



Evaluation of the accuracy of SurePath liquid-based cytology in thyroid fine-needle aspiration

1.Department of Endocrinology, Drum Tower Hospital affiliated to Nanjing University Medical School;2.Department of Endocrinology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University

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    目的:评价SurePath沉降式液基细胞采集(SurePath-LBC)技术应用于甲状腺细针穿刺细胞学病理诊断的准确性。方法:回顾性收集南京医科大学第一附属医院甲乳外科行手术治疗有完整术前细胞病理和术后病理资料患者共计352例(363个甲状腺结节)。术前均采用SurePath-LBC技术进行细胞学制片,并将细胞病理诊断与手术病理对比。对其中264例同时进行了BRAFV600E突变的检测。结果:细胞病理提示“可疑恶性”(SM)的共计112例,110例可疑乳头状癌(PTC),2例可疑髓样癌(MTC)。110例可疑PTC最终手术病理确定为PTC 106例,另1例不典型滤泡性腺瘤,1例滤泡状癌(FTC),2例恶性潜能未定的甲状腺高分化肿瘤(WT-UMP),诊断一致率为96.4%;2例可疑MTC的病例最终手术病理均证实为MTC,一致率100%。总体SM病例与手术病理吻合率为97.3%。细胞病理提示“恶性”(M)的甲状腺结节共计211例(210例PTC,1例MTC), 210例PTC中,手术病理证实为PTC 209例,另1例提示乳头状增生伴不典型增生,诊断一致率为99.5%;细胞学诊断为MTC的病例手术病理也确定为MTC,一致率为100%。总体M病例与手术病理吻合率为99.5%。BRAFV600E在SM、M中的突变率分别为82.3%和95.5%。细胞学诊断为“良性”(B)的结节共计7例,最终手术病理3例为结节性甲状腺肿,2例滤泡性肿瘤,2例PTC。细胞学诊断SM、M和B总体诊断一致率为98.2%。“不典型病变”(AUS)的结节共23例,其中TI-RADS 4B及以上19例,BRAFV600E突变率为62.5%(10/16),总体恶性率87%。 “无诊断”(ND)的病例10例,BRAFV600E突变率为57.1%(4/7),总体恶性率为50%。结论:采用SurePath-LBC方法进行甲状腺细针穿刺标本制片细胞病理学诊断为SM或M时与最终手术病理诊断表达高度一致性,对于具体的恶性类别也有准确的提示作用。细胞学诊断为B、AUS和ND应结合超声特征、BRAFV600E突变状态和结节大小等因素综合判定。总体而言,该技术对于甲状腺结节术前诊断具有非常重要的参考价值,值得进一步推广和应用。


    Objective: The study aims to evaluate the accuracy of the cytological diagnosis using SurePath-liquid based cytology (SurePath-LBC) in fine needle aspiration (FNA) for thyroid nodules. Method: 352 patients who underwent thyroidectomy were recruited at the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University with complete data of cytopathology and histopathology. We compared the cytological diagnosis using SurePath-LBC preoperatively to the final surgical pathology. 363 independent cytology reports were obtained from these patients. 264 cases were detected for BRAFV600E mutation status. Result: 112 cytopathology reports were reported as “suspicious for malignancy, SM” with 110 cases suspicious for papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) and 2 cases suspicious for medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC). In 110 cases suspicious for PTC, 106 were confirmed by the final surgical pathology. For other 4 cases, 1 case was atypical adenoma, 1 case was follicular thyroid carcinoma (FTC), and 2 cases were well differentiated tumor, uncertain malignant potential (WT-UMP). Diagnosis accuracy that reported as suspicious for PTC was 96.4%. 2 cases suspicious for MTC were confirmed by surgical pathology with accuracy as 100%. Diagnosis accuracy of SM group was 97.3%. 211 nodules were reported as “malignant, M” (210 PTCs and 1 case MTC). Among 210 cytological PTCs, 209 cases were confirmed by histology, and 1 case was confirmed to be atypical adenoma, the diagnosis accuracy of PTC was 99.5%. 1 cytological MTC was confirmed to be MTC with diagnosis accuracy as 100%. The diagnosis accuracy cytological M group was 99.5%. BRAFV600E mutation rate of SM and M were 82.3% and 95.5% respectively. 7 thyroid nodules were reported as “benign, B”. Among them, 3 cases were diagnosed as nodular goiters, 2 cases were follicular tumors and 2 cases were PTC diagnosed by histology. Overall, diagnosis accuracy for SM、M and B as a total was 98.2%. 23 thyroid nodules were reported as “atypia of undetermined significance, AUS” of which 19 cases were above TI-RADS 4B, the BRAFV600E mutation rate was 62.5%, and the final malignancy rate was 87%. We also found 10 “nondiagnostic, ND” cytology reports with the BRAFV600E mutation rate was 57.1%, and malignancy rate was 50%. Conclusion: The cytological diagnosis using SurePath-LBC for thyroid FNA is highly consistent with surgical pathological diagnosis specifically for PTC and MTC. The cytological diagnosis of B, AUS, and ND should be comprehensively handled by combining factors such as ultrasound characteristics, BRAFV600E mutation status, and nodule size. SurePath-liquid based cytology for thyroid FNA is highly accurate when the diagnosis of SM or M is made which is very important for further patient triage and the decision of reasonable surgical method.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-02-04
  • 最后修改日期:2024-05-01
  • 录用日期:2024-10-22