doi: 10.7655/NYDXBNSN241029
孔令男1 , 黄世杰2 , 张璇1 , 季亮宇1 , 周欣3 , 吴飞云1 , 赵萌1
1. 南京医科大学第一附属医院放射科,江苏 南京 210029
2. 上海科技大学生物医学工程学院,先进医疗材料和设备国家重点实验室,上海 201210
3. 南京医科大学第一附属医院产科,江苏 南京 210029
基金项目: 江苏省科教能力提升工程(JSDW202243)
赵萌,E-mail: zm18901582106@126.com(ORCID:0009-0007-4710-3954)
中图分类号: R445.2
文献标识码: A
文章编号: 1007-4368(2025)03-360-07
Prediction of very low birth weight infants in growth-restricted fetuses using intravoxel incoherent motion MRI of the placenta and fetal brain volume
KONG Lingnan1 , HUANG Shijie2 , ZHANG Xuan1 , JI Liangyu1 , ZHOU Xin3 , WU Feiyun1 , ZHAO Meng1
1. Department of Radiology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029
2. School of Biomedical Engineering & State Key Laboratory of Advanced Medical Materials and Devices,Shanghai Tech University,Shanghai 201210
3. Department of Obstetrics,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210029 ,China
目的:探讨胎盘体素内不相干运动(intravoxel incoherent motion,IVIM)MRI参数和胎儿脑体积对FGR中VLBWI的预测价值。方法:回顾性纳入23例FGR孕妇,依据胎儿出生体重分为VLBWI组(8例)和非极低出生体重儿(non-VLBWI)组 (15例)。比较两组胎儿侧脑室占颅内体积百分比以及胎盘IVIM参数[真扩散系数(D)、伪扩散系数(D* )、血流灌注分数(f)及胎盘面积]。采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线分析各参数对VLBWI的预测效能。结果:VLBWI 组胎盘D值小于non-VLBWI组[(1.38±0.04)×10-3 mm2 /s vs.(1.44±0.07)×10-3 mm2 /s,t=-2.109,P=0.047],胎盘面积小于non-VLBWI 组[(155.84±34.69)cm2 vs.(200.41±47.95)cm2t=-2.315,P=0.031],胎儿侧脑室占颅内体积百分比大于non-VLBWI 组[(3.00± 0.55)% vs.(2.53±0.33)%,t=2.591,P=0.017]。胎盘 D 值、胎盘面积和侧脑室占颅内体积百分比的 ROC 曲线下面积分别为 0.767、0.783和0.792。联合胎儿侧脑室占颅内体积百分比、胎盘D值和胎盘面积可将ROC曲线下面积提高至0.892。结论:胎盘IVIM参数和胎儿脑体积可能是帮助预测FGR中VLBWI的潜在有效影像标志物。
Objective:To evaluate the predictive value of placental intravoxel incoherent motion(IVIM)MRI parameters and fetal brain volume in predicting VLBWI in FGR. Methods:A retrospective analysis was conducted on 23 pregnant women with FGR, categorized into VLBWI group(n=8)and non-VLBWI group(n=15)based on birth weight. We compared brain structures as a percentage of intracranial volume and placental IVIM parameters[true diffusion coefficient(D),pseudo-diffusion coefficient(D* ), perfusion fraction(f),and placental area]between the two groups. Receiver operating characteristic(ROC)curve analysis was used to assess the predictive efficacy of each parameter for VLBWI. Results:The placental D value in the VLBWI group was lower than that in the non-VLBWI group[(1.38±0.04)×10-3 mm2 /s vs.(1.44±0.07)×10-3 mm2 /s,t=-2.109,P=0.047],and the placental area was smaller in the VLBWI group[(155.84 ± 34.69)cm2 vs.(200.41 ± 47.95)cm2t=-2.315,P=0.031],while the percentage of lateral ventricle volume relative to intracranial volume was greater in the VLBWI group[(3.00 ± 0.55)% vs.(2.53 ± 0.33)%,t=2.591,P=0.017]. The areas under the ROC curve for placental D value,placental area,and lateral ventricle as a percentage of intracranial volume were 0.767,0.783,and 0.792,respectively. Combining the fetal lateral ventricle as a percentage of intracranial volume,placental D value,and placental area improved the ROC curve area to 0.892. Conclusion:Placental IVIM parameters and fetal brain volume may serve as potentially effective imaging markers for distinguishing VLBWI in cases of FGR.
