
江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目(18KJB 320005)

Low intensity pulsed ultrasound inhibits calcification of vascular smooth muscle cells and vascular adventitial fibroblasts.
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    目的:探究低强度脉冲超声(low intensity pulsed ultrasound,LIPUS)对高钙磷诱导的大鼠血管平滑肌细胞(rat vascular smooth muscle cell,rVSMC)及大鼠血管成纤维细胞(rat vascular adventitial fibroblasts,rVAF)钙化是否有抑制作用。方法:提取rVSMCs及rVAF,通过钙浓度测定、碱性磷酸酶(alkaline phosphatase,ALP)活性测定、茜素红染色等方法检测不同声强的低强度脉冲超声对钙化的作用;Western blot、real-time PCR探究低强度脉冲超声对细胞成骨分化的作用。结果:LIPUS处理显著抑制了高钙磷培养基诱导rVSMCs及rVAF的钙沉积及ALP活性的升高,同时在14 mW/cm2 声强LIPUS处理后,rVSMCs及rVAF的成骨分化标志物的表达显著降低。结论:LIPUS抑制高磷钙诱导的rVSMCs及rVAF成骨分化标志物的表达,因此LIPUS对高钙磷引起的rVSMC和rVAF钙化具有保护作用。


    Objective:This study aims to investigate if low intensity pulsed ultrasound(LIPUS)has the inhibition effect of on calcification of rat vascular smooth muscle cells(rVSMC)and rat vascular adventitial fibroblasts(rVAF)induced by hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Methods:RVSMCs and rVAF were extracted,calcium quantification,alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activation and Alizarin red staining to detect the different intensity of LIPUS on calcification;Western blot and real-time PCR were performd to explore the effect of LIPUS on expression of osteogenic markers. Results:LIPUS treatment significantly inhibited the calcium quantification,ALP activation of rVSMCs and rVAF induced by hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Meanwhile,the expression of osteogenic markers of rVSMCs and rVAF decreased after 14 mW/cm2 LIPUS treatment. Conclusion:LIPUS treatment could inhibit the expression of osteogenic markers in both rVSMCs and rVAF induced by hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia. Therefore,LIPUS has protection effect on rVSMCs and rVAF calcification caused by hypercalcemia and hyperphosphatemia.

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    发 布

李珺晗,邱 铭,陆 艳,孙 伟,孔祥清.低强度脉冲超声抑制血管平滑肌和成纤维细胞的钙化[J].南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2021,(5):657-662

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  • 收稿日期:2021-01-13
  • 在线发布日期: 2021-06-02