


王咏梅,E-mail: 13912923229@163.com





参考文献 1
BARDI F,BOSSCHIETER P,VERHEIJ J,et al.Is there still a role for nuchal translucency measurement in the changing paradigm of first trimester screening?[J].Pre-nat Diagn,2020,40(2):197-205
参考文献 2
PETERSEN O B,SMITH E,VAN OPOSTAL D,et al.Nuchal translucency of 3.0⁃3.4 mm an indication for NIPT or microarray?Cohort analysis and literature review[J].Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand,2020,99(6):765-774
参考文献 3
ARMOUR C M,DOUGAN S D,BROCK J A,et al.Practice guideline:joint CCMG-SOGC recommendations for the use of chromosomal microarray analysis for prenatal diagnosis and assessment of fetal loss in Canada[J].J Med Genet,2018,55(4):215-221
参考文献 4
参考文献 5
BEST S,WOU K,VORA N,et al.Promises,pitfalls and practicalities of prenatal whole exome sequencing[J].Prenat Diagn,2018,38(1):10-19
参考文献 6
PETRACCHI F,SISTEMA S,IGARZABAL L,et al.Fetal cardiac abnormalities:genetic etiologies to be considered[J].Prenat Diagn,2019,39(9):758-780
参考文献 7
RIGGS E R,ANDERSEN E F,CHERRY A M,et al.Technical standards for theinterpretation and reporting of con⁃stitutional copy⁃number variants:a jointconsensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics andGenomics(ACMG)and the Clinical Genome Resource(Clin Gen)[J].Genet Med,2020,22(2):245-257
参考文献 8
HUANG L Y,PAN M,HAN J,et al.What would be missed in the first trimester if nuchal translucency measurement is replaced by cell free DNA foetal aneuploidy screening?[J].J Obstet Gynaecol,2018,38(4):498-501
参考文献 9
MINNELLA G P,CRUPANO F M,SYNGELAKI A,et al.Diagnosis of major heart defects by routine first⁃trimester ultrasound examination:association with increased nuchal translucency,tricuspid regurgitation and abnormal flow in ductus venosus[J].Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol,2020,55(5):637-644
参考文献 10
参考文献 11
EDWARDS L,HUI L.First and second trimester screening for fetal structural anomalies[J].Semin Fetal Neonatal Med,2018,23(2):102-111
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参考文献 13
参考文献 14
IUCULANO A,PAGANI G,STAGNATI V,et al.Pregnancy outcome and long⁃term follow⁃up of fetuses with isolated increased NT:a retrospective cohort study[J].J Peri-nat Med,2016,44(2):237-242
参考文献 15
HUANG J,POON L C,AKOLEKAR R,et al.Is high fetal nuchal translucency associated with submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities on array CGH?[J].Ultrasound obstet gynecol,2014,43(6):620-624
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EMMS A,CASTLEMAN J,ALLEN S,et al.Next generation sequencing after invasive prenatal testing in fetuses with congenital malformations:prenatal or neonatal investigation[J].Genes,2022,13(9):1517
参考文献 17
XUE S Y,YAN H C,CHEN J S,et al.Genetic examination for fetuses with increased fetal nuchal translucency by genomic technology[J].Cytogenet Genome Res,2020,160(2):57-62
参考文献 18


    目的:探讨产前超声提示胎儿颈项透明层(nuchal translucency,NT)增厚的临床价值,并对比遗传学产前诊断结果。方法:对106例胎儿NT 增厚的超声与遗传学产前诊断结果进行对比分析(所有胎儿均行染色体微阵列分析,其中有4例进行了全外显子测序,1例行SMN1 基因检测),并跟踪妊娠结局。结果:共发现44例(41.51%)遗传学异常,2例临床意义不明性拷贝数变异。遗传学异常中共包含39例染色体异常(34例非整倍体异常和5例为致病性拷贝数变异)及5例基因异常(均为致病性或可能致病性变异)。随着NT厚度的增加,遗传学异常的发生率明显升高。44例遗传学异常胎儿中有38例(86.36%)合并其他超声异常,其中鼻骨发育不良占比最高。结论:发现胎儿NT增厚应首先考虑染色体异常尤其是非整倍体异常。NT增厚还与拷贝数变异及某些单基因遗传病有关。对于染色体微阵列阴性的NT增厚胎儿,可结合超声及家族史等综合考虑行全外显子检测。


