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    Endometriosis(EMS)has been recognized as a fibrotic disease in recent years,and the fibrosis process of EMS lesions is strongly associated with EMS-related pain,infertility and drug resistance. Myofibroblast(MFB)is the key cell of EMS fibrosis,MFB has a variety of cell sources in eutopic lesions and many activation pathways. Inhibiting MFB activation,promoting apoptosis or cell senescence can inhibit tissue fibrosis. In this paper,the research progress about the correlation between fibrosis and clinical manifestations of EMS,the sources and activation pathways of MFB in EMS,and targeting MFB to inhibit fibrosis are reviewed.

  • 子宫内膜异位症(endometriosis,EMS)是育龄期女性的常见病,发生率为10%~15%。EMS是指子宫内膜腺体和间质出现在子宫腔外的部位。病理检查仅可在少部分 EMS 病灶中找到典型的子宫内膜间质和腺体。如深部浸润型子宫内膜异位症(deep infiltrating endometriosis,DIE)病灶在镜下仅可见被纤维组织包绕的腺上皮,缺乏典型的内膜间质结构[1]。40%的卵巢子宫内膜异位症(ovarian endome⁃ triosis,OE)在镜下找不到内膜上皮,但囊壁内层皆被纤维化组织覆盖[1]。研究证实,纤维化和肌成纤维细胞(myofibroblast,MFB)的存在是EMS固有的病理特征和关键致病因素[2-3],提出EMS就是一种纤维化疾病[1]

  • 纤维化形成是指细胞外基质(extracellular ma⁃ trix,ECM)成分的过度累积,是组织器官修复的一个正常且重要的阶段。当组织受损时,局部组织中的间质细胞被激活,其收缩力、分泌炎性介质和合成 ECM 成分的能力均明显增强,启动伤口的愈合反应。当损伤轻微或非持续时,ECM成分短暂累积并很快被清除,有利于正常组织结构的重塑。但当损伤严重或持续时,持续的ECM累积导致正常组织结构的破坏、器官功能障碍,甚至器官衰竭[4]。MFB是纤维化反应的主要效应细胞[5]。本文就EMS纤维化与其临床表现的相关性、异位内膜中 MFB 来源、 MFB的功能结构、调控MFB活化的通路及靶向MFB拮抗纤维化进行综述。

  • 1 EMS纤维化与其临床表现相关

  • 盆腔疼痛和不孕是EMS主要的临床表现。Yan 等[6] 发现EMS病灶的纤维化程度与病变中神经纤维密度呈正相关,并且神经纤维密度与EMS相关疼痛严重程度呈正相关。Huang等[7] 指出,DIE病灶的纤维化程度明显高于 OE,DIE 患者的盆腔痛也比 OE 患者明显。Ding等[8] 研究表明成人OE病变比青少年表现出更广泛的盆腔粘连与纤维化,并且EMS病灶的纤维化程度与痛经的严重程度呈正相关。

  • 30%~50%的EMS患者合并不孕,罹患不孕症的女性中有50%存在EMS。在EMS病情发展过程中,周期性的甾体激素刺激导致病灶反复出血,引发炎症、组织损伤和纤维化。EMS病灶引起的粘连和纤维化可改变盆腔解剖结构引起不孕,OE病灶的纤维化也能通过降低卵巢功能和卵子质量引起不孕[9]。罹患EMS、多囊卵巢综合征和卵巢早衰的女性均容易出现不孕和早绝经,这些患者共同的病理特征就是卵巢组织出现了纤维化[10]。取自OE病变侧的卵巢皮质与对侧正常卵巢皮质相比,纤维化程度高、卵泡密度低,纤维化与卵泡密度呈负相关[11]。 Gordts等[12] 研究表明在直径< 4 cm的OE中即存在卵泡储备的丧失以及卵巢皮质纤维化。Ⅲ/Ⅳ期OE病变纤维化程度明显高于Ⅰ/Ⅱ期,卵巢储备显著低于 Ⅰ/Ⅱ期[13]

  • EMS纤维化除了导致疼痛和不孕,还增加了手术和药物治疗的难度。纤维化和粘连严重的 EMS 在术中发生盆腔脏器损伤和术后发生并发症的风险均较高。纤维化的 EMS 病灶对激素类药物治疗具有高度耐药性[14]。EMS 病灶纤维化增加和血管供应减少增加了治疗药物的研发难度[15]。纤维化是与EMS临床表现密切相关的重要病理特征。

  • 2 MFB是EMS纤维化的关键细胞

  • 自 1996 年首次在 OE 囊壁中检测到 MFB 增生至今,已有很多研究证实MFB是EMS纤维化的关键细胞,这其中包括腹膜型子宫内膜异位症(peritoneal endometriosis,PEM)、OE和DIE[3]

