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  • 原发性高草酸尿症(primary hyperoxaluria,PH) 是一种罕见的以乙醛酸盐代谢障碍为特点的常染色体隐性遗传疾病。根据缺陷酶种类的不同,PH分为 PH1、PH2、PH3型。PH1是最常见和最严重的类型。在欧洲,估计年患病率为1/100万~3/100万[1]。由于诊断不足,其真实患病率未知。PH1由编码肝脏过氧化物酶体中丙氨酸⁃乙醛酸转氨酶(alanine⁃glyox⁃ ylate aminotransferase,AGT)的基因(AGXT)突变引起。乙醛酸在AGT催化下生成甘氨酸。当AGT失去活性后,乙醛酸可通过乙醇酸氧化酶(glycolate oxi⁃ dase,GO)和乳酸脱氢酶(lactic dehydrogenase,LDH) 同工酶5(LDH5)转化为草酸盐。过量生成的内源性草酸盐在组织中以草酸钙晶体的形式沉积,从而导致肾功能损害和全身性草酸盐沉着[2]

  • AGXT 位于染色体 2q37.3 上,共有 11 个外显子。目前已经报道了超过200种突变。然而,AGT的基因型和酶活性缺乏程度均不能预测临床表型[3]。 PH1临床表现多变,从婴儿期的肾钙质沉着症、终末期肾病(end stage kidney disease,ESKD)到成年后出现的反复性肾结石、进行性肾功能损害或有时完全无症状仅在家庭筛查中发现[2]。遗憾的是,由于对 PH1认知不足及疾病表现的异质性,大多数儿童患者确诊时往往已经进入ESKD阶段,预后较差[4]

  • 本文报告1例16岁男性患儿,其1岁时即发现双肾多发结石,直至10岁才经基因检测确诊PH1。此时患儿已进入不可逆肾损伤阶段,虽然外院给予了积极的治疗干预,仍阻挡不了其快速进展为ESKD。

  • 1 病例资料

  • 患儿16岁,男,否认相关肾脏病家族史,因“双肾结石15年,肝肾联合移植术后 3 年”入院。其 1 岁时(2007 年)因“发热”查超声示双肾多发结石,此后多次出现尿中排石、腹痛和尿闭,先后就诊于多家医院,并行膀胱镜取石术、钬激光膀胱碎石术及经皮肾镜取石术,效果不佳。2016年2月出现腹痛、尿频尿急及肉眼血尿,期间血肌酐波动在 170~250 μmol/L[eGFR 25~37 mL/(min·1.73 m2)],外院完善双源 CT 平扫及结石成分红外光谱检测提示结石以草酸钙为主,24 h 尿草酸排泄量 43 mg/(1.73 m2 ·d),基因检测示 AGXT 基因复合杂合突变c.823_824dupAG(来自母亲)和c.1072⁃2A>G (来自父亲),确诊为 PH1 型。嘱患儿大量饮水,避免高草酸盐食物摄入,口服枸橼酸钠钾及维生素 B6 等保守治疗。2016 年 8 月患儿渐出现恶心、纳差,查血肌酐显著升高 1 058.3 μmol/L[eGFR 6 mL/(min·1.73 m2)],转至南京医科大学附属儿童医院肾脏科后规律行高通量血液透析。

  • 2019 年 1 月患儿于外院成功行肝肾联合移植术,并予他克莫司、吗替麦考酚酯口服抗排异,未见明显排异反应。患儿术后肾功能恢复正常,每日尿量可达2 000~4 000 mL。术后1周患儿出现少尿、尿中间断排石,复查血肌酐进行性增高至 200 μmol/L [eGFR 45 mL/(min·1.73 m2)],予高通量血液透析 1 个月后,血肌酐渐降至130 μmol/L,尿量逐渐增多至 2 000~3 000 mL/d,停止血液透析。患儿 2019 年 3 月再至南京医科大学附属儿童医院,复查超声示移植肾内结石、原双肾萎缩,尿检提示小管性蛋白尿,尿沉渣正常,嘱患儿每日大量液体摄入 [2~3 L/(1.73 m2 ·d)],口服氢氯噻嗪、枸橼酸钾减少尿钙排泄、抑制结石形成。后续患儿血肌酐维持在 140~150 μmol/L,考虑存在移植肾功能不全。患儿 2020年8月行肾活检术,病理提示移植肾临界改变 (肾小管内未见明确草酸盐结晶)(图1),复查超声可见移植肾内数枚强回声光点、实质回声增强。后患儿继续规律服药,2022 年 8 月监测肝功能转氨酶、血浆白蛋白正常,血肌酐143 μmol/L[eGFR 74 mL/(min·1.73 m2 )],尿检示轻度肾小管性蛋白尿,尿沉渣正常。

