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    目的:通过结构方程模型对男男性行为(men who have sex with men,MSM)人群心理量表数据进行分析,探索该人群心理相关因素对HIV暴露前预防(pre⁃exposure prophylaxis,PrEP)使用意愿和药物依从性影响,为我国有效实施MSM人群PrEP 干预策略提供依据。方法:采用网络平台招募和时间场所抽样方法在南京市招募MSM人群,利用问卷星软件进行问卷调查。 采用结构方程模型对MSM人群HIV预期耻辱感、社会性向歧视和抑郁症状3个心理量表数据进行分析,探索其与PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性之间的作用机制。结果:75.73%的调查对象愿意使用PrEP;55.34%自报能保持高药物依从性。调查对象HIV 预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视得分较高,中位数分别为20(17~23)和27(22~30),抑郁症状得分较低,中位数为1(0~2)。HIV预期耻辱感对PrEP使用意愿与药物依从性存在直接正向作用,效应值分别为0.13(P < 0.05)和0.14(P < 0.05)。社会性向歧视负向预测药物依从性(β =-0.15,P < 0.05);抑郁症状在社会性向歧视与药物依从性之间起部分中介作用,效应值为 0.03(P < 0.01)。结论:MSM人群PrEP使用意愿度较高,但药物依从性较低。心理因素对MSM人群的PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性影响显著,应将心理卫生服务与PrEP防治策略结合起来,更好发挥PrEP预防干预效果。


    Objective:The structural equation model(SEM)was used to analyze the data of psychological scales to explore the effects of these on willingness to use and adherence to HIV pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis(PrEP)among men who have sex with men (MSM),and to provide the basis for effective implementation of PrEP intervention strategy among MSM in China. Methods:Online recruitment and time⁃location sampling(TLS)were used to recruit MSM in Nanjing. Questionnaire survey was filled by Questionnaire Star software. Three psychological factors of anticipated HIV stigma,community homophobia and depressive symptoms were included in the SEM to explore the mechanism of these interaction with willingness to use and adherence to PrEP among MSM. Results:There were 75.73% of participants willing to use PrEP and 55.34% of participants self⁃reported high intention to adhere to PrEP. Participants had high anticipated HIV stigma and community homophobia,with median 20(17~23)and 27(22~30),respectively,but had few depression symptoms,with median 1(0~2). Anticipated HIV stigma had a direct positive effect on willingness to use and adherence to PrEP,with effect sizes of 0.13(P < 0.05)and 0.14(P < 0.05),respectively. Community homophobia negatively predicted PrEP adherence(β =-0.15,P < 0.05). Depression symptoms played a partially mediating role between community homophobia and PrEP adherence,with an effect size of 0.03(P < 0.01). Conclusion:High willingness to use PrEP,but low drug adherence were indicated among MSM. Psychological factors had significant effects on the willingness to use and adherence to PrEP. Psychological services should be in conjunction with PrEP prevention and intervention strategies to achieve better benefits of PrEP.

  • 暴露前预防(pre ⁃exposure prevention,PrEP)作为一种新的艾滋病生物学预防策略,已有大量临床试验证明了其有效性和安全性[1-2],并已在全球多个国家推广。中国食品药品监督管理局已于2020年8月批准替诺福韦/恩曲他滨合剂用于PrEP。一项流行病学模型研究预测,中国如果不实施PrEP,未来20年将会有110~300万新发HIV感染病例,而50%的PrEP覆盖率就可预防0.17~0.32万新发病例[3]。扩大PrEP实施是一项有效且有前景的公共卫生策略,可显著减少艾滋病疾病负担,尤其在男男性行为(men who have sex with men,MSM)等HIV高危人群中[4]