  • 2.1 EMS中MFB来源

  • 对于EMS病灶中MFB的来源,目前研究认为存在以下几种学说:成纤维细胞⁃肌成纤维细胞转分化 (fibroblast⁃myofibroblast transition,FMT)、上皮⁃间充质转化(epithelial⁃mesenchymal transition,EMT)、)内皮⁃间充质转化(endothelial⁃mesenchymal transition, EndoMT)、间皮⁃间充质转化(mesothelial ⁃mesenchy⁃ mal transformation,MMT)、间充质干细胞(mesenchy⁃ mal stem cell,MSC)分化。

  • 在正常子宫内膜及EMS患者在位内膜中,成纤维细胞占比相似,为 53.9%~57.9%,但在 EMS 病变中成纤维细胞的比例明显降低[16]。缺氧条件下,前列腺素E2和凝血酶刺激诱导激活素A上调,导致异位内膜间质细胞发生 FMT 获得间充质表型[17]。研究证实,PEM、OE 和DIE 中的成纤维细胞均可分化为MFB[1517]。且DIE中FMT以及纤维化程度均高于 OE[15]。在小鼠EMS模型中也观察到,FMT是病变中 MFB 的主要来源,随着病变的进展,病灶纤维化程度逐渐增加[18]

  • EMT是指特殊的生理或病理条件如纤维化、肿瘤转移时,上皮细胞转变为间充质细胞表型。在此过程中上皮细胞标志物 E⁃cadherin 表达减少,间充质标记物 N⁃cadherin、vimentin 表达增加,失去细胞间连接与细胞极性,获得更强的细胞迁移表型。腹膜液中活化的转化生长因子β1(transforming growth factor ⁃β1,TGF⁃β1)促使 EMS 病灶 EMT,形成 MFB 并上调I型胶原表达[19]。动物实验显示EMT发生于 EMS并且是病灶中MFB的来源之一,DIE中EMT程度强于OE[20]

  • EndoMT是内皮细胞在多种因素作用下紧密连接丢失,逐步丧失内皮特异性标志物CD31、VE⁃cad⁃ herin表达,获得间充质细胞表型或MFB表型的一种生物过程。在小鼠DIE模型中发现,内皮细胞通过 EndoMT形成MFB参与病变发育[20]。活化的血小板释放大量的TGF⁃β1、血小板源性生长因子,为EndoMT 提供了有利的环境,增强细胞增殖、侵袭、迁移、收缩及胶原蛋白生成能力[21]。OE 中 EndoMT 多于 DIE,可能因为 OE 中血管生成更多,而 DIE 的内皮细胞和血小板较少[21]

  • 间皮是分布在胸膜、腹膜、心包膜表面的单层扁平上皮,来源于胚胎的中胚层,在病理条件下经历 MMT,可转化成MFB。与活化血小板共培养的人腹膜及胸膜间皮细胞向间充质细胞转分化,伴随增殖、迁移、侵袭、收缩性和胶原生成的增加[22]。在小鼠DIE模型中MMT也被证明是MFB的来源[20]

  • MSC是结缔组织的主要祖细胞池,现有研究表明子宫内膜来源的MSC在EMS的发病机制中至关重要。子宫内膜MSC有类似骨髓来源MSC的多能分化能力,SUSD2(Sushi domain containing2)可作为子宫内膜来源MSC的特异性标志物。与EMS或非 EMS患者在位内膜相比,异位子宫内膜MSC高表达纤维化相关蛋白即Ⅰ型胶原、α⁃平滑肌肌动蛋白(α⁃ smooth muscle actin,α⁃SMA)、纤连蛋白以及结缔组织生长因子(connective tissue growth factor,CTGF) [23]。EMS 患者腹膜液强烈诱导子宫内膜来源的 MSC转化为MFB,同时伴随着Smad2/3的激活,并且异位子宫内膜MSC较EMS在位内膜及正常内膜中的MSC更容易发生MFB转分化[23]。EMS动物模型也证实MFB可来自子宫内膜MSC的分化[24]