    Objective:To explore the clinical value of prenatal ultrasound in suggesting thickening of the nuchal translucency(NT) in fetuses and to compare it with the results of genetic prenatal diagnosis. Methods:The results of ultrasound and genetic prenatal diagnosis of 106 fetuses with thickening of the NT were compared and analyzed(all fetuses were subjected to chromosomal microarray analysis,with whole-exome sequencing in four cases and SMN1 gene testing in one case),and pregnancy outcomes were followed. Results:A total of 44 cases(41.51%)of genetic abnormalities and 2 cases of copy number variants of unknown clinical significance were identified. These genetic abnormalities included 39 cases of chromosomal abnormalities(34 cases of aneuploidy abnormalities and 5 cases of pathogenic copy number variants)and 5 cases of genetic abnormalities(all pathogenic or suspected pathogenic variants). The incidence of genetic abnormalities increased significantly with increasing thickness of the NT. In addition,38(86.36%)of 44 fetuses with genetic abnormalities were combined with other ultrasound abnormalities,with the highest percentage of nasal bone dysplasia. Conclusion:When thickened NT is detected in fetuses,chromosomal abnormalities,especially aneuploidy,should be considered first. The thickened NT is also associated with copy number variations and certain monogenic inherited diseases. For fetuses with thickened NT and negative chromosome microarray analysis,comprehensive consideration including ultrasound and family history may warrant the whole-exome sequencing.

  • 胎儿颈项透明层(nuchal translucency,NT)是指孕11~13+6 周胎儿颈后皮下液体积聚。NT 增厚与遗传学异常、结构异常及自然流产、胎死宫内等病理状况有关,研究表明超声测量NT值是早孕期筛查胎儿遗传学异常最有价值的指标,当NT厚度≥3.0 mm时,建议行介入性产前诊断[1-2]。传统的染色体核型分析能够检测染色体结构及数目异常,但一些染色体的亚微观异常如微缺失、微重复无法检出,染色体微阵列分析(chromosomal microarray analysis,CMA)可在全基因组水平评估染色体亚显微结构的异常[3],为NT 增厚及超声结构异常胎儿首选的染色体检测方法[4]。全外显子组测序(whole ⁃ exome sequencing, WES)有助于发现CMA未确诊的超声异常胎儿的新致病基因[5-6]。本研究通过对南京医科大学附属妇产医院106例产前超声提示NT 增厚胎儿的超声结果与遗传学产前诊断结果进行对比分析,并跟踪妊娠结局,以期为NT增厚胎儿的临床咨询提供更丰富的遗传学信息,为胎儿预后评估提供更准确的参考。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 选取2020年1月—2022年12月来南京医科大学附属妇产医院超声科行早孕期筛查的 106 例孕妇,年龄 20~44 岁,均为单胎妊娠,胎儿 NT 厚度≥ 3.0 mm且行CMA检测,孕周11~13+6 周、胎儿顶臀长为45~84 mm。本研究经院伦理委员会批准,所有孕妇均签署知情同意书。

  • 1.2 方法

  • 1.2.1 仪器设备

  • Philips iU22、GE E8、Philips EPIQ7、三星 WS80A等彩色多普勒超声诊断仪,探头频率为3.0~5.0 MHz,先行早期规范化超声扫查,排除胎儿严重结构畸形后行正中矢状切面扫查,要求放大图像只显示胎儿头部及上胸部,于胎儿自然屈曲状态时,测量胎儿颈部软组织和皮肤间无回声区厚度,即NT厚度,标尺移动仅0.1 mm误差,测量3次以上,记录其最大值。

