增大时,斑块内出血及非钙化成分增多,斑块更易脱落阻塞血管,引发MACE有关[15]

  • 以往研究表明,MPI在CAD风险评估中具有一定价值[16-18]。 Yao等[19] 研究发现,SSS是预测冠心病患者MACE发生的独立危险因素,在70岁以上人群中,与SSS≤8的患者相比,SSS>8的人群MACE发生率显著提高。本研究虽未发现MACE事件组与无事件组间SSS值具有明显差异,但SSS≥4组的MACE发生率大于SSS<4组,这可能与样本量较小,病变狭窄程度均为中等,SSS值中重度异常者较少有关。相位分析中SD及BW是公认的评价左室运动同步性的两个重要因素。正常人的MPI相位图显示为一个两侧对称且窄而尖的峰,而伴有左室运动不同步的患者相位图显示的峰相增宽且不对称, SD及BW值明显增高[20-21]。本研究结果显示,两组人群在收缩期静息状态及负荷状态下SD及BW值均无明显差异,而在舒张期中,仅在静息状态下SD及BW具有明显差异,但特异性均较低,推测可能与舒张功能异常往往较收缩功能异常出现更早、更敏感有关[11]

  • CCTA及MPI是诊断冠心病的常用方法,临床适应证有所不同。研究表明,当以有创FFRCT作为金标准评价具有血流动力学意义的狭窄时,MPI与FFRCT诊断准确率相当(68%vs.70%),但FFRCT的敏感性明显高于MPI(91%vs.41%)[22]。相位分析的敏感性高于传统灌注信息,本研究中静息状态下舒张期SD值预测MACE的敏感性高于FFRCT及斑块特征,但特异性较低,因此总的预测效能较低。左室运动不同步不仅发生在冠脉病变人群中,同时也可发生在任何原因如高血压及代谢性疾病[9] 导致的心功能不全患者中,而本研究中MACE组的高血压比例恰恰高于无事件组,这可能是导致相位分析特异性较低的原因。

  • 本研究存在一定局限性。首先,本研究为回顾性研究且样本量较小,尚需大样本、前瞻性数据验证。其次,高危斑块特征并没有纳入本研究,因此MACE事件其他可能的危险因素未体现在研究中。最后,纳入人群中未完全排除可能存在的心律失常,这也将影响相位分析的结果。

  • 综上,本研究联合FFRCT及斑块特征参数与基于MPI图像的灌注分析及相位分析相比较,发现CCTA所获得的参数对MACE的预测效能优于MPI。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] THYGESEN K,ALPERT J S,JAFFE A S,et al.Execu⁃ tive Group on behalf of the Joint European Society of Car⁃ diology(ESC)/American College of Cardiology(ACC)/American Heart Association(AHA)/World Heart Federa⁃ tion(WHF)task force for the universal definition of myo⁃ cardial infarction.fourth universal definition of myocardi⁃ al infarction(2018)[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2018,72(18):2231-2264

    • [2] 周明,钱斌,陈宏伟,等.双源CT冠状动脉成像对糖尿病患者合并冠状动脉狭窄的应用研究[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2014,34(8):1131-1135

    • [3] DEWEY M,SIEBES M,KACHELRIEB M,et al.Clinical quantitative cardiac imaging for the assessment of myocar⁃ dial ischaemia[J].Nat Rev Cardiol,2020,17(7):427-450

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    • [5] NØRGAARD B L,HJORT J,GAUR S,et al.Clinical use of coronary CTA⁃derived FFR for decision⁃making in sta⁃ ble CAD[J].J Am Coll Cardiol Img,2017,10:541-550

    • [6] DOUGLAS P S,DE BRUYNE B,PONTONE G,et al.1⁃ Year outcomes of FFR CT ⁃ guided care in patients with suspected coronary disease:the PLATFORM study[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2016,68:435-445

    • [7] VON KNEBEL DOEBERITZ P L,DE CECCO C N,SCHO⁃ EPF U J,et al.Impact of coronary computerized tomogra⁃ phy angiography ⁃ derived plaque quantification and ma⁃ chine ⁃ learning computerized tomography fractional flow reserve on adverse cardiac outcome[J].Am J Cardiol,2019,124(9):1340-1348

    • [8] PANG Z,WANG J,LI S,et al.Diagnostic analysis of new quantitative parameters of low ⁃ dose dynamic myocardial perfusion imaging with CZT SPECT in the detection of suspected or known coronary artery disease[J].Int J Car⁃ diovasc Imaging,2021,37(1):367-378

    • [9] PAZHENKOTTIL A P,BUECHEL R R,HUSMANN L,et al.Long ⁃term prognostic value of left ventricular dyssyn⁃ chrony assessment by phase analysis from myocardial per⁃ fusion imaging[J].Heart,2011,97(1):33-37

