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    目的:比较冠状动脉旁路移植术动脉移植物旋股外动脉降支(descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery, DBLCFA)与乳内动脉(internal mammary artery,IMA)的血管功能,根据二者对血管收缩剂和舒张剂的药理学反应评估其痉挛特征及内皮功能。方法:将20例冠状动脉搭桥患者的33支DBLCFA血管环和31支IMA血管环平衡于器官浴中。血管收缩性由受体介导的血管收缩剂内皮素⁃1、血管紧张素Ⅱ和血栓素A2模拟物U46619检测。乙酰胆碱用于测试内皮依赖性舒张,硝酸甘油用于测试非内皮依赖性舒张。比较两种动脉的最大收缩或舒张反应,以及引起50 %最大收缩或舒张反应的有效浓度。结果:内皮素⁃1、血管紧张素Ⅱ和 U46619 引起的收缩中,DBLCFA 的反应性均高于乳内动脉,分别为[(0.94±0.09)g vs. (0.57±0.08)g,P =0.012]、[(0.88±0.13)g vs.(0.24±0.05)g,P < 0.001]、[(4.95±0.57)g vs.(1.86±0.30)g,P =0.001]。转换成由 100 mmol/L KCl引起的收缩力百分比时,两者无明显差异。由内皮素⁃1和血管紧张素Ⅱ引起的50 %最大收缩反应的有效浓度无明显差异。由U46619引起的50 %最大收缩反应有效浓度,DBLCFA高于IMA。受体介导的内皮依赖性舒张和非内皮依赖性舒张在两种血管间无明显差异。两种动脉引起50 %最大舒张反应的有效浓度无明显差异。结论:DBLCFA对血管收缩剂的药理学反应高于IMA,提示其更易发生血管痉挛。DBLCFA舒张反应与IMA相似,但DBLCFA更易痉挛,因而其血管功能次于 IMA。但当IMA使用受限时,DBLCFA可作为一种选择。


    Objective:This study aims to compare the vascular function of the descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery (DBLCFA)and the internal mammary artery(IMA)of coronary artery bypass grafts,according to the vasoconstrictor and diastolic effects of the two drug pharmacological response to evaluate its spasticity characteristics and endothelial function. Methods:The33 descending branches of the external circumflex femoral artery and 31 internal mammary arteries of 20 patients with coronary artery bypass grafting were balanced in the organ bath. Vasoconstriction was detected by receptor ⁃mediated vasoconstrictors endothelin ⁃ 1, angiotensin Ⅱ and thromboxane A2 mimic U46619. Acetylcholine was used to test endothelium ⁃ dependent relaxation,and nitroglycerin was used to test endothelium⁃independent relaxation. The maximum contraction or relaxation response of the two arteries, and the effective concentration that caused 50% of the maximum contraction or relaxation response were compared. Results:In the contraction caused by endothelin ⁃1,angiotensin Ⅱ and U46619,the reactivity of DBLCFA was higher than that of IMA,respectively [(0.94±0.09)g vs.(0.57±0.08)g,P =0.012;(0.88±0.13)g vs.(0.24±0.05)g,P < 0.001;(4.95±0.57)g vs.(1.86±0.30)g,P =0.001]. When converted into the percentage of contractile force caused by 100 mmol/L KCl,there was no significant difference between the twogroups. There was no significant difference in the effective concentration of 50% of the maximum contractile response caused by endothelin ⁃ 1 and angiotensin Ⅱ. The effective concentration of 50% of the maximum contractile response caused by U46619 of DBLCFA was higher than that of IMA. There were no significant differences between receptor ⁃ mediated endothelium ⁃ dependent relaxation and non⁃endothelium⁃dependent relaxation between the two types of blood vessels. There were no significant differences in the effective concentration of 50% of the maximum diastolic response between the two arteries. Conclusion:DBLCFA has a higher pharmacological response to vasoconstrictors than the IMA,suggesting that it is more prone to vasospasm. The diastolic response of DBLCFA is similar to that of IMA,but DBLCFA is more prone to spasm. So its vascular function is inferior to that of the IMA. But when the use of IMA is limited,DBLCFA may be an option for the surgeon.