  • 1.2.2 超声分组

  • 将106例胎儿按NT增厚程度分为3组;A 组 3.0~3.4 mm,33 例(31.13%);B 组 3.5~4.9 mm,42 例 (39.62%);C组≥5.0 mm,31例(29.25%)。

  • 1.2.3 遗传学检测

  • 106例胎儿均经羊膜腔(绒毛)穿刺或引产胎儿皮肤标本行CMA检测,其中有4例增加了WES检测 (4 例 CMA 均为阴性,其中 3 例为合并多发超声异常,1例为NT重度增厚);还有1例(CMA也为阴性) 因胎儿父母是脊髓性肌萎缩症(spinal muscular atro⁃ phy,SMA)携带者,且孕妇曾连续 2 次妊娠 SMA 患儿,此次行多重连接依赖探针扩增技术(multiplex ligation⁃dependent probe,MLPA)检测SMN1第7、8号外显子拷贝数变异。

  • 遗传变异分析参照美国医学遗传学与基因组学学会(ACMG)指南分类[7]:分为致病性、可能致病性、临床意义不明性(variant of uncertain signifi⁃ cance,VOUS)、可能良性、良性5类。

  • 1.2.4 妊娠结局随访

  • 通过病历查阅、电话随访等方式了解妊娠结局,包括自然流产、引产、宫内死亡,继续妊娠者追踪超声及出生后检査结果,新生儿随访至出生后 6 个月。

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 数据分析采用SPSS 24.0软件分析,计量资料以均数±标准差(x-±s)表示,组间比较采用t检验。计数资料以频数(n)或率(%)表示,率的比较用卡方检验,P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 遗传学结果

  • 106例胎儿均行CMA 分析,其中4例增加WES 检测,1例增加MLPA检测,均获得遗传学结果,成功率100%。共检出44例遗传学异常,异常率41.51%, 2 例 VOUS 的拷贝数变异(copy number variants, CNV),余60例无异常。44例遗传学异常含染色体异常 39 例(39/44,88.64%),基因异常 5 例(5/44, 11.36%)。39 例染色体异常中有 34 例为非整倍体异常(34/39,87.18%),含21三体13例,18三体9例, 45X 6 例,13 三体 3 例,其他 3 例,余 5 例为致病性 CNV(表1)。5例基因异常均为致病性或可疑致病性变异,其中行 WES 检测的 4 例变异分别为:1 例 NADSYN1 基因杂合变异,1 例 KDM6A 基因杂合变异,1例RIT1基因杂合变异,1例CDKN1C基因杂合变异(表2);行MLPA 检测的1例为SMN1基因第7、 8外显子纯合缺失。44例遗传学异常在NT增厚程度不同的 3 组发生率分别为 A 组 7 例(7/33, 21.21%),B 组 12 例(12/42,28.57%),C 组 25 例(25/ 31,80.65%),随着NT厚度的增加,遗传学异常的发生率明显升高。经统计学分析,A组与C组间、B组与C组间差异有统计学意义(均为P <0.05),而A组与B组间差异无统计学意义(P >0.05)。

  • 表1 5例致病性CNV的NT增厚胎儿超声与遗传对照及妊娠结局

  • Table1 Ultrasound and genetic controls and pregnancy outcomes in five fetuses of thickened NT with pathogenic CNV

  • 表2 4例CMA阴性+WES阳性的NT增厚胎儿超声、遗传及临床对照

  • Table2 4 cases of CMA⁃negative and WES⁃positive NT thickening were compared with ultrasound,genetic,and clinic controls

  • All4 cases were induced labor.