  • 数据显示我国MSM的HIV感染率从2003年的0.9%上升到2019年的6.3%[5],新发病例中超过1/4是MSM[6]。受中国传统文化的影响,MSM普遍存在HIV预期耻辱感[7],同时面临社会上各种各样的污名,最常见的是大众对是或被认为是同性恋或双性恋的人持有负面态度或不公平对待,英文定义其为community homophobia[8],这一解释与中文语境下的社会性向歧视一致。此外,一项Mate分析显示中国MSM的抑郁症患病率高达43.9%[9],远高于全人群的6.8%[10]。研究显示MSM人群抑郁可能与社会性向歧视和HIV耻辱感相关[11-12],并在社会性向歧视、耻辱感和卫生服用利用之间发挥中介作用[13],这为本研究提供了新思路。本研究运用结构方程模型 (structural equation model,SEM),探讨MSM人群HIV预期耻辱感、社会性向歧视和抑郁症状等心理因素与PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性之间的作用机制,以期为制定我国MSM人群PrEP干预策略提供依据。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 纳入标准:①年龄18岁及以上男性;②最近6个月发生过肛交性行为;③居住在南京;④自述HIV阴性或未知;④知情同意,自愿参加问卷调查。排除标准:①有严重意识障碍,思维逻辑不正常;②已被诊断HIV阳性。本项目已通过江苏省疾病预防控制中心伦理审查委员会审批(JSJK2019⁃B012⁃02)。

  • 1.2 方法

  • 2019年12月—2020年8月,在南京市开展横断面调查。招募方式包括时间场所抽样和网络平台招募。在调查开始前,召集南京市MSM社会组织志愿者骨干,列出南京市MSM主要活动场所及活动时间,由时间和地点组成抽样框,运用随机抽样原则,首先抽取活动场所,其次根据活动场所的活动时间段,抽取调查时间段。参照既定抽样的地点和时间结果,进行招募工作。网络平台招募是通过MSM社会组织的社交媒体、QQ和微信发布招募信息,至江苏省疾病预防控制中心健康咨询中心参与调查。调查对象利用“问卷星”软件填写调查问卷,为避免重复填写,每个IP和设备仅能填写1次。

  • 问卷共包括5个部分:①一般人口学资料。年龄组分为<36岁和≥36岁两组。有研究显示,主动接受艾滋病自愿咨询检测的MSM年龄主要在20~35岁,他们具有主动预防HIV意识且该年龄段人群处于性活跃期,发生高危性行为的风险较大[14]。②Golub等[15] 编制的HIV预期耻辱感量表。该量表有7个条目,采用1(非常不赞同)~4(非常赞同)4级评分法,得分范围为7~28分,得分越高表明HIV预期耻辱感越高,≥14分可认为存在高度HIV预期耻辱感。本研究该量表具有良好的信度,Cronbach α系数为0.90。③Liu等[8]修订的Community Homophobia量表评估社会性向歧视。该量表有10个条目,采用1 (非常不赞同)~4(非常赞同)4级评分法,得分范围为10~40分,得分越高表明社会性向歧视越严重,≥20分可认为存在高度社会性向歧视。本研究该量表具有良好的信度,Cronbach α系数为0.94。 ④采用患者健康问卷(PHQ⁃2)评估抑郁状况。有2个条目询问在过去2周抑郁相关症状出现频率,0=完全没有,1=有过几天,2=超过一半天数,3=几乎每天,得分范围为0~6分,得分越高表明抑郁症状频率越高,≥3分可认为存在明显抑郁症状[16]。该量表在本研究中具有较好的信度,Cronbach α 系数为0.84。⑤PrEP使用意愿和PrEP药物依从性调查:通过问题“如果目前在中国可以获得PrEP药物,同时PrEP的价格便宜,您服用它的可能性有多大?”评估PrEP使用意愿,回答“肯定会服用”和“可能服用”为愿意使用,“不太可能服用”和“肯定不会服用”为不愿意使用;通过问题“如果PrEP仅在每天服用时才有效,您确定您能够每天服用PrEP药物吗?”评估药物依从性,回答“很确定”和“比较确定”为高依从性,“不太确定”和“完全不确定”为低依从性。

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 采用SPSS 25.0进行统计学分析。定量资料不符合正态分布,采用中位数及四分位数[MP25P75)]进行描述;定性资料采用构成比(%)描述,用χ2 检验进行组间比较,P< 0.05为差异具有统计学意义。采用Amos 22.0构建结构方程模型。采用Bootstrap法,重复抽样2 000次,检验水准α=0.05,检验中介效应的显著性。采用Harman单因素检验法检验共同方法偏差。结果显示第1个公因子的方差解释百分比为29.23%,小于40%,可以认为不存在严重共同方法偏差[17]