  • 该患儿在血液透析2年后,于外院成功行肝肾联合移植术,手术同时未切除自体肾。患儿术后每日尿量可达 2 000~4 000 mL,但在 1 周后即出现少尿、血肌酐进行性增高。虽经积极血液透析治疗后情况好转,但其移植肾仍出现功能不全。考虑到肝肾联合移植后,组织中草酸盐被动员到血液和尿液中,可导致移植肾损伤。而患儿自体肾,作为全身草酸盐主要储库,在其中发挥重要作用。

  • 鉴于此,以“Hyperoxaluria,Primary”“Child”“高草酸尿症”“原发性高草酸尿症”“儿童”为关键词,采用主题词与自由词结合检索PubMed、Embase、中国知网、万方数据库、维普数据库中的文献。检索时限从建库至2022年11月。纳入标准为包含儿童 PH1病例数据的期刊论文。其中儿童PH1患者需诊断明确,在接受肝肾联合移植术的同时切除双侧自体肾,同时也需包括患者透析时长、治疗效果及结局数据。共检索到 546 篇文献,其中重复、没有原始数据和不符合纳入标准 540 篇,经筛选纳入 6 篇文献共10例[5-10],病例基本信息见表1。

  • 图1 患儿移植肾肾活检Masson染色病理图(×200)

  • 10 例儿童PH1患者中男5例,女5例,发病年龄为2个月~8岁,手术前透析中位时间为15个月(2~32 个月)。10 例患者同种异体肾移植存活率为 100%,术后随访中位时间为 3.2 年(1.0~9.0 年),与其他病例报道的肝肾联合移植后移植肾的存活率 (74.9%~93.0%)相比较高[7]

  • 2 讨论

  • PH1 是儿童 ESKD 的罕见原因。在欧洲、美国和日本占儿童ESKD的1%~2%[111]。PH1具有基因型⁃表型异质性,尽管患者携带相同的AGXT基因突变,但也可能存在不同的临床表现[12]。婴儿型PH1 与早期肾钙质沉着症和ESKD有关。儿童或青少年 PH1主要表现为复发性肾结石和进行性肾损伤[1]。本例患儿在幼儿期发现双肾多发结石,至10岁时被确诊,间隔9年。除延迟诊断外,该患儿还接受了多次外科取石、碎石术。这些因素可能在诊断前减缓了患儿 eGFR 下降速率和肾损伤进程,但保守治疗未能阻止ESKD的发生。

  • PH1 的明确诊断依靠肝活检检测到 AGT 的酶活性降低或缺失,或 AGXT 基因分析检测到突变。由于基因检测的可用性以及肝活检存在出血的风险,目前肝活检不再常规用于测定AGT活性[13]。目前至少有超过 200 种 AGXT 基因致病突变被报道,其中绝大数是错义突变。PH1最常见的致病突变为 p.Gly170Arg、p.Phe152Ile、p.Ile244Thr 和 c.33dupC,共占文献报道的 PH1 基因突变的 65%以上。其中 p.Gly170Arg(c.508G >A)突变是欧洲报告的最常见突变,与较好肾脏结局有关[314]。该患者遗传性疾病二代测序发现 AGXT 基因 2 个杂合突变,c.823_ 824dupAG(p.Ser275fsArgfs*38)和 c.1072 ⁃ 2A>G。其中c.823_824dupAG是已报道的致病突变,c.1072⁃ 2A>G为同义突变,致病性未知,但功能预测致病。