  • 乳内动脉(internal mammary artery,IMA)是冠状动脉搭桥术(coronary artery bypass grafting,CABG) 的首选动脉移植物,由于其良好的通畅性,越来越多地被用作CABG的移植物,并取得了良好的远期效果。20世纪80年代中后期胃网膜动脉[1]、腹壁下动脉[2] 等动脉移植物才开始使用。而桡动脉(radial artery,RA)在1971年首次作为CABG的移植物被使用[3],但由于血管痉挛的高敏感性和低通畅率,该动脉很快被弃用[4-6]。直到20年后,RA移植物的远期高通畅率才被报道[7],而后被重新作为CABG的移植物,但需要血管扩张剂来缓解术中痉挛。

  • 旋股外动脉降支(descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery,DBLCFA)常被用作带蒂皮瓣的移植,用于头颈部或腿部皮肤重建,在整形外科、骨科领域发挥重要作用[8-10]。1996年,DBLCFA首次用于CABG,而后国外部分中心将该血管用于CABG,并取得了不错的近期疗效[11]。目前DBLCFA用于CABG的研究较少,暂未发现关于其收缩特性和内皮功能的研究。

  • 内皮素(endothelin,ET)是来源于内皮细胞的血管收缩物质,研究显示在经历体外循环(cardiopul⁃ monary bypass,CPB)的CABG术中及术后均出现ET水平升高[12-15],ET可引起大隐静脉和IMA明显的血管收缩[16]。血管紧张素(angiotensin,Ang)是一种强大的血管收缩剂,在体外循环中和体外循环后,血浆中Ang⁃Ⅱ水平升高是导致术后高血压的因素之一[17-19]。血栓素A2(thromboxane A2,TxA2)模拟物U46619是来自血小板的血管收缩剂,在IMA、腹壁下动脉和RA中是有效激动剂,可引起血管强烈收缩,而它对DBLCFA的作用尚未清楚。移植物的长期通畅可能与内皮功能有关,内皮依赖性舒张常作为内皮功能指标。本研究中,乙酰胆碱刺激反映受体介导的内皮依赖性舒张过程,用于DBLCFA内皮功能的研究。硝酸甘油作为血管舒张剂,在IMA和RA中能有效逆转U46619引起的血管收缩,因而在DBLCFA中也被用来研究非内皮依赖性舒张。

  • 因此,本研究通过评估DBLCFA对血管收缩剂和血管舒张剂的反应性,研究其痉挛特性及内皮功能,并与IMA比较。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 获取20例2018年12月—2019年12月于南京医科大学第一附属医院心脏大血管外科20例行全动脉化CABG患者的术中残余DBLCFA 33支及IMA桥血管31支,纳入及排除标准见之前研究[20]。本研究经医院伦理委员会批准,所有患者知情同意。

  • 1.2 方法

  • 1.2.1 血管环获取与制备

  • 获取的血管立即放入预冷Krebs液,送至实验室放入加有预热Krebs液的培养皿。分离血管外筋膜及脂肪组织后将血管修剪成宽约3mm的血管环,取直径40 μm钢丝穿过血管腔,钢丝两端固定于水浴槽一侧,取另一段钢丝穿过血管腔,同样方法固定于另一侧浴槽。实验过程水浴槽温度控制37℃,持续通入95%O2+5%CO2

  • 1.2.2 收缩剂对血管的收缩作用

  • 向浴槽内加入100mmol/L KCl溶液诱导最大收缩力,记录后反复用Krebs液清洗,直至收缩力恢复至基线。分别向浴槽内加入1×10-10、3×10-10、1×10-9、 3×10-9、1×10-8、3×10-8、1×10-7 mol/L的ET⁃1、Ang⁃Ⅱ 溶液,U46619溶液在以上基础上增加3×10-7、 1×10-6 mol/L的浓度,待上一个浓度收缩剂加入后收缩力达到平台期,记录此时收缩力,再加入下一个浓度收缩剂。