  • 2.2 超声异常情况

  • 44例遗传学异常胎儿中有 38 例(38/44, 86.36%)合并其他超声异常(其中染色体非整倍体异常 32 例,CNV 3 例,基因异常 3 例),6 例(6/44, 13.64%)未合并其他超声异常(其中2例染色体非整倍体异常,2例CNV,2例基因异常)。合并其他超声异常的 32 例染色体非整倍体异常胎儿中,有 17 例为多发超声异常,如18三体(图1)、13三体(图2)。涉及超声异常种类(含超声软指标)最多的为鼻骨发育不良,其他为先天性心脏病、淋巴管水囊肿、静脉导管反流、胎儿水肿、单脐动脉、脉络丛囊肿、脐膨出、胸腹腔积液、全前脑、小脑发育异常、唇腭裂、足内翻、手姿异常等。合并其他超声异常的3例基因异常胎儿均为多发超声异常,均合并先天性心脏病,其他为脐膨出、小下颌等。合并其他超声异常的3例CNV胎儿,有2例合并先天性心脏病,其他为合并淋巴管水囊肿、鼻骨发育不良等。

  • 2.3 妊娠结局

  • 106例孕妇中50例选择终止妊娠,其中 43例为合并遗传学异常而终止妊娠(含1例宫内死亡),7例为单纯结构异常而终止妊娠。56例选择继续妊娠,其中55例为未合并遗传学异常,1例合并遗传学异常(为致病性CNV,但外显率仅为10.4%)。所有继续妊娠孕妇均经中晚孕期超声密切观察,胎儿未见明显异常,并随访至产后,通过病历查阅、电话随访等方式了解新生儿出生后6个月内情况,均暂未发现明显异常。

  • 3 讨论

  • 研究表明,NT增厚与染色体非整倍体异常密切相关[8-9]。本研究检出的44例遗传学异常中有39例为染色体异常,其中就有 34 例为非整倍体异常(87.18%),因此超声发现 NT 增厚应首先考虑染色体非整倍体异常。本组资料NT厚度3.0~3.4 mm的 A组遗传学异常率为21.21%,而NT厚度≥5.0 mm的 C组遗传学异常率为80.65%,遗传学异常率明显升高,这与袁小波等[10] 的观点一致。还有学者认为 NT 增厚合并其他超声异常时遗传学异常发生率明显增加,尤其是合并多发超声异常时[11-13]。本研究共 38 例遗传学异常合并其他超声异常,其中 32 例为染色体非整倍体异常,这 32 例中就有 17 例为多发超声异常,以18三体和13三体合并多发异常最为多见。关于超声异常的种类,21三体、18三体及 13 三体等常染色体非整倍体异常除了伴有NT增厚外,还常伴有鼻骨缺失、先天性心脏病、全前脑、脐膨出及肢体异常等。45X等性染色体非整倍体异常除了伴有NT 增厚外,还常伴有颈淋巴管水囊肿、胸腹腔积液及胎儿水肿等。鼻骨发育不良为染色体非整倍体异常的重要线索,本研究32例染色体非整倍体异常胎儿就有18例合并鼻骨发育不良,为合并其他超声异常种类中最多见的一种。其次为合并心血管异常,其中先天性心脏病7例,含永存动脉干、心内膜垫缺损、主动脉弓异常、室间隔缺损等异常,静脉导管反流6例。目前国内多采用早孕期NT 联合静脉导管及三尖瓣血流来进行胎儿先天性心脏病的产前筛查,发现血流异常后需仔细扫查心脏结构,且建议孕中期行详细的胎儿超声心动图检查。