  • 表1 纳入患者的基本信息

  • NC:肾钙质沉着症;HD:血液透析;PD:腹膜透析;CLKT:肝肾联合移植;SLKT:肝肾序贯移植。

  • PH1的治疗必须个体化,应充分考虑患者情况以及疾病特征。目前保守治疗措施有限,主要包括强化液体摄入[>2~3 L/1.73(m2 .d)],使用草酸钙结晶抑制剂枸橼酸钾[100~150 mg/(kg·d)]、吡哆醇 [5~20 mg/(kg·d)]、噻嗪类利尿剂[1~2 mg/(kg·d)]和透析[215]。吡哆醇(维生素 B6)作为 AGT 的辅助因子,可将乙醛酸转氨为甘氨酸。在一些具有残留 AGT活性的PH1患者(约30%)中,药理剂量的吡哆醇能够显著减少内源性草酸的产生。研究报道,携带 p.Gly170Arg 和 p.Phe152Ile 突变的患者对吡哆醇反应良好[1416]。本例患者,基因检测发现 2 个杂合突变,之前均没有被报道过对吡哆醇的反应性。在确诊PH1时,患儿接受了5~6 mg/(kg·d)吡哆醇的口服剂量,仍然不能延缓进行性肾损伤速率。因此,推测该患儿对吡哆醇治疗可能无应答。当患者的 eGFR<30 mL/(min·1.73m2)时,建议进行强化透析,以预防全身性草酸盐沉着。血液透析时草酸盐清除率要高于腹膜透析。文献报道,每日长时间高通量血液透析(每次超过6 h)比常规透析(每周透析 3次,每次透析4~5 h)更能有效清除体内草酸[17-18]。然而,任何透析方式,不论是单纯血液透析还是与腹膜透析联合,均不能完全将草酸盐排出体外[2]

  • 一旦 PH1 进展至 ESKD,首选治疗方法是肝肾移植,尤其是对吡哆醇治疗无应答的患者[215]。本例患者接受肝肾联合移植时为慢性肾脏病(chronic kidney disease,CKD)5期。OxaEurope专家组建议对所有CKD 4和5期的PH1患者进行肝肾联合移植或肝肾序贯移植[15]。关于比较两种方法优越性的数据有限。理论上,肝肾序贯移植可以保护随后的移植肾免受高草酸盐的影响,但有研究认为,提供有功能的肾脏才是草酸盐清除的最佳途径[19]。对于大多数儿童或青少年PH1患者,肝肾联合移植应是首选治疗[20]。因为肝肾联合移植的患者只接受一次手术,手术相关并发症较少,透析时间较短,并有免疫学优势。同种异体肝移植对来自同一供体的移植肾具有免疫保护作用[21]。但对于患有全身性草酸盐沉着的PH1患者来说,肝肾联合移植后血液草酸盐水平通常持续升高3~4年,可导致移植肾损伤[22]

  • 有研究提出,在肝肾移植时切除双侧自体肾 (循环草酸盐主要储库)并结合围手术期血液透析,可充分降低全身草酸盐负荷,加速患者血液草酸盐水平的正常化,减少移植肾草酸盐沉积[8]。然而搜索文献发现,目前绝大多数已发表的关于儿童PH1 的文献并没有考虑双侧自体肾切除。1997 年有学者首次提出将自体肾切除作为降低全身草酸水平的策略[23],但只在文献中找到10例在肝肾移植时切除双侧自体肾的儿童PH1患者,其中1例患者临床主要表现为双肾多发结石,术前腹膜透析时间长达 2年[9],与本例患者情况类似,其在术后随访14个月内,移植肾功能正常。如果本例患者肝肾移植同时切除自体肾,其移植肾转归可能与现在大不相同。当然,双侧肾切除也有风险,额外的解剖平面和主要血管的分割增加了出血的风险,延长了手术时间。在移植肾功能延迟的情况下,也会增加移植后血液透析的需求[8]

  • 当患者eGFR<50 mL/(min·1.73 m2 )时,血液草酸盐浓度可达到临界饱和点,出现全身草酸盐沉着症[2]。鉴于此,超前肝移植是PH1患者的理想首选治疗方案。OxaEurope 专家组建议对 PH1 CKD 3b 期患者实施超前肝移植[15]。有关患者超前肝移植后的长期随访数据表明,患者术后肾小球功能在初始轻微下降后即保持相对稳定,肾钙质沉着症也有改善趋势[24]。如果本例患儿能够在疾病早期确诊,在eGFR>40 mL/(min·1.73 m2 )时行超前肝移植术,则可充分减少全身草酸盐沉积,改善远期预后。当然,由于 PH1 存在临床异质性,其自然病程很难被预测,并且超前肝移植手术也存在相当大的风险。据报告,原位肝移植术后第1年内病死率可达15%~20%[25]。所以,临床医生必须认真权衡超前肝移植术的潜在益处及其随时间增加的移植并发症风险。