  • 1.2.3 舒张剂对血管的舒张作用

  • 向浴槽内加入10nmol/L U46619溶液,该浓度下血管达最大收缩的50%~80%,常用于舒张反应的预收缩。向浴槽内加入1×10-9、1×10-8、1×10-7、1×10-6、 1×10-5、1×10-4 mol/L的乙酰胆碱、硝酸甘油溶液,记录各浓度下血管张力。

  • 1.2.4 数据记录

  • PowerLab生物信号采集处理系统(ADINSTRU⁃ MENTS公司,美国)、多通道血管张力测定仪610M型(DMT公司,丹麦)记录加入不同浓度血管收缩剂后的血管收缩力,比较:①最大收缩力(绝对收缩力)的差异;②最大收缩力相对100mmol/L KCl溶液引起收缩力百分比(相对收缩力)的差异;③两组间EC50差异,EC50是引起最大效应一半时对应的药物浓度,用于比较对药物的敏感性,pD2(pD2=⁃lg EC50)为引起最大效应一半时对应药物浓度的负对数,便于两者比较。

  • 记录加入不同浓度血管舒张剂后的血管张力,将预收缩剂引起最大收缩力与静息张力之间的差值,作为最大收缩幅度,看作100%。而后加入不同浓度舒张剂后,所对应张力与最大收缩力的差值为舒张幅度,各舒张幅度与最大收缩幅度百分比为舒张百分比,依次记录。比较:①最大舒张百分比 (Emax)的差异;②两组间EC50、pD2的差异。

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 所有结果以均数±标准误(x-±sx-)形式表示,采用SPSS 26.0软件,两组数据使用两独立样本t检验进行比较,P< 0.05为差异有统计学意义。浓度⁃收缩曲线和浓度⁃舒张曲线由PrismGraphPad 8.0绘制。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 分析DBLCFA、IMA血管环对不同浓度ET⁃1的收缩反应

  • DBLCFA与IMA血管环最大收缩力对比为 (0.94±0.09)g vs.(0.57±0.08)g(P=0.012),DBLCFA最大收缩力大于IMA。转换为相对100mmol/L KCl引起收缩力百分比为(142.50 ± 6.43)%vs.(134.04 ± 8.19)%(P=0.435),pD2为7.555 ± 0.082 vs.7.482 ± 0.020(P=0.405),表明两者对ET⁃1的敏感性相似(图1)。

  • 2.2 分析DBLCFA、IMA血管环对不同浓度Ang⁃Ⅱ 的收缩反应

  • 最大收缩力DBLCFA对比IMA为(0.88±0.13)g vs.(0.24±0.05)g(P< 0.001),DBLCFA最大收缩力大于IMA。转换为相对100mmol/L KCl引起收缩力百分比(89.53±5.92)%vs.(67.41±7.96)%(P=0.053), pD2为8.579±0.225 vs.7.993±0.189(P=0.069),表明两者对Ang⁃Ⅱ敏感性相似(图2)。

  • 图1 DBLCFA与IMA平均收缩力随ET⁃1浓度变化曲线

  • Fig.1 The average contractile force of the DBLCFA and IMA varies with the concentration of ET⁃1

  • 图2 DBLCFA与IMA平均收缩力随Ang⁃Ⅱ浓度变化曲线

  • Fig.2 The average contractile force of DBLCFA and IMA varies with the concentration of Ang⁃Ⅱ

  • 2.3 分析DBLCFA、IMA血管环对不同浓度U46619 的收缩反应

  • 最大收缩力DBLCFA对比IMA为(4.95±0.57)g vs.(1.86±0.30)g(P=0.001),DBLCFA最大收缩力大于IMA。转换为相对100mmol/L KCl引起收缩力百分比为(528.34±67.74)%vs.(492.26±35.80)%(P=0.648),pD2为7.396 ± 0.068 vs.7.865 ± 0.119(P=0.009),表明IMA对U46619的敏感性稍高(图3)。