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 一般情况

  • 时间场所抽样调查招募107例,网络平台招募204例,其中无效应答2例,共调查311例,有效问卷309份,有效应答率99.36%。调查对象年龄主要集中在18~35岁,占比76.70%,23.30%为36岁及以上; 12.30%为初中及以下学历,18.77%为高中或中专, 68.93%为大专及以上学历;全职固定工作占49.84%,学生占16.83%,其他占33.33%;月均收入 <5 000元占48.87%,5 000~10 000元为37.86%, >10 000元为13.27%;78.96%为未婚,16.50%为已婚,4.53%为离异或丧偶(表1)。

  • 2.2 MSM人群HIV预期耻辱感、社会性向歧视和抑郁症状情况

  • 调查对象HIV预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视得分普遍较高,中位数分别为20(17,23)和27(22, 30),92.56%和87.38%的MSM分别存在高度HIV预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视,但很少出现抑郁症状,抑郁症状得分中位数为1(0,2),仅有12.62%的MSM存在明显抑郁症状,其得分≥3分(表1)。

  • 2.3 PrEP使用意愿与药物依从性情况

  • 75.73%的调查对象愿意使用PrEP,55.34%自报能保持每日服药高依从性。PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性在不同教育程度和不同程度的HIV预期耻辱感之间差异有统计学意义,药物依从性在不同月收入之间差异有统计学意义(表1)。

  • 2.4 结构方程模型分析

  • 根据先前研究文献,以HIV预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视得分为自变量,PrEP使用意愿与药物依从性为因变量,抑郁症状得分为中介变量,构建SEM,控制教育和月收入。最初模型拟合结果欠佳,根据模型修正意见进行修正后,模型拟合较好(CMIN/DF=3.289,GFI=0.982,AGFI=0.918,RMSEA=0.086, CFI=0.931,图1)。HIV预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视显著正相关(r=0.48,P< 0.001)。HIV预期耻辱感正向预测PrEP使用意愿(β=0.13,P=0.039)和药物依从性(β=0.14,P=0.029),社会性向歧视负向预测药物依从性(β=-0.15,P=0.021),正向预测抑郁症状 (β=0.19,P=0.001);抑郁症状得分正向预测药物依从性(β=0.18,P=0.001)。

  • Bootstrap法中介效应检验显示(表2),HIV预期耻辱感对PrEP使用意愿与药物依从性之间存在直接作用,效应值分别为0.13(P< 0.05)和0.14(P < 0.05)。社会性向歧视对药物依从性不仅有直接效应(β=-0.15,P< 0.05),并通过影响抑郁症状对药物依从性存在间接效应,效应值为0.03(P< 0.01)。

  • 3 讨论

  • 本研究发现75.73%的MSM愿意使用PrEP,远高于此前估计的全球MSM PrEP使用意愿(57.8%)[18],与2017年我国网络调查的MSM PrEP使用意愿接近 (75.6%)[19]。然而,在被告知PrEP只有每日服用才有效后,仅有55.34%的MSM自报能保持高药物依从性,低于Peng等[20] 在成都地区调查发现的70.2%的MSM自报高依从性。有研究显示MSM高药物依从性与HIV知识和HIV风险认知有关[21]。因此推广使用PrEP应普及HIV知识和风险,并强调PrEP药物依从的重要性。早期药物依从性能够预测长期依从性,在服药4周内及时发现最需要PrEP服药依从性支持的人予以依从干预,可提高PrEP的有效性[22]。本研究也发现MSM人群中高度HIV预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视普遍存在,所占比例分别为92.56%和87.38%,与Liu等[7] 和Wei等[13] 的研究结果一致。但抑郁症状出现较少,这可能与本研究所招募的MSM人群普遍年轻,大多单身状态,所面临的生活和家庭压力较轻有关。

  • 本研究结果显示,HIV预期耻辱感对PrEP使用意愿有显著的正向直接作用,HIV预期耻辱感越高的MSM越愿意使用PrEP。HIV预期耻辱感是指HIV阴性个体预期在感染HIV后将会遭受的偏见和歧视[7],是个体对感染HIV负面后果的一种预估。对感染HIV的负面预期越大,个体更愿意服用PrEP以预防HIV感染,从而避免因感染HIV而遭受的歧视和偏见。Van等[23] 的研究也发现对HIV传播的负面预期有助于提高PrEP的接受度。