  • 图1 18三体NT增厚合并多发超声异常

  • Figure1 Thickened NT with multiple ultrasound abnormalities for trisomy 18

  • 图2 13三体 NT增厚合并多发超声异常

  • Figure2 Thickened NT with multiple ultrasound abnormalities for trisomy 13

  • Iuculano 等[14] 认为NT增厚还与CNV有关,学者 Huang 等[15] 认为单纯 NT 增厚时更需要考虑 CNV。本研究共检出5例致病性CNV胎儿,NT厚度从3.5~6.6 mm不等,其中3例合并其他超声异常,表现为淋巴管水囊肿、先天性心脏病、鼻骨发育不良等,还有 2 例仅表现为 NT 增厚。虽然本组资料检出的致病性拷贝数异常病例只有5例,但也提醒我们在今后的工作中,遇到 NT 增厚时除了要考虑染色体非整倍体异常外,还应想到CNV的可能性。近年来,NT 增厚与单基因疾病的相关性越来越受到关注,许多遗传综合征如 Noonan 综合征、SMA等也与 NT 增厚有着密切的关系[16]。有学者发现 CMA 为阴性时,约 13%的 NT 增厚胎儿行 WES 检测发现遗传学异常[17]。本组共发现 4 例 CMA 阴性、WES 阳性的基因异常胎儿,均为致病性或可能致病性变异,NT 厚度4.6~6.7 mm,其中3例合并多发超声异常,1例仅表现为 NT 增厚。病例 3 早孕期仅显示 NT 增厚 4.6 mm,CMA阴性,中孕期筛查发现心脏异常,WES 发现 RIT1 基因 c.170C>G,为新发致病性基因,与Noonan综合征有关。2022 年专家指南指出,NT 增厚、尤其是>4 mm 的胎儿与 Noonan 综合征相关性较高,建议增加 WES 检测[18]。本研究还有1例NT 增厚(3.1 mm),未合并其他超声异常。因胎儿父母是 SMA 携带者,且孕妇曾连续 2 次妊娠 SMA 患儿,此次行MLPA 检测SMN1第7、8号外显子结果为零拷贝,此胎也为SMA患儿。遗憾的是该孕妇前2胎早孕期均未行NT检查,因而无法取得早孕期NT值的对照。因此对于 NT 增厚但 CMA 阴性的胎儿仍然可根据超声及家族史等综合考虑行 WES检测,或单基因病的检测,以发现更多的致病基因突变。本研究的不足之处是行WES检测的病例数偏少,结果有可能存在偏倚,在后期的研究中笔者将增加此类病例的搜集,尤其是合并多发超声异常而CMA阴性的胎儿,以获得更丰富、可靠的遗传学对照。

  • 综上所述,NT增厚时遗传学异常的发生率大大增加,发现 NT 增厚首先考虑染色体异常尤其是非整倍体异常,鼻骨发育不良为重要线索。NT增厚还与CNV及某些单基因遗传病有关。对于CMA阴性的 NT 增厚胎儿,可结合超声及家族史等综合考虑行WES检测,可能会发现新的致病基因。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] BARDI F,BOSSCHIETER P,VERHEIJ J,et al.Is there still a role for nuchal translucency measurement in the changing paradigm of first trimester screening?[J].Pre-nat Diagn,2020,40(2):197-205

    • [2] PETERSEN O B,SMITH E,VAN OPOSTAL D,et al.Nuchal translucency of 3.0⁃3.4 mm an indication for NIPT or microarray?Cohort analysis and literature review[J].Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand,2020,99(6):765-774

    • [3] ARMOUR C M,DOUGAN S D,BROCK J A,et al.Practice guideline:joint CCMG-SOGC recommendations for the use of chromosomal microarray analysis for prenatal diagnosis and assessment of fetal loss in Canada[J].J Med Genet,2018,55(4):215-221

    • [4] 郭颖,常颖,耿倩,等.染色体微阵列技术在超声异常胎儿产前诊断中的应用[J].中国妇幼保健,2019,34(5):1095-1097

    • [5] BEST S,WOU K,VORA N,et al.Promises,pitfalls and practicalities of prenatal whole exome sequencing[J].Prenat Diagn,2018,38(1):10-19

    • [6] PETRACCHI F,SISTEMA S,IGARZABAL L,et al.Fetal cardiac abnormalities:genetic etiologies to be considered[J].Prenat Diagn,2019,39(9):758-780