  • 2.2 MFB介导EMS纤维化

  • MFB呈星形或纺锤形,电镜下胞内见肌动蛋白微丝(又称为应力纤维),与典型的平滑肌细胞内肌丝结构相似,含有α⁃SMA应力纤维的出现是MFB完全成熟的标志[25]。MFB 胞质可见丰富的粗面内质网,与成纤维细胞相似。MFB介导EMS纤维化的机制与其介于平滑肌细胞、成纤维细胞之间的结构有关。含有α⁃SMA的应力纤维增加细胞自身收缩性,通过细胞表面的粘合带及粘合斑与周围细胞、ECM 连接参与伤口收缩[26]。α⁃SMA是MFB收缩、迁移和向 ECM 施加牵引力的基础[5]。细胞收缩的机械张力可能导致周围组织微破坏,内膜异位,异位内膜在病变周围微环境作用下逐渐进展[27]。MFB 富含内质网,参与合成和分泌以Ⅰ型胶原、Ⅲ型胶原为主的 ECM 蛋白,也可导致基质金属蛋白酶/基质金属蛋白酶抑制剂失平衡,减少 ECM 降解。随着基质刚度的增加及 TGF⁃β1 的刺激,异位内膜中基质金属蛋白酶⁃1、基质金属蛋白酶⁃14 的 mRNA 水平下降[28]。MFB 分泌 TGF⁃β1、CTGF、血管内皮生长因子、白介素⁃6 等,导致慢性炎症,促使血管生成,维持病变周围微环境[26]

  • 3 MFB活化途径

  • TGF⁃β是MFB活化的关键介质,EMS病变微环境中缺氧、炎症因子、血小板或巨噬细胞聚集均可促进 TGF⁃β合成和分泌,尤其是 TGF⁃β1。TGF⁃β1 基因缺失小鼠的异位内膜重量降低为原来的1/11, MFB 丰度降低了 47%[29]。TGF ⁃β通过经典途径 (Smad 通路)和非经典途径(非 Smad 通路)激活 MFB。

  • 3.1 TGF⁃β经典途径

  • Smad通路是MFB激活的最主要途径,TGF⁃β受体与 TGF⁃β的结合使下游 Smad2 和/或 Smad3 磷酸化,磷酸化的 Smad2/3 与 Smad4 形成异源三聚体复合物,该复合物易位至细胞核,调节目的基因转录,促进 MFB 活化[30]。缺氧条件下,前列腺素 E2 和凝血酶刺激诱导激活素A上调,导致异位内膜间质细胞发生 FMT 获得间充质表型[17]。活化的血小板也可通过分泌的TGF⁃β1,激活TGF⁃β1/Smad 通路,促使间皮细胞转化为MFB[20]

  • 3.2 TGF⁃β非经典途径

  • 非经典途径包括丝裂原活化蛋白激酶(mitogen⁃ activated protein kinases,MAPK)、磷脂酰肌醇3⁃激酶 (phosphoinositide3⁃ kinase,PI3K)/蛋白激酶 B(pro⁃ tein kinase B,AKT)、JAK 激酶(januskinase,JAK)/信号转导及转录激活蛋白(signal transducer and activa⁃ tor of transcription,STAT)和 Wnt/β⁃ catenin 等途径 [30]

  • MAPK 包括3条主要信号通路,即 p38、应激活化蛋白激酶(c⁃Jun N⁃terminal kinase,JNK)及细胞外信号调节激酶(extracellular signal⁃regulated kinase, ERK),3条MAPK通路的异常激活均可导致EMS的发生发展[31]。在小鼠肺纤维化模型中,TGF⁃β1增强成纤维细胞的迁移和侵袭能力,通过ERK信号通路活化MFB[32]。IL⁃6促进TGF⁃β1诱导的腹膜间皮细胞的MMT,加重腹膜粘连,该过程由ERK1/2的磷酸化介导,并且与p⁃Smad2高度相关[33]

  • PI3K/AKT信号通路是一条与增殖、分化和凋亡相关的信号通路。在位和异位子宫内膜中 PI3K、 p⁃AKT增加,PI3K/AKT通路在EMS尤其是疾病早期有着重要作用[34]。在小鼠 EMS 模型中,PI3K/AKT 通路介导了 EMS 相关疼痛[35]。在心血管疾病中, TGF⁃β 通过 PTEN⁃PI3K⁃AKT 通路诱导的内皮细胞损伤,导致MFB激活[36]

  • JAK/STAT 通路参与细胞增殖、分化、迁移、凋亡,在肿瘤、免疫类疾病中起到重要作用。在心肌纤维化中,抵抗素能通过 JAK/STAT3 通路促使成纤维细胞向MFB转化[37]。在小鼠EMS模型中,JAK抑制剂能使病灶消退并减少盆腔粘连[38]

  • Wnt是一类分泌型糖蛋白,通过自分泌或旁分泌发挥作用。经典Wnt信号通路中Wnt信号作用于跨膜受体 FZD 蛋白家族,随后通过下游蛋白激酶的磷酸化作用抑制β⁃Catenin 的降解,胞浆中稳定积累的β⁃Catenin 进入细胞核后结合 TCF/LEF 转录因子家族,启动下游靶基因的转录。在特发性肺纤维化中减弱Wnt/β⁃catenin信号能抑制TGF⁃β介导的MFB 分化[39]。在EMS中,可通过Wnt/β⁃catenin信号通路的激活或抑制调节 EMT[40]。子宫内膜来源的 MSC通过旁分泌产生TGF⁃β1、Wnt1,经Wnt/β⁃catenin 通路激活MFB,显著促进OE纤维化[41]