  • 表1 PrEP使用意愿与药物依从性情况

  • Table1 Willingness to use and adherence to PrEP

  • 图1 心理因素与PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性的结构方程模型

  • Fig.1 Structural equation model of psychological factors in willingness to use and adherence to PrEP

  • 表2 心理因素对PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性的效应分析结果

  • Table2 Effects analysis of psychological factors on willingness to use and adherence to PrEP

  • * P< 0.05,**P< 0.01。

  • 本研究发现,HIV预期耻辱感对PrEP依从性也存在显著正向直接作用,HIV预期耻辱感越高,MSM越不想感染HIV,因此有越高的药物依从性以确保PrEP的预防效果。本研究也发现,社会性向歧视能够直接负向预测PrEP药物依从性,即社会性向歧视得分越高者其依从性越低。社会性向歧视是指大众对是或被认为是同性恋或双性恋者的负面态度或不公平对待[8]。社会性向歧视在强调家庭结构和异性恋为主的中国文化背景下普遍存在,人们将同性性行为与HIV传播紧密联系,大多MSM更倾向隐藏自己的性取向和性行为特征[24],而长期服用PrEP可能会增加暴露其身份特征的风险。改变PrEP宣传策略,围绕健康负责的主题以及积极参与的态度以减少HIV传播,而不是强调PrEP针对HIV高危人群[25],可能会缓解对MSM等高危人群的偏见所造成的PrEP药物依从阻力。

  • 不同于先前研究[26-27],本次调查采用PHQ⁃2评估抑郁症状,被调查者得分集中于0~2分,正向预测PrEP依从性,亦即抑郁症状得分高的MSM有着高的PrEP依从性。从抑郁现实主义的角度分析,在轻微抑郁的范围内,存在抑郁症状者对现实的认知更加接近真实,可以产生积极的心理作用,如增强自信,这完全不同于存在思考障碍的中度或重度抑郁的精神疾病患者。iPrEx队列在6个国家采用流行病学研究中心抑郁量表(CES⁃D)的研究发现[26],与无抑郁(0~15分)的MSM相比,轻度抑郁者(16⁃26分)药物依从性增加,而重度抑郁者(≥27分)依从性降低。Velloza等[27] 在非洲采用霍普金斯抑郁症状筛查表(HSCL⁃D)的研究发现抑郁(≥1.75分)与女性PrEP药物依从性低下显著相关,但与男性的依从性无关。因此,抑郁症状及其不同程度对PrEP药物依从性的影响较为复杂,后续研究可以通过扩大样本量,深入调查多样化、不同类型MSM人群,并采用或开发更适用MSM人群特征的抑郁症状量表与通用评判标准,以增加研究结果的可靠性和可比性。

  • 通过Bootstrap中介效应检验,本研究发现抑郁症状在社会性向歧视与药物依从性之间起部分中介作用。社会性向歧视既是PrEP药物依从性的直接阻力,也可通过影响低水平的抑郁症状得分,间接促进PrEP依从性。但也有研究表明,抑郁症会影响MSM对其他HIV卫生服务的利用,如HIV咨询和检测[13]。因此仍要致力于减轻MSM人群的抑郁症状,将其控制在轻度或无抑郁状态,以发挥其对PrEP药物依从性的积极作用。在我国即将全面推广PrEP并保持高药物依从性时,可考虑将心理因素的监测与服务纳入PrEP综合干预策略中。

  • 本研究存在不足。研究对象是通过MSM活跃的场所和网络平台招募的,招募策略可能导致高度挑选的样本是更年轻和更活跃于MSM社圈的。性向歧视和耻辱感是敏感问题,可能存在报告偏倚。本研究结构方程模型仅控制了单因素分析有统计学差异的变量,由于抽样和样本构成的原因,除教育和收入外,其他因素也可能影响研究结果。

  • 综上所述,MSM人群使用PrEP的意愿度较高,但依从性较低。HIV预期耻辱感和社会性向歧视在MSM人群中普遍存在,并显著影响PrEP使用意愿和药物依从性。抑郁症状对PrEP依从性的影响尚需进一步研究,并应将心理健康服务与PrEP策略结合起来,以达到PrEP预防HIV最佳效果。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] FONNER V A,DALGLISH S L,KENNEDY C E,et al.Ef⁃ fectiveness and safety of oral HIV preexposure prophylax⁃ is for all populations[J].AIDS,2016,30(12):1973-1983