    • [7] RIGGS E R,ANDERSEN E F,CHERRY A M,et al.Technical standards for theinterpretation and reporting of con⁃stitutional copy⁃number variants:a jointconsensus recommendation of the American College of Medical Genetics andGenomics(ACMG)and the Clinical Genome Resource(Clin Gen)[J].Genet Med,2020,22(2):245-257

    • [8] HUANG L Y,PAN M,HAN J,et al.What would be missed in the first trimester if nuchal translucency measurement is replaced by cell free DNA foetal aneuploidy screening?[J].J Obstet Gynaecol,2018,38(4):498-501

    • [9] MINNELLA G P,CRUPANO F M,SYNGELAKI A,et al.Diagnosis of major heart defects by routine first⁃trimester ultrasound examination:association with increased nuchal translucency,tricuspid regurgitation and abnormal flow in ductus venosus[J].Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol,2020,55(5):637-644

    • [10] 袁小波,朱文兵.探讨颈项透明层厚度与胎儿染色体异常及妊娠结局的关系[J].中国妇幼保健,2019,34(13):3115-3117

    • [11] EDWARDS L,HUI L.First and second trimester screening for fetal structural anomalies[J].Semin Fetal Neonatal Med,2018,23(2):102-111

    • [12] 薛淑雅,陈兢思,张慧敏,等.颈部透明层增厚与染色体异常的相关分析[J].实用妇产科杂志,2019,35(5):382-385

    • [13] 曾婷,唐海燕,李艳颜,等.胎儿颈项透明层增厚的产前遗传学诊断及妊娠结局[J].现代妇产科进展,2022,31(3):186-190

    • [14] IUCULANO A,PAGANI G,STAGNATI V,et al.Pregnancy outcome and long⁃term follow⁃up of fetuses with isolated increased NT:a retrospective cohort study[J].J Peri-nat Med,2016,44(2):237-242

    • [15] HUANG J,POON L C,AKOLEKAR R,et al.Is high fetal nuchal translucency associated with submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities on array CGH?[J].Ultrasound obstet gynecol,2014,43(6):620-624

    • [16] EMMS A,CASTLEMAN J,ALLEN S,et al.Next generation sequencing after invasive prenatal testing in fetuses with congenital malformations:prenatal or neonatal investigation[J].Genes,2022,13(9):1517

    • [17] XUE S Y,YAN H C,CHEN J S,et al.Genetic examination for fetuses with increased fetal nuchal translucency by genomic technology[J].Cytogenet Genome Res,2020,160(2):57-62

    • [18] 全外显子组测序技术在产前诊断中的应用协作组,娄桂予,侯巧芳,等.全外显子组测序技术在产前诊断中应用的专家共识[J].中华医学遗传学杂志,2022,39(5):457-463

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    • [13] 曾婷,唐海燕,李艳颜,等.胎儿颈项透明层增厚的产前遗传学诊断及妊娠结局[J].现代妇产科进展,2022,31(3):186-190

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    • [15] HUANG J,POON L C,AKOLEKAR R,et al.Is high fetal nuchal translucency associated with submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities on array CGH?[J].Ultrasound obstet gynecol,2014,43(6):620-624

    • [16] EMMS A,CASTLEMAN J,ALLEN S,et al.Next generation sequencing after invasive prenatal testing in fetuses with congenital malformations:prenatal or neonatal investigation[J].Genes,2022,13(9):1517

    • [17] XUE S Y,YAN H C,CHEN J S,et al.Genetic examination for fetuses with increased fetal nuchal translucency by genomic technology[J].Cytogenet Genome Res,2020,160(2):57-62

    • [18] 全外显子组测序技术在产前诊断中的应用协作组,娄桂予,侯巧芳,等.全外显子组测序技术在产前诊断中应用的专家共识[J].中华医学遗传学杂志,2022,39(5):457-463

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