  • 4 靶向MFB抑制EMS纤维化

  • 既往认为纤维化是持续不可逆的,但近年来研究证明纤维化是一个高度动态变化的过程[4],MFB 的可塑性对临床逆转纤维化具有重要意义。抑制 MFB活化、促进凋亡和衰老均可减轻EMS纤维化。具体方法:第一,通过抑制 TGF⁃β信号通路而抑制 MFB活化。如四甲基吡嗪可降低血小板活化,TGF⁃ β1生成减少,TGF⁃β1/Smad活化减弱,进而减少EMS 病变大小以及EMT、FMT和纤维化的程度[42]。阻断前列腺素E2和凝血酶诱导的激活素A信号通路,也可阻碍子宫内膜间质细胞FMT及MFB活化,降低纤维化程度[17]。MEK 抑制剂 U0126针对ERK1/2信号通路,同时部分阻碍 Smad2 磷酸化,可作为减轻 EMS 患者腹膜粘连的有效干预手段[33]。3 种激活素 A 的抑制剂 SB431542、α⁃Activin A 和卵泡抑素,均可抑制STAT3依赖的Smad/CTGF通路,从而抑制子宫内膜MSC 向MFB 转分化[24]。TGF/β⁃catenin 的小分子拮抗剂PKF115⁃584、CGP049090抑制异位内膜中FMT及MFB活化[43]。第二,通过降低基质硬度来抑制MFB活化。基质硬度是MFB形成的另外一大因素,基质硬度增加促使MFB分化和ECM沉积,进一步增加基质硬度,形成恶性循环,而降低基质硬度也可抑制EMS纤维化中MFB活化[7]。第三,通过促进MFB凋亡或衰老来抑制纤维化。如AKT抑制剂 MK2206 和 MEK 抑制剂 U0126 均能促进 MFB 凋亡[44]。丹参酮ⅡA 磺酸钠可通过激活P53途径促使 MFB衰老抑制纤维化[45]

  • 5 结语

  • EMS 发病机制尚未完全明确,现有研究证明 EMS 是一种纤维化疾病。EMS 相关临床表现如疼痛、不孕及药物耐药与纤维化密切相关。MFB是纤维化的关键细胞。EMS中MFB可来自成纤维细胞、上皮细胞、内皮细胞、间皮细胞、MSC。组织纤维化中MFB的活化通路有经典的TGF⁃β/Smad途径和包括MAPK、PI3K/AKT、JAK/STAT、Wnt/β⁃catenin在内的非经典途径。抑制MFB活化、促进其凋亡或衰老可逆转纤维化表型,为未来针对EMS纤维化的应用提供了思路。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] VIGANO P,CANDIANI M,MONNO A,et al.Time to re⁃ define endometriosis including its pro ⁃fibrotic nature[J].Hum Reprod,2018,33(3):347-352

    • [2] ANAF V,SIMON P,FAYT I,et al.Smooth muscles are frequent components of endometriotic lesions[J].Hum Reprod,2000,15(4):767-771

    • [3] VIGANÒ P,OTTOLINA J,BARTIROMO L,et al.Cellu⁃ lar components contributing to fibrosis in endometriosis:a literature review[J].J Minim Invasive Gynecol,2020,27(2):287-295

    • [4] HENDERSON N C,RIEDER F,WYNN T A.Fibrosis:from mechanisms to medicines[J].Nature,2020,587(7835):555-566

    • [5] GIBB A A,LAZAROPOULOS M P,ELROD J W.Myofi⁃ broblasts and fibrosis:mitochondrial and metabolic con⁃ trol of cellular differentiation[J].Circ Res,2020,127(3):427-447

    • [6] YAN D M,LIU X S,GUO S W.Neuropeptides substance P and calcitonin gene related peptide accelerate the deve⁃ lopment and fibrogenesis of endometriosis[J].Sci Rep,2019,9(1):1-22

    • [7] HUANG Q,LIU X,GUO S W.Higher fibrotic content of endometriotic lesions is associated with diminished pros⁃ taglandin E2 signaling[J].Reprod Med Biol,2022,21(1):e12423

    • [8] DING D,WANG X,CHEN Y S,et al.Evidence in support for the progressive nature of ovarian endometriomas[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2020,105(7):2189-2202

    • [9] MCCLOSKEY C W,COOK D P,KELLY B S,et al.Met⁃ formin abrogates age ⁃associated ovarian fibrosis[J].Clin Cancer Res Off J Am Assoc Cancer Res,2020,26(3):632-642