  • 在供体短缺的时代,避免器官浪费和预防移植物失功变得至关重要,同样也迫使临床探索新的解决方案。近年来,RNA干扰(RNAi)等创新药物的发展为避免肝移植带来了希望[26]。Lumasiran 是一种靶向肝细胞羟基酸氧化酶 1(hydroxyacid oxidase1, HAO1)编码的GO信使RNA,可通过降低GO水平减少肝脏草酸盐的产生。研究发现,与基线相比,接受 Lumasiran 治疗 6 个月后的成人和儿童的尿草酸排泄量分别平均减少了65%和72%[27-28]。因此,与肝移植相比,使用该药物清除草酸盐的全身受累可能需要更长时间。LDH 是负责将乙醛转化为草酸的关键酶,控制着草酸产生的最终步骤及其随后的尿液排泄。Nedosiran 是一种试验性 RNAi 疗法,旨在抑制肝脏LDHA(编码肝脏LDH的基因之一),已成为所有类型PH的潜在治疗选择[29]。Stiripentol是一种抗惊厥药物,多年来一直用于治疗Dravet综合征的癫痫发作,已被证明可通过抑制LDH5,导致草酸盐生成的最后一步受阻[30]。毫无疑问,在不久的将来,这些创新药物将为PH1患者的治疗带来重大变革。值得注意的是,在CKD 4期和5期患者中,减少肝脏草酸盐过度生成可能不会阻止肾脏进展为 ESKD,也不能避免肾移植[31]

  • 目前国内外 PH1 漏诊及延迟诊断问题仍较突出,尤其在复发性肾结石患者中。由于临床医生对 PH1疾病认识不足,导致本例患儿延迟诊断近9年,确诊时即进入不可逆肾损伤阶段,并快速进展为 ESKD,这在一定程度上也造成了患儿后续移植肾损伤。通过分享这份病例,旨在提高临床医生在反复性泌尿系结石或不明原因肾损伤患者中实施 PH1筛查诊断的意识。通过早期诊断和治疗,可减少草酸盐在体内蓄积、延缓肾功能恶化,提高患者生存质量,改善远期预后。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] VAN WOERDEN C S,GROOTHOFF J W,WANDERS R J A,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 in the Nether⁃ lands:prevalence and outcome[J].Nephrol Dial Trans⁃ plant,2003,18(2):273-279

    • [2] COCHAT P,RUMSBY G.Primary hyperoxaluria[J].N Engl J Med,2013,369(7):649-658

    • [3] HOPP K,COGAL A G,BERGSTRALH E J,et al.Pheno⁃ type⁃genotype correlations and estimated carrier frequen⁃ cies of primary hyperoxaluria[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2015,26(10):2559-2570

    • [4] CAI R,LIN M,CHEN Z,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria diagnosed after kidney transplantation failure:lesson from 3 case reports and literature review[J].BMC Nephrol,2019,20(1):224

    • [5] NI T,SUN Z Z,ZHAO F.A case report of invasive infan⁃ tile primary hyperoxaluria type 1 and literature review [J/OL].CEN Case Rep,2022[2023 ⁃ 02 ⁃ 01].DOI:10.1007/s13730⁃022⁃00740⁃z

    • [6] ANGELICO R,GUZZO I,PELLICCIARO M,et al.Same donor laparoscopic liver and kidney procurement for se⁃ quential living donor liver ⁃kidney transplantation in pri⁃ mary hyperoxaluria type I[J].J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A,2019,29(12):1616-1622

    • [7] ELIZA L,GABRIEL R G,NANCY R,et al.Bilateral na⁃ tive nephrectomy to reduce oxalate stores in children at the time of combined liver⁃kidney transplantation for pri⁃ mary hyperoxaluria type 1[J].Pediatr Nephrol Berlin Ger,2018,33(5):881-887

    • [8] VILLANI V,GUPTA N,ELIAS N,et al.Bilateral native nephrectomy reduces systemic oxalate level after com⁃ bined liver⁃kidney transplant:a case report[J/OL].Pedi⁃ atr Transplant,2017,21(3)[2023⁃02⁃01].DOI:10.1111/petr.12901

    • [9] KAVUKÇU S,TÜRKMEN M,SOYLU A,et al.Combined liver⁃kidney transplantation and follow⁃up in primary hyper⁃ oxaluria treatment:report of three cases[J].Transplant Proc,2008,40(1):316-319