    • [10] MODIN D,BIERING⁃SØRENSEN S R,MØGELVANG R,et al.Prognostic importance of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in predicting cardiovascular death in the general population[J].Circ Cardiovasc Imaging,2018,11(10):e007528

    • [11] 张娟,姚稚明,郭悦,等.门控心肌灌注显像左室舒张功能对不良心脏事件的预测价值[J].中华核医学与分子影像杂志,2017,37(6):326-330

    • [12] 许智惠,赵中强,李春香,等.左室舒张期不同步对扩张型心肌病的预后价值[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2020,40(10):87-92

    • [13] IHDAYHID A R,NORGAARD B L,GAUR S,et al.Prog⁃ nostic value and risk continuum of noninvasive fractional flow reserve derived from coronary CT angiography[J].Radiology,2019,292(2):343-351

    • [14] PATEL M R,NØRGAARD B L,FAIRBAIRN T A,et al.1 ⁃year impact on medical practice and clinical outcomes of FFRCT:the ADVANCE registry[J].JACC Cardiovasc Im⁃ aging,2020,13(1):97-105

    • [15] 韦章诚,罗鹰,高德军,等.冠脉CT血管成像定量分析比较急性冠脉综合征和稳定冠脉冠心病患者中斑块狭窄的差异[J].放射学实践,2016,31(6):491

    • [16] KANG S H,CHOI H I,KIM Y H,et al.Impact of follow⁃ up ischemia on myocardial perfusion single⁃photon emis⁃ sion computed tomography in patients with coronary ar⁃ tery disease[J].Yonsei Med J,2017,58(5):934-943

    • [17] HASHIMOTO H,NAKANISHI R,MIZUMURA S,et al.Prognostic value of 123I ⁃ BMIPP SPECT in patients with nonischemic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.[J].J Nucl Med,2018,59(2):259-265

    • [18] ENGBERS E M,TIMMER J R,MOUDEN M,et al.Chang⁃ es in cardiovascular medication after coronary artery calci⁃ um scanning and normal single photon emission comput⁃ ed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging in symptom⁃ atic patients[J].Am Heart J,2017,186:56-62

    • [19] YAO Z,ZHU H,LI W,et al.Adenosine triphosphate stress myocardial perfusion imaging for risk stratification of patients aged 70 years and older with suspected coro⁃ nary artery disease[J].J Nucl Cardiol,2017,24(2):429-433

    • [20] HESS P L,SHAW L K,FUDIM M,et al.The prognostic value of mechanical left ventricular dyssynchrony defined by phase analysis from gated single⁃photon emission com⁃ puted tomography myocardial perfusion imaging among patients with coronary heart disease[J].J Nucl Cardiol,2017,24(2):482-490

    • [21] PAZHENKOTTIL A P,BUECHEL R R,HUSMANN L,et al.Long ⁃term prognostic value of left ventricular dyssyn⁃ chrony assessment by phase analysis from myocardial per⁃ fusion imaging[J].Heart,2011,97(1):33-37

    • [22] SAND N P R,VEIEN K T,NIELSEN S S,et al.Prospec⁃ tive comparison of FFR derived from coronary CT angiog⁃ raphy with SPECT perfusion imaging in stable coronary artery disease:the ReASSESS study[J].JACC Cardio⁃ vasc Imaging,2018,11(11):1640-1650

  • 参考文献

    • [1] THYGESEN K,ALPERT J S,JAFFE A S,et al.Execu⁃ tive Group on behalf of the Joint European Society of Car⁃ diology(ESC)/American College of Cardiology(ACC)/American Heart Association(AHA)/World Heart Federa⁃ tion(WHF)task force for the universal definition of myo⁃ cardial infarction.fourth universal definition of myocardi⁃ al infarction(2018)[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2018,72(18):2231-2264

    • [2] 周明,钱斌,陈宏伟,等.双源CT冠状动脉成像对糖尿病患者合并冠状动脉狭窄的应用研究[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2014,34(8):1131-1135

    • [3] DEWEY M,SIEBES M,KACHELRIEB M,et al.Clinical quantitative cardiac imaging for the assessment of myocar⁃ dial ischaemia[J].Nat Rev Cardiol,2020,17(7):427-450

    • [4] NØRGAARD B L,LEIPSIC J,GAUR S,et al.Diagnostic performance of noninvasive fractional flow reserve de⁃ rived from coronary computed tomography angiography in suspected coronary artery disease:the NXT trial(analysis of coronary blood flow using CT angiography:next steps)[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2014,63:1145-1155

    • [5] NØRGAARD B L,HJORT J,GAUR S,et al.Clinical use of coronary CTA⁃derived FFR for decision⁃making in sta⁃ ble CAD[J].J Am Coll Cardiol Img,2017,10:541-550