  • 2.4 分析DBLCFA、IMA血管环对不同浓度乙酰胆碱的舒张反应

  • 最大舒张率DBLCFA对比IMA为(64.11 ± 6.76)%vs.(68.95±5.37)%(P=0.606),两者受体介导的内皮依赖性舒张相似。pD2为7.105±0.405 vs.6.417±0.371(P=0.250),表明两者对乙酰胆碱的敏感性相似(图4)。

  • 图3 DBLCFA与IMA平均收缩力随U46619浓度变化曲线

  • Fig.3 The average contractile force of the descending branch of DBLCFA and IMA varies with the concentration of U46619

  • 图4 DBLCFA与IMA平均舒张率随乙酰胆碱浓度变化曲线

  • Fig.4 The average diastolic rate of the descending branch of DBLCFA and IMA varies with the concentration of acetylcholine

  • 2.5 分析DBLCFA、IMA血管环对不同浓度硝酸甘油的舒张反应

  • 最大舒张率DBLCFA对比IMA为(95.48 ± 2.70)%vs.(92.96±2.11)%(P=0.489),两者非内皮依赖性舒张相似,且硝酸甘油具有较好的舒张血管作用。pD2为8.103±0.263 vs.7.414±0.200(P=0.068),表明两者对硝酸甘油的敏感性相似(图5)。

  • 3 讨论

  • 目前研究普遍认为,IMA为冠状动脉桥的最佳备选材料,然而临床上冠脉搭桥患者IMA使用受限的情况下,DBLCFA或许是不错的选择,相关研究的缺乏使得术者只能凭借手术经验做出选择。因此,本研究设计相关实验观察DBLCFA与IMA是否有着相似的收缩、舒张反应,以此探究DBLCFA是否可以作为IMA的移植物血管替代品。

  • 由于长期通畅率优于静脉移植物,动脉移植物被越来越多地应用于CABG中。目前常用于CABG的动脉移植物主要为双侧IMA与RA。对于糖尿病、肥胖患者而言,取用双侧IMA可能造成胸部切口感染[21],而对于经RA冠状动脉造影的患者而言,在3个月内应尽量避免取用该侧RA[22]。动脉桥材料的不足,使得心脏外科医生引入DBLCFA作为备选冠状动脉桥材料。研究指出,DBLCFA的直径与左乳内动脉相似[23],有着良好的近中期通畅率[24]

  • 图5 DBLCFA与IMA平均舒张率随硝酸甘油浓度变化曲线

  • Fig.5 The average diastolic rate of the descending branch of DBLCFA and IMA varies with the concentration of nitroglycerin

  • IMA和RA的远期通畅率己经得到证实[25-26],目前多动脉移植血管桥的益处也逐渐被报道。不同动脉移植物在收缩性方面存在差异,研究发现RA较IMA对ET⁃1、Ang⁃Ⅱ有更高的绝对收缩力,但两者的相对收缩力无明显差异[27]。Akar等[28] 研究表明,与IMA相比,胃网膜动脉对U46619、ET⁃1有更高的绝对收缩力,但两者相对100mmol/L KCl引起的收缩百分比差异无统计学意义。本研究中3种血管收缩剂都是通过受体介导引起血管平滑肌收缩,且DBLCFA对ET⁃1、Ang⁃Ⅱ和U46619的绝对收缩力更大,当转换为相对100mmol/L KCl引起的收缩百分比时结果无明显差异。这与之前研究相似,可见在桥血管药理学反应研究中,使用绝对收缩力而不是相对收缩力来反映血管收缩特性更为准确。 DBLCFA的高收缩性提示在获取过程中及术中和术后,可能更易发生痉挛。因此,手术时应尽量采用 “No Touch”技术,且术后必须使用血管扩张剂。