    • [2] GRANT R M,ANDERSON P L,MCMAHAN V,et al.Up⁃ take of pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis,sexual practices,and HIV incidence in men and transgender women who have sex with men:a cohort study[J].Lancet Infect Dis,2014,14(9):820-829

    • [3] ZHANG L,PENG P,WU Y,et al.Modelling the epidemi⁃ ological impact and cost ⁃ effectiveness of PrEP for HIV transmission in MSM in China[J].AIDS Behav,2019,23(2):523-533

    • [4] HODGES ⁃ MAMELETZIS I,DALAL S,MSIMANGA ⁃ RADEBE B,et al.Going global:the adoption of the World Health Organization’s enabling recommendation on oral pre⁃exposure prophylaxis for HIV[J].Sex Health,2018,15(6):489-500

    • [5] UNAIDS.Country factsheets ⁃ China 2019,2021[EB/OL].https://www.unaids.org/en/regionscountries/countries/chi ⁃ na

    • [6] ZHANG X,WANG N,VERMUND S ⁃ H,et al.Interven⁃ tions to improve the HIV continuum of care in China[J].Curr HIV/AIDS Rep,2019,16(6):448-457

    • [7] LIU C,ZHANG Y,PAN S⁃W,et al.Anticipated HIV stig⁃ ma among HIV negative men who have sex with men in China:a cross⁃sectional study[J].BMC Infect Dis,2020,20(1):44

    • [8] LIU H,FENG T,RHODES A G,et al.Assessment of the Chinese version of HIV and homosexuality related stigma scales[J].Sex Transm Infect,2009,85(1):65-69

    • [9] 李世明,冯为,崔凤伟,等.中国男男性行为者抑郁患病率Meta分析[J].中国艾滋病性病,2020,26(12):1318-1322

    • [10] HUANG Y,WANG Y,WANG H,et al.Prevalence of men⁃ tal disorders in China:a cross ⁃ sectional epidemiological study[J].Lancet Psychiatry,2019,6(3):211-224

    • [11] YAN H,LI X,LI J,et al.Association between perceived HIV stigma,social support,resilience,self ⁃ esteem,and depressive symptoms among HIV ⁃positive men who have sex with men(MSM)in Nanjing,China[J].AIDS Care,2019,31(9):1069-1076

    • [12] SUN S,PACHANKIS J⁃E,LI X,et al.Addressing minori⁃ ty stress and mental health among men who have sex with men(MSM)in China[J].Curr HIV/AIDS Rep,2020,17(1):35-62

    • [13] WEI C,CHEUNG D H,YAN H,et al.The impact of ho⁃ mophobia and HIV stigma on HIV testing uptake among Chinese men who have sex with men:a mediation analysis [J].J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr,2016,71(1):87-93

    • [14] 王淑芹,肖培培,金鑫,等.2016—2018 年南京市江宁区艾滋病自愿咨询检测情况[J].江苏预防医学,2020,31(4):407-409

    • [15] GOLUB,S A GAMAREL K E.The impact of anticipated HIV stigma on delays in HIV testing behaviors:findings from a community ⁃ based sample of men who have sex with men and transgender women in New York City[J].AIDS Patient Care STDS,2013,27(11):621-627

    • [16] GILBODY S,RICHARDS D,BREALEY S,et al.Screen⁃ ing for depression in medical settings with the Patient Health Questionnaire(PHQ):a diagnostic meta ⁃analysis [J].J Gen Intern Med,2007,22(11):1596-1602

    • [17] 周浩,龙立荣.共同方法偏差的统计检验与控制方法 [J].心理科学进展,2004,22(6):942-950

    • [18] PENG P,SU S,FAIRLEY C K,et al.A global estimate of the acceptability of pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis for HIV among men who have sex with men:a systematic review and meta⁃analysis[J].AIDS Behav,2018,22(4):1063-1074

    • [19] HAN J,BOUEY J Z,WANG L,et al.PrEP uptake prefer⁃ ences among men who have sex with men in China:re⁃ sults from a National Internet Survey[J].J Int AIDS Soc,2019,22(2):e25242

