Under the strategic background of Healthy China,this paper aims to analyze the efficiency andinfluencing factors of government healthcare expenditure in the Yangtze River Delta region to provide references forpromoting the high-quality development of its healthcare industry. Based on the panel data of 41 cities in theYangtze River Delta region from 2016 to 2021,this paper adopts the DEA-BCC model and Malmquist index toanalyze the efficiency of health expenditure in the Yangtze River Delta region from the static and dynamicdimensions while also utilizing the restricted dependent variable Tobit model to analyze influencing factors.According to the analysis,the expenditure efficiency in the Yangtze River Delta region is relatively high but variessignificantly across regions. The low scale efficiency and declining technological progress in most regions havebecome key constraints on expenditure efficiency. The GDP per capita and urbanization rate are positivelycorrelated with expenditure efficiency; while population density, healthcare expenditure proportion,fiscaldecentralization significantly and negatively correlate with expenditure efficiency. The number of general highereducation students per 10 000 population has a certain but insignificant impact on expenditure efficiency. On thisbasis,this paper proposes suggestions about optimizing healthcare expenditure efficiency in the Yangtze RiverDelta region.