胎儿生长受限(fetal growth restriction,FGR)是指胎儿因母体、胎儿、胎盘等病理因素影响而未达到其应有的遗传潜能,多表现为胎儿超声估测体重或腹围低于相应胎龄第 10 百分位[1]。FGR 胎儿出生体重通常低于正常新生儿,其中低于1 500 g者定义为极低出生体重儿(very low birth weight infants, VLBWI)[2]。由于 VLBWI 常伴随早产,其死产和围产期死亡风险显著高于单纯FGR婴儿[3-4]。因此,产前准确预测VLBWI有助于合理选择分娩时机,减少胎儿接触有害因素,从而改善母体和胎儿预后。
胎盘和胎头的发育与胎儿出生结局息息相关。胎盘⁃脑轴互相影响,随基因遗传学、血流动力学、结构或微结构的改变而变化,是目前研究的热点。胎儿 MRI 脑成像分割技术通过自动分割和测量胎儿脑体积,帮助评估FGR胎儿脑发育延迟情况及程度。既往研究显示 FGR 胎儿所有脑结构体积显著减小[5],表明MRI脑分割技术用于FGR胎儿脑发育研究的可行性和灵敏度。胎盘体素内不相干运动(intravoxel incoherent motion,IVIM)可活体评估 FGR胎儿胎盘的微循环灌注改变[6]。研究表明,晚发型FGR胎儿的胎盘血流灌注分数显著降低,且与新生儿体重呈正相关[7]。然而,大多数研究仅对胎盘IVIM参数或脑体积进行单一分析,尚未从胎儿脑结构与胎盘功能两个维度对胎儿发育进行综合评估和联合预测。
因此,本研究旨在通过联合胎儿脑体积和胎盘 IVIM参数,探索其对FGR中的VLBWI的预测价值。
1 对象和方法
1.1 对象
回顾性收集2018年6月—2023年5月在南京医科大学第一附属医院接受 MRI 胎儿扫描的单胎孕妇。本研究经医院伦理审查委员会批准(2021⁃SR⁃ 407)。纳入标准:①妊娠28周及以上的单胎妊娠; ②诊断为胎儿生长受限,即超声估测胎儿体重或腹围低于相应胎龄的第 10 百分位;③孕妇行超声检查,经多普勒血流评估存在胎盘功能不全(脐动脉间隙大、脐动脉阻力升高、脐动脉收缩⁃舒张压比异常、脐动脉舒张压升高、大脑中动脉搏动指数异常以及羊水指数增厚/低);④临床资料完整;⑤孕妇接受了标准的产前MRI检查,包括胎头及胎盘MRI检查。超声检查与MRI扫描时间间隔<2周。
排除标准:①MRI图像质量差,严重图像伪影影响后续分析;②胎盘异常,如胎盘植入、胎盘早剥; ③胎儿遗传性疾病和发育异常,如结构性或功能性心脏病、无脑畸形、脊柱裂;④宫内病毒、细菌或寄生虫感染;⑤MRI 提示孕妇或孕儿存在实质性病变。所有FGR单胎孕妇根据出生体重分为VLBWI 组(新生儿出生体重<1 500 g)和 non⁃VLBWI 组(出生体重1 500~2 500 g)。
最终,23例FGR单胎妊娠孕妇被纳入研究,其中 VLBWI 组 8 例,平均年龄(30.13±3.76)岁,non ⁃ VLBWI组15例,平均年龄(30.13±3.31)岁。
1.2 方法
1.2.1 图像采集
胎盘图像使用 1.5T MRI 系统(MAGNETOM Aera,Siemens 公司,德国),12 通道表面体线圈和 2 个嵌入式通道脊柱线圈对患者进行检查。患者均采用仰卧位或侧卧位成像以确保舒适度。MRI方案为:①T1 加权梯度回波序列[重复时间(repetition time,TR)/回波时间(echo time,TE)=6.83 ms/2.39 ms,切片厚度=4.0 mm,视场(field of view,FOV)=380 mm× 368 mm,翻转角度(flip angle,FA)=70°,面内分辨率= 1.5 mm×1.5 mm];②T2加权半傅立叶获取单次涡轮自旋回波(half ⁃ fourier acquisition single ⁃ shot turbo spin ⁃echo,HASTE)序列(TR/TE=1 300 ms/167 ms,切片厚度 =4.0 mm,FOV=380 mm × 309 mm,FA= 70°,面内分辨率=1.5 mm×1.5 mm);③多值DWI序列(TR/TE=6 400 ms/65 ms,切片厚度=5.5 mm,FOV= 320 mm×320 mm,面内分辨率=3.5 mm×3.5 mm),b 值为0、50、100、150、200、500和800 s/mm2。总扫描时间<15 min。
