To explore the effect on the social workers and volunteer services for the patients with depression after colorectal cancer surgery, the social workers and volunteers, who have been trained by the psychological counselors evaluated depression patients after colorectal cancer surgery using SDS(Self?Rating Depression Scale). Depressed patients were randomly divided into two groups, the observation group using social workers and volunteer services intervention mode and the control group using routine care model. SDS score, qualification rate of colostomy related knowledge and qualification rate of ostomy bag replacement were compared for the two groups after one month. The observation group had a significantly lower SDS score(P<0.05)than the control group, had a significantly higher qualification rate(P<0.05)in colostomy related knowledge and ostomy bag replacement than the control group. The study showed social workers and volunteers service for colorectal cancer patients, would help to reduce the patient's depression emotion, improve the patients’ awareness of active participation in self?ostomy care and promote the patients’ ostomy adaptation and rehabilitation.