    • [10] ZHOU F,SHI L B,ZHANG S Y.Ovarian fibrosis:a phe⁃ nomenon of concern[J].Chin Med J(Engl),2017,130(3):365-371

    • [11] KITAJIMA M,DEFRÈRE S,DOLMANS M M,et al.En⁃ dometriomas as a possible cause of reduced ovarian re⁃ serve in women with endometriosis[J].Fertil Steril,2011,96(3):685-691

    • [12] GORDTS S,PUTTEMANS P,GORDTS S,et al.Ovarian endometrioma in the adolescent:a plea for early ⁃ stage diagnosis and full surgical treatment[J].Gynecol Surg,2015,12(1):21-30

    • [13] DONG Z Z,AN J,XIE X,et al.Preoperative serum anti⁃ Müllerian hormone level is a potential predictor of ovarian endometrioma severity and postoperative fertility[J].Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reproductive Biol,2019,240:113-120

    • [14] BARBARA G,BUGGIO L,FACCHIN F,et al.Medical treatment for endometriosis:tolerability,quality of life and adherence[J].Front Glob Womens Health,2021,2:729601

    • [15] LIU X,ZHANG Q,GUO S W.Histological and immuno⁃ histochemical characterization of the similarity and differ⁃ ence between ovarian endometriomas and deep infiltrat⁃ ing endometriosis[J].Reprod Sci,2018,25(3):329-340

    • [16] KONRAD L,KORTUM J,NABHAM R,et al.Composi⁃ tion of the stroma in the human endometrium and endome⁃ triosis[J].Reproductive Sci Thousand Oaks Calif,2018,25(7):1106-1115

    • [17] KUSAMA K,FUKUSHIMA Y,YOSHIDA K,et al.PGE2 and thrombin induce myofibroblast transdifferentiation via activin A and CTGF in endometrial stromal cells[J].Endocrinology,2021,162(12):bqab207

    • [18] ZHANG Q,LIU X S,GUO S W.Progressive development of endometriosis and its hindrance by anti ⁃ platelet treat⁃ ment in mice with induced endometriosis[J].Reproduc⁃ tive Biomed Online,2017,34(2):124-136

    • [19] IBRAHIM M G,SILLEM M,PLENDL J,et al.Arrange⁃ ment of myofibroblastic and smooth muscle ⁃like cells in superficial peritoneal endometriosis and a possible role of transforming growth factor beta 1(TGFβ1)in myofibro⁃ blastic metaplasia[J].Arch Gynecol Obstet,2019,299(2):489-499

    • [20] YAN D,LIU X,GUO S W.The establishment of a mouse model of deep endometriosis[J].Hum Reprod,2019,34(2):235-247

    • [21] YAN D,LIU X,XU H,et al.Platelets induce endothelial⁃ mesenchymal transition and subsequent fibrogenesis in endometriosis[J].Reprod Biomed Online,2020,41(3):500-517

    • [22] YAN D,LIU X,XU H,et al.Mesothelial cells participate in endometriosis fibrogenesis through platelet ⁃ induced mesothelial ⁃ mesenchymal transition[J].J Clin Endocri⁃ nol Metab,2020,105(11):550

    • [23] ZHANG Z,SUO L,CHEN Y,et al.Endometriotic perito⁃ neal fluid promotes myofibroblast differentiation of endo⁃ metrial mesenchymal stem cells[J].Stem Cells Int,2019,2019:6183796

    • [24] ZHANG Z,WANG J,CHEN Y,et al.Activin a promotes myofibroblast differentiation of endometrial mesenchymal stem cells via STAT3 ⁃ dependent Smad/CTGF pathway [J].Cell Commun Signal,2019,17(1):45

    • [25] ELSON E L,QIAN H,FEE J A,et al.A model for positive feedback control of the transformation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts[J].Prog Biophys Mol Biol,2019,144:30-40

    • [26] ARIF S,ATTIOGBE E,MOULIN V J.Granulation tissue myofibroblasts during normal and pathological skin heal⁃ ing:the interaction between their secretome and the mi⁃ croenvironment[J].Wound Repair Regen,2021,29(4):563-572

    • [27] IBRAHIM M G,SILLEM M,PLENDL J,et al.Myofibro⁃ blasts are evidence of chronic tissue microtrauma at the endometrial⁃myometrial junctional zone in uteri with ade⁃ nomyosis[J].Reprod Sci,2017,24(10):1410-1418

    • [28] MATSUZAKI S,CANIS M,POULY J L,et al.Soft matri⁃ ces inhibit cell proliferation and inactivate the fibrotic phenotype of deep endometriotic stromal cells in vitro[J].Hum Reprod Oxf Engl,2016,31(3):541-553

    • [29] HULL M L,JOHAN M Z,HODGE W L,et al.Host ⁃ de⁃ rived TGFβ1 deficiency suppresses lesion development in a mouse model of endometriosis[J].Am J Pathol,2012,180(3):880-887