胎头图像使用 1.5T MRI 系统(MAGNETOM Aera,Siemens公司,德国),6通道表面体线圈对患者进行检查。母亲和胎儿都没有接受镇静剂,母亲在整个扫描过程中保持自由呼吸。MRI方案为:①轴向、冠状面和矢状面T2加权快速采集 HASTE序列, TR/TE=1 200 ms/168 ms,片厚=3.0 mm,FOV=320 mm× 320 mm,矩阵大小 256×256;②轴向T1WI vibe,TR/ TE=6.83 ms/2.39 ms,片厚=3.0 mm,FOV= 380 mm× 369 mm,矩阵大小320×240;③具有2个不同b值(50 和800 s/mm2)的DWI序列。收集25个3 mm厚的切片;矩阵大小114×105;FOV= 320 mm×320 mm。T2 加权序列用于图像重建,其他序列用于排除有病变的病例。
1.2.2 胎盘扩散和灌注参数
利用FireVoxel软件(FireVoxel:CAL2R,Nw纽约大学,美国)确定基于多 b 值扩散加权图像的基于 IVIM 的后处理函数参数。双指数模型的方程为:sb=s01-fe-bD+fe-bD+D*。其中s(b)表示信号强度,s0表示b=0时的信号强度,f(灌注分数)表示血管室的体积百分比,1-f表示剩余的体积分数、组织或细胞室。D* 为相关扩散系数(伪扩散系数),D为扩散系数(真扩散系数)。
使用MATLAB编写的内部开发程序(The Math⁃ Works Inc.,美国)处理胎盘面积值。使用上述相同方法在 T2WI 图像上绘制感兴趣区(ROI)。在冠状面、横切面和矢状面,ROI覆盖整个胎盘。
1.2.3 胎头分割方法
使用PAK⁃SRR(prior anatomical knowledge guid⁃ ed fetal brain super⁃resolution reconstruction)方法重建各向同性的高分辨率体积胎头MR图像(空间分辨率为 0.8 mm×0.8 mm×0.8 mm)。使用 Draw ⁃EM(developing brain region annotation with expectation ⁃ maximization)算法进一步将重建的体积图像分割成包括灰质和白质的 17 个脑区并计算体积[8]。这种方法已被证实是可靠的晚期妊娠和新生儿脑区分割方法[9]
1.3 统计学方法
使用 SPSS 26.0 软件进行统计分析。采用 Kol⁃ mogorov⁃Smirnov 正态性检验评估参数是否符合正态分布。符合正态分布的计量资料以均数±标准差 x-±s表示,采用独立样本t检验;不符合正态分布的计量资料以中位数(四分位数)[MP25P75)]表示,采用Mann⁃Whitney U检验;分类变量以频数(百分比)表示,组间比较采用卡方检验。采用二元Lo⁃ gistic 回归分析结合两组间差异有统计学意义的参数构建联合模型。采用受试者工作特征(receiver operating characteristic,ROC)曲线和曲线下面积(area under the curve,AUC)评估胎儿脑体积、胎盘 IVIM 参数及联合模型对VLBWI的预测价值。P <0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 患者基本临床信息
