To evaluate the effectiveness of hospital?implemented Sunshine Medication Supervision Platform (SMSP) combined with Driver License Scoring?like Management (DLSM) for decreasing the cost of medical insurance, the prescriptions pre (2016) and post (2017—2018) the implementation of the DLSM were selected and the data were withdrawn via the hospital information management system, including the percentage of drug cost, basic medication cost, antibiotics cost, supplementary medication cost, sub?average costs and coordinated payment ratio. The results showed that the proportion of inpatients and outpatients decreased gradually from 2016 (40.94%, 36.14%) to 2018 (33.63%, 34.15%). The costs of antibiotics and supplementary medication of total medication costs continued to decrease. The proportion of expenses continued to rise and the cost of key monitoring drugs continued to decline. The average cost per year was decreasing year by year, while the proportion of overall payment was on the rise. The implementation of the SMSP combined with DLSM can improve the rationality of medication and reduce the cost of medicines, thus effectively controlling the cost of medical insurance.