    • [10] SATO S,FUCHINOUE S,KIMIKAWA M,et al.Sequen⁃ tial liver ⁃kidney transplantation from a living ⁃ related do⁃ nor in primary hyperoxaluria type 1(oxalosis)[J].Trans⁃ plant Proc,2003,35(1):373-374

    • [11] COCHAT P,DELORAINE A,ROTILY M,et al.Epidemi⁃ ology of primary hyperoxaluria type 1.societe de nephrolo⁃ gie and the societe de nephrologie pediatrique[J].Nephrol Dial Transplant,1995,10(Suppl 8):3-7

    • [12] HOPPE B,BECK B B,MILLINER D S.The primary hyper⁃ oxalurias[J].Kidney Int,2009,75(12):1264-1271

    • [13] BOLLÉE G,COCHAT P,DAUDON M.Recurrence of crystalline nephropathy after kidney transplantation in APRT deficiency and primary hyperoxaluria[J].Can J Kidney Health Dis,2015,2:31

    • [14] HARAMBAT J,FARGUE S,ACQUAVIVA C,et al.Geno⁃ type ⁃phenotype correlation in primary hyperoxaluria type 1:the p.Gly170Arg AGXT mutation is associated with a better outcome[J].Kidney Int,2010,77(5):443-449

    • [15] COCHAT P,HULTON S A,ACQUAVIVA C,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria type 1:indications for screening and guid⁃ ance for diagnosis and treatment[J].Nephrol Dial Trans⁃ plant,2012,27(5):1729-1736

    • [16] MONICO C G,ROSSETTI S,OLSON J B,et al.Pyridoxine effect in type I primary hyperoxaluria is associated with the most common mutant allele[J].Kidney Int,2005,67(5):1704-1709

    • [17] DÍAZ C,CATALINAS F G,DE ALVARO F,et al.Long daily hemodialysis sessions correct systemic complica⁃ tions of oxalosis prior to combined liver⁃kidney transplan⁃ tation:case report[J].Ther Apher Dial,2004,8(1):52-55

    • [18] PLUMB T J,SWEE M L,FILLAUS J A.Nocturnal home hemodialysis for a patient with type 1 hyperoxaluria[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2013,62(6):1155-1159

    • [19] ELLIS S R,HULTON S A,MCKIERNAN P J,et al.Com⁃ bined liver ⁃kidney transplantation for primary hyperoxal⁃ uria type 1 in young children[J].Nephrol Dial Trans⁃ plant,2001,16(2):348-354

    • [20] KEMPER M J.Concurrent or sequential liver and kidney transplantation in children with primary hyperoxaluria type 1?[J].Pediatr Transplant,2005,9(6):693-696

    • [21] ALKHUNAIZI A M,AL ⁃ SANNAA N A,RASLAN W F.Hyperoxaluria and rapid development of renal failure following a combined liver and kidney transplantation:emphasis on sequential transplantation[J].JIMD Rep,2012,3:91-95

    • [22] TALATI J J,HULTON S A,GARRELFS S F,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria in populations of Pakistan origin:resultsfrom a literature review and two major registries[J].Uroli⁃ thiasis,2018,46(2):187-195

    • [23] MIZUSAWA Y,PARNHAM A P,FALK M C,et al.Poten⁃ tial for bilateral nephrectomy to reduce oxalate release after combined liver and kidney transplantation for primary hyperoxaluria type 1[J].Clin Transplant,1997,11(5 Pt 1):361-365

    • [24] BRINKERT F,GANSCHOW R,HELMKE K,et al.Trans⁃ plantation procedures in children with primary hyperoxal⁃ uria type 1:outcome and longitudinal growth[J].Trans⁃ plantation,2009,87(9):1415-1421

    • [25] ADAM R,KARAM V,CAILLIEZ V,et al.2018 Annual report of the european liver transplant registry(ELTR)⁃ 50 ⁃ year evolution of liver transplantation[J].Transpl Int,2018,31(12):1293-1317

    • [26] DEVRESSE A,COCHAT P,GODEFROID N,et al.Trans⁃ plantation for primary hyperoxaluria type 1:designing new strategies in the era of promising therapeutic perspec⁃ tives[J].Kidney Int Rep,2020,5(12):2136-2145

    • [27] GARRELFS S F,FRISHBERG Y,HULTON S A,et al.Lumasiran,an RNAi therapeutic for primary hyperoxal⁃ uria type 1[J].N Engl J Med,2021,384(13):1216-1226