  • 在舒张功能测试方面,硝酸甘油诱导非内皮依赖性舒张,对受体介导的血管收缩有较好的舒张作用。由U46619引起的收缩中,硝酸甘油均引起IMA、腹壁下动脉和RA的良好舒张。本研究表明,硝酸甘油对DBLCFA也能达到很好的舒张效应。 DBLCFA和IMA的舒张作用无明显差异且敏感性相似,提示两者对外源性一氧化氮供体反应性相似,在临床工作中使用硝酸甘油扩张DBLCFA也有较好效果。研究表明,与IMA相比,胃网膜动脉、RA有着相似的内皮依赖性舒张[29]。同样,由乙酰胆碱引起的舒张反应在DBLCFA和IMA之间差异不显著,表明两者受体介导的内皮依赖性舒张相似,由受体介导的内皮源性舒张因子释放能力相似,受体介导的内皮功能相似。

  • 综上,DBLCFA与IMA相比具有更高的收缩反应,提示其更易发生痉挛,围手术期血管扩张药物的积极干预是必须的。DBLCFA舒张反应与IMA相似,提示血管舒张剂对DBLCFA有较好的效果。虽然舒张功能相似,但DBLCFA更易痉挛,因而其血管功能次于IMA。当IMA使用受限时,DBLCFA可作为一种选择。

  • 参考文献

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    • [2] PUIG L B,CIONGOLLI W,CIVIDANES G V,et al.Inferior epigastric artery as a free graft for myocardial revascu⁃ larization[J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1990,99(2):251-255

    • [3] CARPENTIER A,GUERMONPREZ J L,DELOCHE A,et al.The aorta ⁃to ⁃ coronary radial artery bypass graft:a technique avoiding pathological changes in grafts[J].Ann Thorac Surg,1973,16(2):111-121

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    • [10] BHOGESHA S,RIMAL D,SONG C.The descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery(LCFA)as re⁃ cipient pedicle for free flap cover of complex defects around the knee[J].Microsurgery,2019,39(6):573-574

    • [11] GAIOTTO F A,VIANNA C B,BUSNARDO F F,et al.The descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery is a good option in CABG with arterial grafts[J].Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc,2013,28(3):317-324

    • [12] UNIĆ D,BARIĆ D,BRKIĆ K,et al.Off⁃pump myocardial revascularization attenuates endothelin ⁃ 1 expression in systemic,pulmonary,and coronary circulation[J].Wien Klin Wochenschr,2014,126(21/22):710-717

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    • [14] FENG J,LIU Y,KHABBAZ K R,et al.Endothelin⁃1⁃in⁃ duced contractile responses of human coronary arterioles via endothelin⁃A receptors and PKC⁃alpha signaling path⁃ ways[J].Surgery,2010,147(6):798-804

    • [15] ROTH ⁃ ISIGKEIT A,DIBBELT L,EICHLER W,et al.Blood levels of atrial natriuretic peptide,endothelin,corti⁃ sol and ACTH in patients undergoing coronary artery by⁃ pass grafting surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass[J].J Endocrinol Invest,2001,24(10):777-785

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    • [18] OH Y J,LEE J H,NAM S B,et al.Effects of chronic an⁃ giotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonist and angiotensin ⁃converting enzyme inhibitor treatments on neurohormonal levels and haemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass[J].Br J Anaesth,2006,97(6):792-798

    • [19] WEI Y,XIAO D,BIN L,et al.Correlation of angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism with perioperative myocardial protection under extracorporeal circulation [J].亚太热带医药杂志(英文版),2012,5(12):995-999

    • [20] 沈晓炜,徐骁晗,陆小虎,等.旋股外动脉降支在个体化全动脉冠状动脉旁路移植术中的临床应用[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2020,40(6):875-879

    • [21] SAJJA L R.Strategies to reduce deep sternal wound infection after bilateral internal mammary artery grafting[J].Int J Surg,2015,16(pt b):171-178

    • [22] MOUNSEY C A,MAWHINNEY J A,WERNER R S,et al.Does previous transradial catheterization preclude use of the radial artery as a conduit in coronary artery bypass surgery?[J].Circulation,2016,134(9):681-688

    • [23] SCHAMÚN C M,DURÁN J C,RODRÍGUEZ J M,et al.Coronary revascularization with the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery as a composite arterial graft[J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1998,116(5):870-871