    • [20] PENG L,CAO W,GU J,et al.Willingness to use and ad⁃ here to HIV pre⁃exposure prophylaxis(PrEP)among men who have sex with men(MSM)in China[J].Int J Environ Res Public Health,2019,16(14):2620

    • [21] LIU C,DING Y,NING Z,et al.Factors influencing up⁃ take of pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis:some qualitative in⁃ sights from an intervention study of men who have sex with men in China[J].Sex Health,2018,15(1):39-45

    • [22] GRINSZTEJN B,HOAGLAND B,MOREIRA R I,et al.Retention,engagement,and adherence to pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis for men who have sex with men and transgen⁃ der women in PrEPBrasil:48 week results of a demonstra⁃ tion study[J].Lancet HIV,2018,5(3):e136-e145

    • [23] VAN DER ELST E M,MBOGUA J,OPERARIO D,et al.High acceptability of HIV pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis but challenges in adherence and use:qualitative insights from a phase I trial of intermittent and daily PrEP in at ⁃ risk populations in Kenya[J].AIDS Behav,2013,17(6):2162-2172

    • [24] REN Z,HOWE C ⁃Q,ZHANG W.Maintaining“mianzi” and“lizi”:Understanding the reasons for formality mar⁃ riages between gay men and lesbians in China[J].Trans⁃ cult Psychiatry,2019,56(1):213-232

    • [25] HAIRE B G.Preexposure prophylaxis⁃related stigma:strat⁃ egies to improve uptake and adherence ⁃ a narrative review [J].HIV AIDS(Auckl),2015,7:241-249

    • [26] Mehrotra M L,Glidden D V,McMahan V,et al.The effect of depressive symptoms on adherence to daily oral PrEPin men who have sex with men and transgender women:a marginal structural model analysis of theiPrEx OLE study [J].AIDS Behav,2016,20(7):1527-1534

    • [27] VELLOZA J,BAETEN J M,HABERER J,et al.Effect of depression on adherence to oral PrEP among men and women in East Africa[J].J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr,2018,79(3):330-338

  • 参考文献

    • [1] FONNER V A,DALGLISH S L,KENNEDY C E,et al.Ef⁃ fectiveness and safety of oral HIV preexposure prophylax⁃ is for all populations[J].AIDS,2016,30(12):1973-1983

    • [2] GRANT R M,ANDERSON P L,MCMAHAN V,et al.Up⁃ take of pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis,sexual practices,and HIV incidence in men and transgender women who have sex with men:a cohort study[J].Lancet Infect Dis,2014,14(9):820-829

    • [3] ZHANG L,PENG P,WU Y,et al.Modelling the epidemi⁃ ological impact and cost ⁃ effectiveness of PrEP for HIV transmission in MSM in China[J].AIDS Behav,2019,23(2):523-533

    • [4] HODGES ⁃ MAMELETZIS I,DALAL S,MSIMANGA ⁃ RADEBE B,et al.Going global:the adoption of the World Health Organization’s enabling recommendation on oral pre⁃exposure prophylaxis for HIV[J].Sex Health,2018,15(6):489-500

    • [5] UNAIDS.Country factsheets ⁃ China 2019,2021[EB/OL].https://www.unaids.org/en/regionscountries/countries/chi ⁃ na

    • [6] ZHANG X,WANG N,VERMUND S ⁃ H,et al.Interven⁃ tions to improve the HIV continuum of care in China[J].Curr HIV/AIDS Rep,2019,16(6):448-457

    • [7] LIU C,ZHANG Y,PAN S⁃W,et al.Anticipated HIV stig⁃ ma among HIV negative men who have sex with men in China:a cross⁃sectional study[J].BMC Infect Dis,2020,20(1):44

    • [8] LIU H,FENG T,RHODES A G,et al.Assessment of the Chinese version of HIV and homosexuality related stigma scales[J].Sex Transm Infect,2009,85(1):65-69

    • [9] 李世明,冯为,崔凤伟,等.中国男男性行为者抑郁患病率Meta分析[J].中国艾滋病性病,2020,26(12):1318-1322

    • [10] HUANG Y,WANG Y,WANG H,et al.Prevalence of men⁃ tal disorders in China:a cross ⁃ sectional epidemiological study[J].Lancet Psychiatry,2019,6(3):211-224