    • [6] DOUGLAS P S,DE BRUYNE B,PONTONE G,et al.1⁃ Year outcomes of FFR CT ⁃ guided care in patients with suspected coronary disease:the PLATFORM study[J].J Am Coll Cardiol,2016,68:435-445

    • [7] VON KNEBEL DOEBERITZ P L,DE CECCO C N,SCHO⁃ EPF U J,et al.Impact of coronary computerized tomogra⁃ phy angiography ⁃ derived plaque quantification and ma⁃ chine ⁃ learning computerized tomography fractional flow reserve on adverse cardiac outcome[J].Am J Cardiol,2019,124(9):1340-1348

    • [8] PANG Z,WANG J,LI S,et al.Diagnostic analysis of new quantitative parameters of low ⁃ dose dynamic myocardial perfusion imaging with CZT SPECT in the detection of suspected or known coronary artery disease[J].Int J Car⁃ diovasc Imaging,2021,37(1):367-378

    • [9] PAZHENKOTTIL A P,BUECHEL R R,HUSMANN L,et al.Long ⁃term prognostic value of left ventricular dyssyn⁃ chrony assessment by phase analysis from myocardial per⁃ fusion imaging[J].Heart,2011,97(1):33-37

    • [10] MODIN D,BIERING⁃SØRENSEN S R,MØGELVANG R,et al.Prognostic importance of left ventricular mechanical dyssynchrony in predicting cardiovascular death in the general population[J].Circ Cardiovasc Imaging,2018,11(10):e007528

    • [11] 张娟,姚稚明,郭悦,等.门控心肌灌注显像左室舒张功能对不良心脏事件的预测价值[J].中华核医学与分子影像杂志,2017,37(6):326-330

    • [12] 许智惠,赵中强,李春香,等.左室舒张期不同步对扩张型心肌病的预后价值[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2020,40(10):87-92

    • [13] IHDAYHID A R,NORGAARD B L,GAUR S,et al.Prog⁃ nostic value and risk continuum of noninvasive fractional flow reserve derived from coronary CT angiography[J].Radiology,2019,292(2):343-351

    • [14] PATEL M R,NØRGAARD B L,FAIRBAIRN T A,et al.1 ⁃year impact on medical practice and clinical outcomes of FFRCT:the ADVANCE registry[J].JACC Cardiovasc Im⁃ aging,2020,13(1):97-105

    • [15] 韦章诚,罗鹰,高德军,等.冠脉CT血管成像定量分析比较急性冠脉综合征和稳定冠脉冠心病患者中斑块狭窄的差异[J].放射学实践,2016,31(6):491

    • [16] KANG S H,CHOI H I,KIM Y H,et al.Impact of follow⁃ up ischemia on myocardial perfusion single⁃photon emis⁃ sion computed tomography in patients with coronary ar⁃ tery disease[J].Yonsei Med J,2017,58(5):934-943

    • [17] HASHIMOTO H,NAKANISHI R,MIZUMURA S,et al.Prognostic value of 123I ⁃ BMIPP SPECT in patients with nonischemic heart failure with preserved ejection fraction.[J].J Nucl Med,2018,59(2):259-265

    • [18] ENGBERS E M,TIMMER J R,MOUDEN M,et al.Chang⁃ es in cardiovascular medication after coronary artery calci⁃ um scanning and normal single photon emission comput⁃ ed tomography myocardial perfusion imaging in symptom⁃ atic patients[J].Am Heart J,2017,186:56-62

    • [19] YAO Z,ZHU H,LI W,et al.Adenosine triphosphate stress myocardial perfusion imaging for risk stratification of patients aged 70 years and older with suspected coro⁃ nary artery disease[J].J Nucl Cardiol,2017,24(2):429-433

    • [20] HESS P L,SHAW L K,FUDIM M,et al.The prognostic value of mechanical left ventricular dyssynchrony defined by phase analysis from gated single⁃photon emission com⁃ puted tomography myocardial perfusion imaging among patients with coronary heart disease[J].J Nucl Cardiol,2017,24(2):482-490

    • [21] PAZHENKOTTIL A P,BUECHEL R R,HUSMANN L,et al.Long ⁃term prognostic value of left ventricular dyssyn⁃ chrony assessment by phase analysis from myocardial per⁃ fusion imaging[J].Heart,2011,97(1):33-37

    • [22] SAND N P R,VEIEN K T,NIELSEN S S,et al.Prospec⁃ tive comparison of FFR derived from coronary CT angiog⁃ raphy with SPECT perfusion imaging in stable coronary artery disease:the ReASSESS study[J].JACC Cardio⁃ vasc Imaging,2018,11(11):1640-1650