    • [24] FABBROCINI M,FATTOUCH K,CAMPORINI G,et al.The descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery in arterial CABG:early and midterm results[J].Ann Thorac Surg,2003,75(6):1836-1841

    • [25] GAUDINO M F L,SPADACCIO C,TAGGART D P.State⁃ of ⁃the ⁃ art coronary artery bypass grafting:patient selection,graft selection,and optimizing outcomes[J].Interv Cardiol Clin,2019,8(2):173-198

    • [26] ZHANG H,WANG Z W,WU H B,et al.Radial artery graft vs.saphenous vein graft for coronary artery bypass surgery:which conduit offers better efficacy?[J].Herz,2014,39(4):458-465

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    • [28] AKAR F,UYDEŞ ⁃ DOGAN B S,TUFAN H,et al.The comparison of the responsiveness of human isolated internal mammary and gastroepiploic arteries to levcromakalim:an alternative approach to the management of graft spasm[J].Br J Clin Pharmacol,1997,44(1):49-56

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  • 参考文献

    • [1] PYM J,BROWN P M,CHARRETTE E J,et al.Gastroepiploic ⁃ coronary anastomosis:a viable alternative bypass graft[J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1987,94(2):256-259

    • [2] PUIG L B,CIONGOLLI W,CIVIDANES G V,et al.Inferior epigastric artery as a free graft for myocardial revascu⁃ larization[J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1990,99(2):251-255

    • [3] CARPENTIER A,GUERMONPREZ J L,DELOCHE A,et al.The aorta ⁃to ⁃ coronary radial artery bypass graft:a technique avoiding pathological changes in grafts[J].Ann Thorac Surg,1973,16(2):111-121

    • [4] FISK R L,BROOKS C H,CALLAGHAN J C,et al.Experience with the radial artery graft for coronary artery by⁃ pass[J].Ann Thorac Surg,1976,21(6):513-518

    • [5] GEHA A S,KRONE R J,MCCORMICK J R,et al.Selection of coronary bypass:anatomic,physiological,and angi⁃ ographic considerations of vein and mammary artery grafts [J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1975,70(3):414-431

    • [6] CHIU C J.Why do radial artery grafts for aortocoronary bypass fail?A reappraisal[J].Ann Thorac Surg,1976,22(6):520-523

    • [7] ACAR C,JEBARA V A,PORTOGHESE M,et al.Revival of the radial artery for coronary artery bypass grafting [J].Ann Thorac Surg,1992,54(4):652-659

    • [8] ZHU S,ZANG M,YU S,et al.Distally based anteromedial thigh flaps pedicled on the rectus femoris branch of the lateral circumflex femoral artery for reconstruction of soft⁃ tissue defect of the knee[J].J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg,2018,71(5):743-749

    • [9] LEE J H,CHOI H J,JUNG K H,et al.Pathologic patency analysis of the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery in head and neck reconstruction[J].J Craniofacial Surg,2016,27(4):e385-e389

    • [10] BHOGESHA S,RIMAL D,SONG C.The descending branch of lateral circumflex femoral artery(LCFA)as re⁃ cipient pedicle for free flap cover of complex defects around the knee[J].Microsurgery,2019,39(6):573-574

    • [11] GAIOTTO F A,VIANNA C B,BUSNARDO F F,et al.The descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery is a good option in CABG with arterial grafts[J].Rev Bras Cir Cardiovasc,2013,28(3):317-324

    • [12] UNIĆ D,BARIĆ D,BRKIĆ K,et al.Off⁃pump myocardial revascularization attenuates endothelin ⁃ 1 expression in systemic,pulmonary,and coronary circulation[J].Wien Klin Wochenschr,2014,126(21/22):710-717

    • [13] DANOVÁ K,PECHÁN I,OLEJÁROVÁ I,et al.Natriuretic peptides and endothelin ⁃ 1 in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting[J].Gen Physiol Biophys,2007,26(3):194-199

