Abstract:在医疗机构内时常会发生随意殴打、追逐、拦截、辱骂、恐吓医务工作人员、任意毁损、[ Subject: Studies on the Judicial Application of the Crime of “Medical Disturbance” Author and Unit : YOU Jinliang (Law Department ,Anhui Medical University, HeFei 230032, China):“Medical Disturbance” Entering the criminal Law refers to the Amendment 9 of Criminal Law has regulated the behavior of disturbing the medical order seriously as a kind of crime , which is specified the medical disturbances in narrow sense which constitute the crime of disturbing social order , rather than all the medical disturbances which constitute other crimes. Only serious “Medical Disturbances” with behavior of gathering a crowd, circumstance of aggravation and serious losses ,can constitute the crime of disturbing social order. We should deal with the concurrence of different crimes caused by the narrow sense of medical disturbances or the widely sense of medical disturbances when we convict. We should adhere to the principle of dealing with different case on its merits and the principle of economy when we measure the penalty.Keywords: medical disturbance; crime conditions; concurrence; principle of punishment ]占有医疗机构的财产的情况,但尚不足以构成故意伤害罪、故意毁坏财物罪等犯罪,却导致医疗秩序遭到破坏,这种情况在外观上既符合聚众扰乱社会秩序罪的特征,也符合刑法第二百九十三条规定的寻衅滋事罪的特征,在司法实践中应根据不同情况进行处理。如果缺乏“聚众”的行为条件、“医疗纠纷”的原因条件,而行为人只是通过实施以上行为而争强逞能、寻求刺激、开心取乐,应当按照寻衅滋事罪定罪处罚,反之,就应当按照聚众扰乱社会秩序罪进行处罚。