Policy suggestions of strengthening pension insurance system and guaranteeing elderly patients with essential drugs in grassroots platform in Jiangsu province
The main objects of the government’s livelihood projects are to enable the elderly taken care of and the sick having access to medical care. The policy that guarantees elderly patients with essential drugs in grassroots platform could release the economic burden of diseases for the elderly patients fundamentally. It could also embody respect for the seniority and benefiting the people. The government could distribute and use the medical resource rationally and realize the notion of “governing for the people” and the value proposition of “social justice” by implementing this policy. The foreign experiences and the theory of public goods could give valuable use for reference to this policy. The economic foundations of Jiangsu province could provide excellent conditions for this policy. As long as the government could place value on this policy, take full advantage of the advantages of financing channels, remove the mutual suppression between the departments interests and enforce the information management and supervision, this implementation of this policy will be the critical step of the pension insurance system and modern healthcare system in Jiangsu province.