    • [14] FENG J,LIU Y,KHABBAZ K R,et al.Endothelin⁃1⁃in⁃ duced contractile responses of human coronary arterioles via endothelin⁃A receptors and PKC⁃alpha signaling path⁃ ways[J].Surgery,2010,147(6):798-804

    • [15] ROTH ⁃ ISIGKEIT A,DIBBELT L,EICHLER W,et al.Blood levels of atrial natriuretic peptide,endothelin,corti⁃ sol and ACTH in patients undergoing coronary artery by⁃ pass grafting surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass[J].J Endocrinol Invest,2001,24(10):777-785

    • [16] MILLER V M,KOMORI K,BURNETT J C,et al.Differ⁃ ential sensitivity to endothelin in canine arteries and veins [J].Am J Physiol,1989,257(4 Pt 2):H1127-H1131

    • [17] MÜLLER M,SCHINDLER E,KWAPISZ M,et al.Effect of intraoperative angiotensin ⁃ converting enzyme inhibition by quinaprilat on hypertension after coronary artery surgery[J].Br J Anaesth,2000,84(3):396-398

    • [18] OH Y J,LEE J H,NAM S B,et al.Effects of chronic an⁃ giotensin Ⅱ receptor antagonist and angiotensin ⁃converting enzyme inhibitor treatments on neurohormonal levels and haemodynamics during cardiopulmonary bypass[J].Br J Anaesth,2006,97(6):792-798

    • [19] WEI Y,XIAO D,BIN L,et al.Correlation of angiotensin converting enzyme gene polymorphism with perioperative myocardial protection under extracorporeal circulation [J].亚太热带医药杂志(英文版),2012,5(12):995-999

    • [20] 沈晓炜,徐骁晗,陆小虎,等.旋股外动脉降支在个体化全动脉冠状动脉旁路移植术中的临床应用[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2020,40(6):875-879

    • [21] SAJJA L R.Strategies to reduce deep sternal wound infection after bilateral internal mammary artery grafting[J].Int J Surg,2015,16(pt b):171-178

    • [22] MOUNSEY C A,MAWHINNEY J A,WERNER R S,et al.Does previous transradial catheterization preclude use of the radial artery as a conduit in coronary artery bypass surgery?[J].Circulation,2016,134(9):681-688

    • [23] SCHAMÚN C M,DURÁN J C,RODRÍGUEZ J M,et al.Coronary revascularization with the descending branch of the lateral femoral circumflex artery as a composite arterial graft[J].J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg,1998,116(5):870-871

    • [24] FABBROCINI M,FATTOUCH K,CAMPORINI G,et al.The descending branch of lateral femoral circumflex artery in arterial CABG:early and midterm results[J].Ann Thorac Surg,2003,75(6):1836-1841

    • [25] GAUDINO M F L,SPADACCIO C,TAGGART D P.State⁃ of ⁃the ⁃ art coronary artery bypass grafting:patient selection,graft selection,and optimizing outcomes[J].Interv Cardiol Clin,2019,8(2):173-198

    • [26] ZHANG H,WANG Z W,WU H B,et al.Radial artery graft vs.saphenous vein graft for coronary artery bypass surgery:which conduit offers better efficacy?[J].Herz,2014,39(4):458-465

    • [27] CHARDIGNY C,JEBARA V A,ACAR C,et al.Vasoreactivity of the radial artery:comparison with the internal mammary and gastroepiploic arteries with implications for coronary artery surgery[J].Circulation,1993,88(5):Ⅱ 115-Ⅱ127

    • [28] AKAR F,UYDEŞ ⁃ DOGAN B S,TUFAN H,et al.The comparison of the responsiveness of human isolated internal mammary and gastroepiploic arteries to levcromakalim:an alternative approach to the management of graft spasm[J].Br J Clin Pharmacol,1997,44(1):49-56

    • [29] BUIKEMA H,GRANDJEAN J G,VAN DEN BROEK S,et al.Differences in vasomotor control between human gastroepiploic and left internal mammary artery[J].Circulation,1992,86(5 Suppl):Ⅱ205-Ⅱ209