两组患者的校正胎龄差异无统计学意义 [(30.89±1.29)周 vs.(32.27±1.86)周,P=0.078]。临床和人口统计学数据见表1
2.2 两组间胎儿脑区体积百分比以及胎盘IVIM参数的比较
VLBWI组胎盘D值小于non⁃VLBWI组[(1.38± 0.04)×10-3 mm2 /s vs.(1.44±0.07)×10-3 mm2 /s,t=-2.109,P=0.047],胎盘面积也小于non⁃VLBWI组[(155.84± 34.69)cm2 vs.(200.41±47.95)cm2t=-2.315,P=0.031],差异有统计学意义(表2)。两组间胎盘D* 值和f值差异未见统计学意义(P >0.05)。VLBWI组胎儿侧脑室占颅内体积百分比大于non⁃VLBWI组[(3.00± 0.55)% vs.(2.53±0.33)%,t=2.591,P=0.017],其余脑结构所占颅内体积百分比差异均未见统计学意义 (P >0.05)。
1FGR 中VLBWI 组和non⁃VLBWI 组的临床特征
Table1Clinical features of VLBWI and non⁃VLBWI group in FGR
2.3 IVIM 参数、脑区体积百分比在鉴别VLBWI 与非VLBWI中的价值
采用D=1.42×10-3 mm2 /s作为截断值预测VLBWI,可获得最优的预测效能(AUC=0.767,95%CI:0.573~0.960,灵敏度66.7%,特异度75.0%)。以胎盘面积= 166.90 cm2 为截断值预测 VLBWI,预测效能最佳 (AUC=0.783,95%CI:0.573~0.994,灵敏度 80.0%,特异度 75%)。侧脑室占颅内体积百分比截断值为 2.61%时,预测 VLBWI 效果最佳(AUC=0.792, 95% CI:0.584~0.999,灵敏度 73.3%,特异度 75.0%)。
2.4 联合预测模型的诊断价值
联合胎盘D值、胎盘面积和胎儿侧脑室占颅内体积百分比可将 AUC 提高至 0.892(95%CI:0.760~1.000,灵敏度80.0%,特异度87.5%,图1)。代表性 VLBWI和 non⁃VLBWI病例见图2
3 讨论
IVIM 技术在临床上广泛用于评估组织微观结构和微循环状况,如肿瘤灌注和扩散特性,为病理诊断提供参考。在胎盘中,该技术主要用于测定胎盘灌注,从而无创评估胎盘微循环[10]。本研究将胎盘的IVIM参数和胎儿脑体积联合起来进行综合评估,早期识别 FGR 胎儿中的高危组(VLBWI),辅助临床决策,从而改善新生儿的预后。
在胎盘 IVIM 参数中,VLBWI 组胎盘 D 值和胎盘面积均小于 non⁃VLBWI 组。先前胎盘功能与不良妊娠结局关系的研究表明,D值与低出生体重有显著关联[11],这与本研究结果一致。D值反映的是单纯水分子扩散,VLBWI组D值降低与胎盘的细胞密度增加,细胞间隙更窄,结构更加紧密有关[12],限制了水分子的扩散,这可能反映了灌注异常所导致的胎盘间质梗死、纤维化和钙化[13],影响氧气和营养物质的转运,从而导致新生儿的体重减低。一项病例对照结果指出,胎盘面积减少与出生体重下降密切相关,且增加了FGR的风险[14]。本研究也证明了 FGR 胎儿中胎盘面积与出生体重之间的相关性。较小的胎盘面积可能会减少子宫胎盘动脉的数量[15],降低氧气和营养运输的效率[16],导致出生体重下降。
Table2Brain volume and placental parameters of VLBWI group and non⁃VLBWI group in FGR
GM=Gray matter;WM=White matter;D=true diffusion coefficient;D* =pseudo⁃diffusion coefficient;f=perfusion fraction.