    • [11] YAN H,LI X,LI J,et al.Association between perceived HIV stigma,social support,resilience,self ⁃ esteem,and depressive symptoms among HIV ⁃positive men who have sex with men(MSM)in Nanjing,China[J].AIDS Care,2019,31(9):1069-1076

    • [12] SUN S,PACHANKIS J⁃E,LI X,et al.Addressing minori⁃ ty stress and mental health among men who have sex with men(MSM)in China[J].Curr HIV/AIDS Rep,2020,17(1):35-62

    • [13] WEI C,CHEUNG D H,YAN H,et al.The impact of ho⁃ mophobia and HIV stigma on HIV testing uptake among Chinese men who have sex with men:a mediation analysis [J].J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr,2016,71(1):87-93

    • [14] 王淑芹,肖培培,金鑫,等.2016—2018 年南京市江宁区艾滋病自愿咨询检测情况[J].江苏预防医学,2020,31(4):407-409

    • [15] GOLUB,S A GAMAREL K E.The impact of anticipated HIV stigma on delays in HIV testing behaviors:findings from a community ⁃ based sample of men who have sex with men and transgender women in New York City[J].AIDS Patient Care STDS,2013,27(11):621-627

    • [16] GILBODY S,RICHARDS D,BREALEY S,et al.Screen⁃ ing for depression in medical settings with the Patient Health Questionnaire(PHQ):a diagnostic meta ⁃analysis [J].J Gen Intern Med,2007,22(11):1596-1602

    • [17] 周浩,龙立荣.共同方法偏差的统计检验与控制方法 [J].心理科学进展,2004,22(6):942-950

    • [18] PENG P,SU S,FAIRLEY C K,et al.A global estimate of the acceptability of pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis for HIV among men who have sex with men:a systematic review and meta⁃analysis[J].AIDS Behav,2018,22(4):1063-1074

    • [19] HAN J,BOUEY J Z,WANG L,et al.PrEP uptake prefer⁃ ences among men who have sex with men in China:re⁃ sults from a National Internet Survey[J].J Int AIDS Soc,2019,22(2):e25242

    • [20] PENG L,CAO W,GU J,et al.Willingness to use and ad⁃ here to HIV pre⁃exposure prophylaxis(PrEP)among men who have sex with men(MSM)in China[J].Int J Environ Res Public Health,2019,16(14):2620

    • [21] LIU C,DING Y,NING Z,et al.Factors influencing up⁃ take of pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis:some qualitative in⁃ sights from an intervention study of men who have sex with men in China[J].Sex Health,2018,15(1):39-45

    • [22] GRINSZTEJN B,HOAGLAND B,MOREIRA R I,et al.Retention,engagement,and adherence to pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis for men who have sex with men and transgen⁃ der women in PrEPBrasil:48 week results of a demonstra⁃ tion study[J].Lancet HIV,2018,5(3):e136-e145

    • [23] VAN DER ELST E M,MBOGUA J,OPERARIO D,et al.High acceptability of HIV pre ⁃ exposure prophylaxis but challenges in adherence and use:qualitative insights from a phase I trial of intermittent and daily PrEP in at ⁃ risk populations in Kenya[J].AIDS Behav,2013,17(6):2162-2172

    • [24] REN Z,HOWE C ⁃Q,ZHANG W.Maintaining“mianzi” and“lizi”:Understanding the reasons for formality mar⁃ riages between gay men and lesbians in China[J].Trans⁃ cult Psychiatry,2019,56(1):213-232

    • [25] HAIRE B G.Preexposure prophylaxis⁃related stigma:strat⁃ egies to improve uptake and adherence ⁃ a narrative review [J].HIV AIDS(Auckl),2015,7:241-249

    • [26] Mehrotra M L,Glidden D V,McMahan V,et al.The effect of depressive symptoms on adherence to daily oral PrEPin men who have sex with men and transgender women:a marginal structural model analysis of theiPrEx OLE study [J].AIDS Behav,2016,20(7):1527-1534

    • [27] VELLOZA J,BAETEN J M,HABERER J,et al.Effect of depression on adherence to oral PrEP among men and women in East Africa[J].J Acquir Immune DeficSyndr,2018,79(3):330-338