    • [28] SAS D J,MAGEN D,HAYES W,et al.Phase 3 trial of lumasiran for primary hyperoxaluria type 1:a new RNAi therapeutic in infants and young children[J].Genet Med,2022,24(3):654-662

    • [29] ARICETA G,BARRIOS K,BROWN B D,et al.Hepatic lactate dehydrogenase A:an RNA interference target for the treatment of all known types of primary hyperoxaluria [J].Kidney Int Rep,2021,6(4):1088-1098

    • [30] LE DUDAL M,HUGUET L,PEREZ J,et al.Stiripentol protects against calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis and ethyl⁃ ene glycol poisoning[J].J Clin Invest,2019,129(6):2571-2577

    • [31] METRY E L,VAN DIJK L,PETERS⁃SENGERS H,et al.Transplantation outcomes in patients with primary hyper⁃ oxaluria:a systematic review[J].Pediatr Nephrol,2021,36(8):2217-2226

  • 参考文献

    • [1] VAN WOERDEN C S,GROOTHOFF J W,WANDERS R J A,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria type 1 in the Nether⁃ lands:prevalence and outcome[J].Nephrol Dial Trans⁃ plant,2003,18(2):273-279

    • [2] COCHAT P,RUMSBY G.Primary hyperoxaluria[J].N Engl J Med,2013,369(7):649-658

    • [3] HOPP K,COGAL A G,BERGSTRALH E J,et al.Pheno⁃ type⁃genotype correlations and estimated carrier frequen⁃ cies of primary hyperoxaluria[J].J Am Soc Nephrol,2015,26(10):2559-2570

    • [4] CAI R,LIN M,CHEN Z,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria diagnosed after kidney transplantation failure:lesson from 3 case reports and literature review[J].BMC Nephrol,2019,20(1):224

    • [5] NI T,SUN Z Z,ZHAO F.A case report of invasive infan⁃ tile primary hyperoxaluria type 1 and literature review [J/OL].CEN Case Rep,2022[2023 ⁃ 02 ⁃ 01].DOI:10.1007/s13730⁃022⁃00740⁃z

    • [6] ANGELICO R,GUZZO I,PELLICCIARO M,et al.Same donor laparoscopic liver and kidney procurement for se⁃ quential living donor liver ⁃kidney transplantation in pri⁃ mary hyperoxaluria type I[J].J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A,2019,29(12):1616-1622

    • [7] ELIZA L,GABRIEL R G,NANCY R,et al.Bilateral na⁃ tive nephrectomy to reduce oxalate stores in children at the time of combined liver⁃kidney transplantation for pri⁃ mary hyperoxaluria type 1[J].Pediatr Nephrol Berlin Ger,2018,33(5):881-887

    • [8] VILLANI V,GUPTA N,ELIAS N,et al.Bilateral native nephrectomy reduces systemic oxalate level after com⁃ bined liver⁃kidney transplant:a case report[J/OL].Pedi⁃ atr Transplant,2017,21(3)[2023⁃02⁃01].DOI:10.1111/petr.12901

    • [9] KAVUKÇU S,TÜRKMEN M,SOYLU A,et al.Combined liver⁃kidney transplantation and follow⁃up in primary hyper⁃ oxaluria treatment:report of three cases[J].Transplant Proc,2008,40(1):316-319

    • [10] SATO S,FUCHINOUE S,KIMIKAWA M,et al.Sequen⁃ tial liver ⁃kidney transplantation from a living ⁃ related do⁃ nor in primary hyperoxaluria type 1(oxalosis)[J].Trans⁃ plant Proc,2003,35(1):373-374

    • [11] COCHAT P,DELORAINE A,ROTILY M,et al.Epidemi⁃ ology of primary hyperoxaluria type 1.societe de nephrolo⁃ gie and the societe de nephrologie pediatrique[J].Nephrol Dial Transplant,1995,10(Suppl 8):3-7

    • [12] HOPPE B,BECK B B,MILLINER D S.The primary hyper⁃ oxalurias[J].Kidney Int,2009,75(12):1264-1271

    • [13] BOLLÉE G,COCHAT P,DAUDON M.Recurrence of crystalline nephropathy after kidney transplantation in APRT deficiency and primary hyperoxaluria[J].Can J Kidney Health Dis,2015,2:31