    • [30] FRANGOGIANNIS N.Transforming growth factor⁃β in tis⁃ sue fibrosis[J].J Exp Med,2020,217(3):e20190103

    • [31] UIMARI O,RAHMIOGLU N,NYHOLT D R,et al.Ge⁃ nome ⁃ wide genetic analyses highlight mitogen ⁃ activated protein kinase(MAPK)signaling in the pathogenesis of endometriosis[J].Hum Reprod,2017,32(4):780-793

    • [32] WU Q,HAN L,GUI W,et al.miR⁃503 suppresses fibro⁃ blast activation and myofibroblast differentiation by target⁃ ing VEGFA and FGFR1 in silica ⁃induced pulmonary fi⁃ brosis[J].J Cell Mol Med,2020,24(24):14339-14348

    • [33] JIN X,REN S,MACARAK E,et al.Pathobiological mech⁃ anisms of peritoneal adhesions:the mesenchymal transi⁃ tion of rat peritoneal mesothelial cells induced by TGF⁃β1 and IL ⁃6 requires activation of ERK1/2 and Smad2 linker region phosphorylation[J].Matrix Biol,2016,51:55-64

    • [34] MADANES D,BILOTAS M A,BASTÓN J I,et al.PI3K/AKT pathway is altered in the endometriosis patient's en⁃ dometrium and presents differences according to severity stage[J].Gynecol Endocrinol,2020,36(5):436-440

    • [35] LIU Y,QIN X,LU X,et al.Effects of inhibiting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway on the pain of sciatic endo⁃ metriosis in a rat model[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol,2019,97(10):963-970

    • [36] HU J X,ZHENG Z Q,KANG T,et al.LncRNA LINC00961 regulates endothelial ⁃ mesenchymal transition via the PTEN ⁃ PI3K ⁃AKT pathway[J].Mol Med Rep,2022,26(1):246

    • [37] SINGH R,KAUNDAL R K,ZHAO B,et al.Resistin in⁃ duces cardiac fibroblast ⁃ myofibroblast differentiation through JAK/STAT3 and JNK/c ⁃ Jun signaling[J].Phar⁃ macol Res,2021,167:105414

    • [38] KOTLYAR A M,MAMILLAPALLI R,FLORES V A,et al.Tofacitinib alters STAT3 signaling and leads to endo⁃ metriosis lesion regression[J].Mol Hum Reprod,2021,27(4):gaab016

    • [39] KADOTA T,FUJITA Y,ARAYA J,et al.Human bronchial epithelial cell ⁃ derived extracellular vesicle therapy for pulmonary fibrosis via inhibition of TGF⁃β⁃WNT crosstalk [J].J Extracell Vesicles,2021,10(10):e12124

    • [40] ZHANG C,ZHANG Y,PAN H,et al.Combination of feru⁃ lic acid,ligustrazine and tetrahydropalmatine attenuates epithelial ⁃ mesenchymal transformation via Wnt/beta ⁃ catenin pathway in endometriosis[J].Int J Biol Sci,2021,17(10):2449-2460

    • [41] LI J,DAI Y,ZHU H,et al.Endometriotic mesenchymal stem cells significantly promote fibrogenesis in ovarian en⁃ dometrioma through the Wnt/β⁃catenin pathway by para⁃ crine production of TGF⁃β1 and Wnt1[J].Hum Reprod,2016,31(6):1224-1235

    • [42] HUANG S,XIAO F,GUO S W,et al.Tetramethylpyrazine retards the progression and fibrogenesis of endometriosis [J].Reprod Sci,2022,29(4):1170-1187

    • [43] MATSUZAKI S,DARCHA C.Involvement of the Wnt/β⁃ catenin signaling pathway in the cellular and molecular mechanisms of fibrosis in endometriosis[J].PLoS One,2013,8(10):e76808

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  • 参考文献

    • [1] VIGANO P,CANDIANI M,MONNO A,et al.Time to re⁃ define endometriosis including its pro ⁃fibrotic nature[J].Hum Reprod,2018,33(3):347-352

    • [2] ANAF V,SIMON P,FAYT I,et al.Smooth muscles are frequent components of endometriotic lesions[J].Hum Reprod,2000,15(4):767-771

    • [3] VIGANÒ P,OTTOLINA J,BARTIROMO L,et al.Cellu⁃ lar components contributing to fibrosis in endometriosis:a literature review[J].J Minim Invasive Gynecol,2020,27(2):287-295

    • [4] HENDERSON N C,RIEDER F,WYNN T A.Fibrosis:from mechanisms to medicines[J].Nature,2020,587(7835):555-566