Figure1ROC curves for diagnostic performance of the single MR model and the combined model
Figure2Images of fetal brain volume(a-c)and placental area(d-f)of the VLBWI fetuses(A)and non⁃VLBWI fetuses(B)
Kuula 等[17] 研究极低出生体重早产儿与正常出生体重足月儿20岁时脑体积差异,结果表明极低出生体重组的绝对脑体积较小,脑室体积较大。本研究将研究节点提前至胎儿期,结果与其相似。脑室扩张可能是多种因素的共同作用。长期慢性缺氧和低血供会导致神经元减少和白质发育受损,脑实质体积减小,脑室体积相对增大。缺氧会增加脑水肿的风险[18],使脑室压力增加,脑室扩张。此外,FGR中的 VLBWI往往经历缺氧和氧化应激,影响中枢神经系统发育,包括脑脊液的生成、流动和吸收[19],导致脑室扩大。研究表明,侧脑室增宽程度与中枢神经系统异常的发生率呈正相关[20]。脑室扩张可能间接反映了脑实质的发育不良,更易导致VLBWI的发生。
本研究也有一定局限性。首先,本研究为回顾性研究,样本量较小。随着对FGR 危害的重视,临床上对FGR胎儿的定期评估、母体的营养支持和健康管理显著降低了VLBWI的发生率。此外,本研究样本需满足超声多普勒、胎头MRI及胎盘MRI等检查要求,并符合图像重建与分割的质量标准,严格的入组条件进一步缩小了样本量。未来需在更大样本的基础上,利用放射组学或人工智能方法更深入研究 FGR中VLBWI与non⁃VLBWI的鉴别方法。此外,本研究纳入了28~35周胎儿,鉴于胎儿脑发育的复杂性与长期性,未来研究应进行更全面、动态的分析。
Conflict of Interests:
The authors report no conflict of interests in this work.
Author’s Contributions:
KONG Lingnan was responsible for drafting the manuscript and revising the manuscript;HUANG Shijie was responsible for the data processing;ZHANG Xuan,JI Liangyu,and ZHOU Xin were responsible for analyzing and interpreting the data;WU Feiyun and ZHAO Meng proposed the research plan,supervised the research implementation,revised the paper,and provided funding.
Figure1ROC curves for diagnostic performance of the single MR model and the combined model
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Figure2Images of fetal brain volume(a-c)and placental area(d-f)of the VLBWI fetuses(A)and non⁃VLBWI fetuses(B)
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1FGR 中VLBWI 组和non⁃VLBWI 组的临床特征
Table1Clinical features of VLBWI and non⁃VLBWI group in FGR
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Table2Brain volume and placental parameters of VLBWI group and non⁃VLBWI group in FGR
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张瑾, 张璇, 陆超, 等. 体素内不相干运动成像诊断胎盘植入及不同植入区域的应用价值[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(9):1285-1290. ZHANG J, ZHANG X, LU C,et al. Value of intravoxel incoherent motion imaging in diagnosing placental implantation and different implantation regions[J]. Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Nature Sciences),2023,43(9):1285-1290
NAKAO K K, KIDO A, FUJIMOTO K,et al. Placental functional assessment and its relationship to adverse pregnancy outcome:comparison of intravoxel incoherent motion(IVIM)MRI, T2-relaxation time,and umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound[J]. Acta Radiol,2023,64(1):370-376
QIU L, LIU X L, LIU S R,et al. Role of quantitative intra-voxel incoherent motion parameters in the preoperative diagnosis of nodal metastasis in patients with rectal carcinoma[J]. J Magn Reson Imaging,2016,44(4):1031-1039
DENG J, ZHANG A, ZHAO M,et al. Placental perfusion using intravoxel incoherent motion MRI combined with Doppler findings in differentiating between very low birth weight infants and small for gestational age infants[J]. Placenta,2023,135:16-24
LIU H J, LIU P C, HUA J,et al. Placental weight and size in relation to fetal growth restriction:a case-control study[J]. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med,2021,34(9):1356-1360
SALAFIA C M, YAMPOLSKY M, MISRA D P,et al. Placental surface shape,function,and effects of maternal and fetal vascular pathology[J]. Placenta,2010,31(11):958-962
DANKÓ I, KELEMEN E, TANKÓ A,et al. Placental pathology and its associations with clinical signs in different subtypes of fetal growth restriction[J]. Pediatr Dev Pathol,2023,26(5):437-446
KUULA J, MARTOLA J, HAKKARAINEN A,et al. Brain volumes and abnormalities in adults born preterm at very low birth weight[J]. J Pediatr,2022,246:48-55
DALBY T, WOHL E, DINSMORE M,et al. Pathophysiology of cerebral edema-a comprehensive review[J]. J Neu-roanaesth Crit,2021,8(3):163-172
