
1.南京医科大学 附属脑科医院;2.南京医科大学第四附属医院


江苏省科技计划项目重点项目,“江苏省帕金森病前驱期队列的建立和早期综合诊断指标体系的研发”,编号:2019-2022 BE2019611

Quantitatively Evaluating Characteristics of Movement Symptoms in Early Parkinson's Disease by a Multi-Point Wearable Device
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    基于统一帕金森病评分量表(Unified Parkinson′s disease Rating Scale III,UPDRS III)的指定动作评估多点可穿戴设备辅助早期PD诊断的价值。 方法:本研究共纳入54名受试者。分别分入早期PD组(n=30, UPDRS III<30分)或正常对照组(n=24),并在多点可穿戴设备下完成UPDRS III要求的指定动作。我们使用10个惯性传感器收集受试者在完成动作时胸、腰、膝关节、肘关节、踝关节及双足部等部位的角速度、加速度等信息。组间比较各指定动作的运动参数,采用支持向量机和十折交叉验证计算可区分两组的最佳模型并评估其诊断效能。结果:早期PD组与正常对照组完成各UPDRS III指定动作的可穿戴设备运动参数存在显著统计学差异(P<0.05)。其中言语动作区分两组的准确性最高,可达0.906。与上半身动作组相比,下半身动作组与全身动作组的一致性、敏感性及准确性均较高,能特异性地识别早期PD患者的运动障碍。结论:多点可穿戴设备可客观评估早期PD患者运动障碍特征,可作为早期PD辅助诊断和量化评估的工具。


    [Abstract] Objective: To evaluate the potential of using a multi-point wearable device in facilitating early diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) with the unified Parkinson′s disease Rating Scale III (UPDRS III). Methods: A total of 54 subjects were recruited in this study. They were divided into the early PD group (n=30, UPDRS III<30 points) or the normal control group (n=24).Each subject wore a multi-point wearable device when performing the standard actions required by the UPDRS III. Ten inertial sensors were employed to collect motor parameters including the angular speed and acceleration data from the subject’s chest,waist, knee joint, elbow joint, ankle joint, and foot. We compared the motor parameters between the two groups, and applied support vector machine and ten-fold cross-validation to calculate the model that could distinguish between the two groups with its diagnostic potentials. Results: There were significant statistical differences in the motion parameters of wearable devices in the early PD group and the normal control group after completing the specified actions of UPDRS III (P<0.05).The accuracy of speech action between the two groups was the highest, reaching 0.906. Compared with the upper body movement group, the lower body movement group and the whole body movement group had higher consistency, sensitivity and accuracy, and could specifically identify the movement disorders of early PD patients.Conclusion: Multi-point wearable devices can objectively evaluate the characteristics of movement disorders in early PD patients, and can be used as a tool for auxiliary diagnosis and quantitative evaluation of early PD.

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  • 收稿日期:2024-05-14
  • 最后修改日期:2024-10-28
  • 录用日期:2024-12-12