    • [14] HARAMBAT J,FARGUE S,ACQUAVIVA C,et al.Geno⁃ type ⁃phenotype correlation in primary hyperoxaluria type 1:the p.Gly170Arg AGXT mutation is associated with a better outcome[J].Kidney Int,2010,77(5):443-449

    • [15] COCHAT P,HULTON S A,ACQUAVIVA C,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria type 1:indications for screening and guid⁃ ance for diagnosis and treatment[J].Nephrol Dial Trans⁃ plant,2012,27(5):1729-1736

    • [16] MONICO C G,ROSSETTI S,OLSON J B,et al.Pyridoxine effect in type I primary hyperoxaluria is associated with the most common mutant allele[J].Kidney Int,2005,67(5):1704-1709

    • [17] DÍAZ C,CATALINAS F G,DE ALVARO F,et al.Long daily hemodialysis sessions correct systemic complica⁃ tions of oxalosis prior to combined liver⁃kidney transplan⁃ tation:case report[J].Ther Apher Dial,2004,8(1):52-55

    • [18] PLUMB T J,SWEE M L,FILLAUS J A.Nocturnal home hemodialysis for a patient with type 1 hyperoxaluria[J].Am J Kidney Dis,2013,62(6):1155-1159

    • [19] ELLIS S R,HULTON S A,MCKIERNAN P J,et al.Com⁃ bined liver ⁃kidney transplantation for primary hyperoxal⁃ uria type 1 in young children[J].Nephrol Dial Trans⁃ plant,2001,16(2):348-354

    • [20] KEMPER M J.Concurrent or sequential liver and kidney transplantation in children with primary hyperoxaluria type 1?[J].Pediatr Transplant,2005,9(6):693-696

    • [21] ALKHUNAIZI A M,AL ⁃ SANNAA N A,RASLAN W F.Hyperoxaluria and rapid development of renal failure following a combined liver and kidney transplantation:emphasis on sequential transplantation[J].JIMD Rep,2012,3:91-95

    • [22] TALATI J J,HULTON S A,GARRELFS S F,et al.Primary hyperoxaluria in populations of Pakistan origin:resultsfrom a literature review and two major registries[J].Uroli⁃ thiasis,2018,46(2):187-195

    • [23] MIZUSAWA Y,PARNHAM A P,FALK M C,et al.Poten⁃ tial for bilateral nephrectomy to reduce oxalate release after combined liver and kidney transplantation for primary hyperoxaluria type 1[J].Clin Transplant,1997,11(5 Pt 1):361-365

    • [24] BRINKERT F,GANSCHOW R,HELMKE K,et al.Trans⁃ plantation procedures in children with primary hyperoxal⁃ uria type 1:outcome and longitudinal growth[J].Trans⁃ plantation,2009,87(9):1415-1421

    • [25] ADAM R,KARAM V,CAILLIEZ V,et al.2018 Annual report of the european liver transplant registry(ELTR)⁃ 50 ⁃ year evolution of liver transplantation[J].Transpl Int,2018,31(12):1293-1317

    • [26] DEVRESSE A,COCHAT P,GODEFROID N,et al.Trans⁃ plantation for primary hyperoxaluria type 1:designing new strategies in the era of promising therapeutic perspec⁃ tives[J].Kidney Int Rep,2020,5(12):2136-2145

    • [27] GARRELFS S F,FRISHBERG Y,HULTON S A,et al.Lumasiran,an RNAi therapeutic for primary hyperoxal⁃ uria type 1[J].N Engl J Med,2021,384(13):1216-1226

    • [28] SAS D J,MAGEN D,HAYES W,et al.Phase 3 trial of lumasiran for primary hyperoxaluria type 1:a new RNAi therapeutic in infants and young children[J].Genet Med,2022,24(3):654-662

    • [29] ARICETA G,BARRIOS K,BROWN B D,et al.Hepatic lactate dehydrogenase A:an RNA interference target for the treatment of all known types of primary hyperoxaluria [J].Kidney Int Rep,2021,6(4):1088-1098

    • [30] LE DUDAL M,HUGUET L,PEREZ J,et al.Stiripentol protects against calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis and ethyl⁃ ene glycol poisoning[J].J Clin Invest,2019,129(6):2571-2577

    • [31] METRY E L,VAN DIJK L,PETERS⁃SENGERS H,et al.Transplantation outcomes in patients with primary hyper⁃ oxaluria:a systematic review[J].Pediatr Nephrol,2021,36(8):2217-2226

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