    • [5] GIBB A A,LAZAROPOULOS M P,ELROD J W.Myofi⁃ broblasts and fibrosis:mitochondrial and metabolic con⁃ trol of cellular differentiation[J].Circ Res,2020,127(3):427-447

    • [6] YAN D M,LIU X S,GUO S W.Neuropeptides substance P and calcitonin gene related peptide accelerate the deve⁃ lopment and fibrogenesis of endometriosis[J].Sci Rep,2019,9(1):1-22

    • [7] HUANG Q,LIU X,GUO S W.Higher fibrotic content of endometriotic lesions is associated with diminished pros⁃ taglandin E2 signaling[J].Reprod Med Biol,2022,21(1):e12423

    • [8] DING D,WANG X,CHEN Y S,et al.Evidence in support for the progressive nature of ovarian endometriomas[J].J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2020,105(7):2189-2202

    • [9] MCCLOSKEY C W,COOK D P,KELLY B S,et al.Met⁃ formin abrogates age ⁃associated ovarian fibrosis[J].Clin Cancer Res Off J Am Assoc Cancer Res,2020,26(3):632-642

    • [10] ZHOU F,SHI L B,ZHANG S Y.Ovarian fibrosis:a phe⁃ nomenon of concern[J].Chin Med J(Engl),2017,130(3):365-371

    • [11] KITAJIMA M,DEFRÈRE S,DOLMANS M M,et al.En⁃ dometriomas as a possible cause of reduced ovarian re⁃ serve in women with endometriosis[J].Fertil Steril,2011,96(3):685-691

    • [12] GORDTS S,PUTTEMANS P,GORDTS S,et al.Ovarian endometrioma in the adolescent:a plea for early ⁃ stage diagnosis and full surgical treatment[J].Gynecol Surg,2015,12(1):21-30

    • [13] DONG Z Z,AN J,XIE X,et al.Preoperative serum anti⁃ Müllerian hormone level is a potential predictor of ovarian endometrioma severity and postoperative fertility[J].Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reproductive Biol,2019,240:113-120

    • [14] BARBARA G,BUGGIO L,FACCHIN F,et al.Medical treatment for endometriosis:tolerability,quality of life and adherence[J].Front Glob Womens Health,2021,2:729601

    • [15] LIU X,ZHANG Q,GUO S W.Histological and immuno⁃ histochemical characterization of the similarity and differ⁃ ence between ovarian endometriomas and deep infiltrat⁃ ing endometriosis[J].Reprod Sci,2018,25(3):329-340

    • [16] KONRAD L,KORTUM J,NABHAM R,et al.Composi⁃ tion of the stroma in the human endometrium and endome⁃ triosis[J].Reproductive Sci Thousand Oaks Calif,2018,25(7):1106-1115

    • [17] KUSAMA K,FUKUSHIMA Y,YOSHIDA K,et al.PGE2 and thrombin induce myofibroblast transdifferentiation via activin A and CTGF in endometrial stromal cells[J].Endocrinology,2021,162(12):bqab207

    • [18] ZHANG Q,LIU X S,GUO S W.Progressive development of endometriosis and its hindrance by anti ⁃ platelet treat⁃ ment in mice with induced endometriosis[J].Reproduc⁃ tive Biomed Online,2017,34(2):124-136

    • [19] IBRAHIM M G,SILLEM M,PLENDL J,et al.Arrange⁃ ment of myofibroblastic and smooth muscle ⁃like cells in superficial peritoneal endometriosis and a possible role of transforming growth factor beta 1(TGFβ1)in myofibro⁃ blastic metaplasia[J].Arch Gynecol Obstet,2019,299(2):489-499

    • [20] YAN D,LIU X,GUO S W.The establishment of a mouse model of deep endometriosis[J].Hum Reprod,2019,34(2):235-247

    • [21] YAN D,LIU X,XU H,et al.Platelets induce endothelial⁃ mesenchymal transition and subsequent fibrogenesis in endometriosis[J].Reprod Biomed Online,2020,41(3):500-517

    • [22] YAN D,LIU X,XU H,et al.Mesothelial cells participate in endometriosis fibrogenesis through platelet ⁃ induced mesothelial ⁃ mesenchymal transition[J].J Clin Endocri⁃ nol Metab,2020,105(11):550

    • [23] ZHANG Z,SUO L,CHEN Y,et al.Endometriotic perito⁃ neal fluid promotes myofibroblast differentiation of endo⁃ metrial mesenchymal stem cells[J].Stem Cells Int,2019,2019:6183796

    • [24] ZHANG Z,WANG J,CHEN Y,et al.Activin a promotes myofibroblast differentiation of endometrial mesenchymal stem cells via STAT3 ⁃ dependent Smad/CTGF pathway [J].Cell Commun Signal,2019,17(1):45