NÜSKEN E, APPEL S, SASCHIN L,et al. Intrauterine growth restriction:need to improve diagnostic accuracy and evidence for a key role of oxidative stress in neonatal and long-term sequelae[J]. Cells,2024,13(6):501
张珺, 赵萌, 陈婷, 等. 胎儿侧脑室增宽与中枢神经系统异常的相关性研究[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2021,41(3):420-423. ZHANG J, ZHAO M, CHEN T,et al. Study of the correlation between fetal lateral ventricular dilation and central nervous system abnormalities.[J]. Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Nature Sciences),2021,41(3):420-423
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Figure1ROC curves for diagnostic performance of the single MR model and the combined model
Figure2Images of fetal brain volume(a-c)and placental area(d-f)of the VLBWI fetuses(A)and non⁃VLBWI fetuses(B)
1FGR 中VLBWI 组和non⁃VLBWI 组的临床特征
Table1Clinical features of VLBWI and non⁃VLBWI group in FGR
Table2Brain volume and placental parameters of VLBWI group and non⁃VLBWI group in FGR
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MAKROPOULOS A, ROBINSON E C, SCHUH A,et al. The developing human connectome project:a minimal processing pipeline for neonatal cortical surface reconstruction[J]. Neuroimage,2018,173:88-112
XU X, SUN C, SUN J,et al. Spatiotemporal atlas of the fetal brain depicts cortical developmental gradient[J]. J Neurosci,2022,42(50):9435-9449
张瑾, 张璇, 陆超, 等. 体素内不相干运动成像诊断胎盘植入及不同植入区域的应用价值[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2023,43(9):1285-1290. ZHANG J, ZHANG X, LU C,et al. Value of intravoxel incoherent motion imaging in diagnosing placental implantation and different implantation regions[J]. Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Nature Sciences),2023,43(9):1285-1290
NAKAO K K, KIDO A, FUJIMOTO K,et al. Placental functional assessment and its relationship to adverse pregnancy outcome:comparison of intravoxel incoherent motion(IVIM)MRI, T2-relaxation time,and umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound[J]. Acta Radiol,2023,64(1):370-376
QIU L, LIU X L, LIU S R,et al. Role of quantitative intra-voxel incoherent motion parameters in the preoperative diagnosis of nodal metastasis in patients with rectal carcinoma[J]. J Magn Reson Imaging,2016,44(4):1031-1039
DENG J, ZHANG A, ZHAO M,et al. Placental perfusion using intravoxel incoherent motion MRI combined with Doppler findings in differentiating between very low birth weight infants and small for gestational age infants[J]. Placenta,2023,135:16-24
LIU H J, LIU P C, HUA J,et al. Placental weight and size in relation to fetal growth restriction:a case-control study[J]. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med,2021,34(9):1356-1360
SALAFIA C M, YAMPOLSKY M, MISRA D P,et al. Placental surface shape,function,and effects of maternal and fetal vascular pathology[J]. Placenta,2010,31(11):958-962
DANKÓ I, KELEMEN E, TANKÓ A,et al. Placental pathology and its associations with clinical signs in different subtypes of fetal growth restriction[J]. Pediatr Dev Pathol,2023,26(5):437-446
KUULA J, MARTOLA J, HAKKARAINEN A,et al. Brain volumes and abnormalities in adults born preterm at very low birth weight[J]. J Pediatr,2022,246:48-55
DALBY T, WOHL E, DINSMORE M,et al. Pathophysiology of cerebral edema-a comprehensive review[J]. J Neu-roanaesth Crit,2021,8(3):163-172
NÜSKEN E, APPEL S, SASCHIN L,et al. Intrauterine growth restriction:need to improve diagnostic accuracy and evidence for a key role of oxidative stress in neonatal and long-term sequelae[J]. Cells,2024,13(6):501
张珺, 赵萌, 陈婷, 等. 胎儿侧脑室增宽与中枢神经系统异常的相关性研究[J]. 南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2021,41(3):420-423. ZHANG J, ZHAO M, CHEN T,et al. Study of the correlation between fetal lateral ventricular dilation and central nervous system abnormalities.[J]. Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Nature Sciences),2021,41(3):420-423