    • [25] ELSON E L,QIAN H,FEE J A,et al.A model for positive feedback control of the transformation of fibroblasts to myofibroblasts[J].Prog Biophys Mol Biol,2019,144:30-40

    • [26] ARIF S,ATTIOGBE E,MOULIN V J.Granulation tissue myofibroblasts during normal and pathological skin heal⁃ ing:the interaction between their secretome and the mi⁃ croenvironment[J].Wound Repair Regen,2021,29(4):563-572

    • [27] IBRAHIM M G,SILLEM M,PLENDL J,et al.Myofibro⁃ blasts are evidence of chronic tissue microtrauma at the endometrial⁃myometrial junctional zone in uteri with ade⁃ nomyosis[J].Reprod Sci,2017,24(10):1410-1418

    • [28] MATSUZAKI S,CANIS M,POULY J L,et al.Soft matri⁃ ces inhibit cell proliferation and inactivate the fibrotic phenotype of deep endometriotic stromal cells in vitro[J].Hum Reprod Oxf Engl,2016,31(3):541-553

    • [29] HULL M L,JOHAN M Z,HODGE W L,et al.Host ⁃ de⁃ rived TGFβ1 deficiency suppresses lesion development in a mouse model of endometriosis[J].Am J Pathol,2012,180(3):880-887

    • [30] FRANGOGIANNIS N.Transforming growth factor⁃β in tis⁃ sue fibrosis[J].J Exp Med,2020,217(3):e20190103

    • [31] UIMARI O,RAHMIOGLU N,NYHOLT D R,et al.Ge⁃ nome ⁃ wide genetic analyses highlight mitogen ⁃ activated protein kinase(MAPK)signaling in the pathogenesis of endometriosis[J].Hum Reprod,2017,32(4):780-793

    • [32] WU Q,HAN L,GUI W,et al.miR⁃503 suppresses fibro⁃ blast activation and myofibroblast differentiation by target⁃ ing VEGFA and FGFR1 in silica ⁃induced pulmonary fi⁃ brosis[J].J Cell Mol Med,2020,24(24):14339-14348

    • [33] JIN X,REN S,MACARAK E,et al.Pathobiological mech⁃ anisms of peritoneal adhesions:the mesenchymal transi⁃ tion of rat peritoneal mesothelial cells induced by TGF⁃β1 and IL ⁃6 requires activation of ERK1/2 and Smad2 linker region phosphorylation[J].Matrix Biol,2016,51:55-64

    • [34] MADANES D,BILOTAS M A,BASTÓN J I,et al.PI3K/AKT pathway is altered in the endometriosis patient's en⁃ dometrium and presents differences according to severity stage[J].Gynecol Endocrinol,2020,36(5):436-440

    • [35] LIU Y,QIN X,LU X,et al.Effects of inhibiting the PI3K/Akt/mTOR signaling pathway on the pain of sciatic endo⁃ metriosis in a rat model[J].Can J Physiol Pharmacol,2019,97(10):963-970

    • [36] HU J X,ZHENG Z Q,KANG T,et al.LncRNA LINC00961 regulates endothelial ⁃ mesenchymal transition via the PTEN ⁃ PI3K ⁃AKT pathway[J].Mol Med Rep,2022,26(1):246

    • [37] SINGH R,KAUNDAL R K,ZHAO B,et al.Resistin in⁃ duces cardiac fibroblast ⁃ myofibroblast differentiation through JAK/STAT3 and JNK/c ⁃ Jun signaling[J].Phar⁃ macol Res,2021,167:105414

    • [38] KOTLYAR A M,MAMILLAPALLI R,FLORES V A,et al.Tofacitinib alters STAT3 signaling and leads to endo⁃ metriosis lesion regression[J].Mol Hum Reprod,2021,27(4):gaab016

    • [39] KADOTA T,FUJITA Y,ARAYA J,et al.Human bronchial epithelial cell ⁃ derived extracellular vesicle therapy for pulmonary fibrosis via inhibition of TGF⁃β⁃WNT crosstalk [J].J Extracell Vesicles,2021,10(10):e12124

    • [40] ZHANG C,ZHANG Y,PAN H,et al.Combination of feru⁃ lic acid,ligustrazine and tetrahydropalmatine attenuates epithelial ⁃ mesenchymal transformation via Wnt/beta ⁃ catenin pathway in endometriosis[J].Int J Biol Sci,2021,17(10):2449-2460

    • [41] LI J,DAI Y,ZHU H,et al.Endometriotic mesenchymal stem cells significantly promote fibrogenesis in ovarian en⁃ dometrioma through the Wnt/β⁃catenin pathway by para⁃ crine production of TGF⁃β1 and Wnt1[J].Hum Reprod,2016,31(6):1224-1235

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