







参考文献 1
LYMAN G H,SOMERFIELD M R,GIULIANO A E.Sen⁃ tinel lymph node biopsy for patients with early ⁃ stage breast cancer:2016 American Society of Clinical Oncolo⁃ gy Clinical Practice Guideline Update Summary[J].J On⁃ col Pract,2017,13(3):196-198
参考文献 2
LECURU F R,MCCORMACK M,HILLEMANNS P,et al.SENTICOL Ⅲ:an international validation study of senti⁃ nel node biopsy in early cervical cancer.A GINECO,EN⁃ GOT,GCIG and multicenter study[J].Int J Gynecol Can⁃ cer,2019,29(4):829-834
参考文献 3
SÁVOLT Á,PÉLEY G,POLGÁR C,et al.Eight⁃year fol⁃ low up result of the OTOASOR trial:the optimal treat⁃ ment of the axilla ⁃ surgery or radiotherapy after positive sentinel lymph node biopsy in early⁃stage breast cancer:a randomized,single centre,phase Ⅲ,non ⁃inferiority trial [J].Eur J Surg Oncol,2017,43(4):672-679
参考文献 4
LIANG Y,CHEN X,TONG Y,et al.Higher axillary lymph node metastasis burden in breast cancer patients with pos⁃ itive preoperative node biopsy:may not be appropriate to receive sentinel lymph node biopsy in the post ⁃ACOSOG Z0011 trial era[J].World J Surg Oncol,2019,17(1):37
参考文献 5
LAI J,PAN Z,CHEN P,et al.Development and valida⁃ tion of a nomogram incorporating axillary lymph node ra⁃ tio to predict survival in node ⁃ positive breast cancer pa⁃ tients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy[J].Jpn J Clin On⁃ col,2019,49(1):22-28
参考文献 6
GARCIA ⁃ETIENNE C A,FERRARI A,DELLA VALLE A,et al.Management of the axilla in patients with breast cancer and positive sentinel lymph node biopsy:An evi⁃dence⁃based update in a European breast center[J].Eur J Surg Oncol,2020,46(1):15-23
参考文献 7
WANG Y,DONG H,WU H,et al.Improved false nega⁃ tive rate of axillary status using sentinel lymph node biop⁃ sy and ultrasound⁃suspicious lymph node sampling in pa⁃ tients with early breast cancer[J].BMC Cancer,2015,15:382
参考文献 8
FARROKH D,AMERI L,OLIAEE F,et al.Can ultra⁃ sound be considered as a potential alternative for sentinel lymph node biopsy for axillary lymph node metastasis de⁃ tection in breast cancer patients?[J].Breast J,2019,25(6):1300-1302
参考文献 9
KENNARD J A,STEPHENS A J,AHMAD S,et al.Senti⁃ nel lymph nodes(SLN)in endometrial cancer:the relation⁃ ship between primary tumor histology,SLN metastasis size,and non ⁃ sentinel node metastasis[J].Gynecol On⁃ col,2019,154(1):53-59
参考文献 10
WANG N N,YANG Z J,WANG X,et al.A mathematical prediction model incorporating molecular subtype for risk of non ⁃ sentinel lymph node metastasis in sentinel lymph node⁃positive breast cancer patients:a retrospective analy⁃ sis and nomogram development[J].Breast Cancer,2018,25(6):629-638
参考文献 11
WINARNO A S,MONDAL A,MARTIGNONI F C,et al.The potential risk of contralateral non⁃sentinel groin node metastasis in women with early primary vulvar cancer fol⁃ lowing unilateral sentinel node metastasis:a single center evaluation in University Hospital of Düsseldorf[J].BMC Womens Health,2021,21(1):23
参考文献 12
MAJID S,RYDÉN L,MANJER J.Determinants for non ⁃ sentinel node metastases in primary invasive breast can⁃ cer:a population ⁃ based cohort study of 602 consecutive patients with sentinel node metastases[J].BMC Cancer,2019,19(1):626
参考文献 13
WANG X Y,WANG J T,GUO T,et al.Risk factors and a predictive nomogram for non ⁃sentinel lymph node metas⁃ tases in Chinese breast cancer patients with one or two sentinel lymph node macrometastases and mastectomy [J].Curr Oncol,2019,26(2):e210-e215
参考文献 14
SCHRÖDER L,FRICKER R,STEIN R G,et al.Evalua⁃ tion of sentinel lymph node biopsy prior to axillary lymph node dissection:the role of isolated tumor cells/microme⁃ tastases and multifocality/multicentricity ⁃ a retrospective study of 1214 breast cancer patients[J].Arch Gynecol Obstet,2018,297(6):1509-1515
参考文献 15
GIULIANO A E,HUNT K K,BALLMAN K V,et al.Axil⁃ lary dissection vs no axillary dissection in women with in⁃ vasive breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis:a ran⁃ domized clinical trial[J].JAMA.2011,305(6):569-575
参考文献 16
GIULIANO A E,MCCALL L,BEITSCH P,et al.Locore⁃ gional recurrence after sentinel lymph node dissection with or without axillary dissection in patients with senti⁃ nel lymph node metastases:the American College of Sur⁃ geons Oncology Group Z0011 randomized trial[J].Ann Surg,2010,252(3):426-432
参考文献 17
SA⁃NGUANRAKSA D,O⁃CHAROENRAT E,KULPROM A,et al.Nomogram to predict non ⁃ sentinel lymph node status using total tumor load determined by one ⁃ step nu⁃ cleic acid amplification:first report from Thailand[J].Breast Cancer,2019,26(4):471-477
参考文献 18
MAJID S,RYDÉN L,MANJER J.Determinants for non ⁃ sentinel node metastases in primary invasive breast can⁃ cer:a population ⁃ based cohort study of 602 consecutive patients with sentinel node metastases[J].BMC Cancer,2019,19(1):626
参考文献 19
ROUZIER R,UZAN C,ROUSSEAU A,et al.Multicenter prospective evaluation of the reliability of the combined use of two models to predict non⁃sentinel lymph node sta⁃ tus in breast cancer patients with metastatic sentinel lymph nodes:the MSKCC nomogram and the Tenon score.Results of the NOTEGS study[J].Br J Cancer,2017,116(9):1135-1140
参考文献 20
SHIMAZU K,SATO N,OGIYA A,et al.Intraoperative no⁃ mograms,based on one ⁃ step nucleic acid amplification,for prediction of non⁃sentinel node metastasis and four or more axillary node metastases in breast cancer patients with sentinel node metastasis[J].Ann Surg Oncol,2018,25(9):2603-2611


    目的:分析乳腺癌前哨淋巴结(sentinel lymph node,SLN)转移患者中非前哨淋巴结(non⁃sentinel lymph node,NSLN) 状态的影响因素。方法:选取2016年1月—2020年6月于本院行前哨淋巴结活检术(sentinel lymph node biopsy,SLNB)的136 例乳腺癌患者,均为女性。对单因素分析中具有统计学意义的NSLN转移危险因素采用Logistic回归模型进行多因素分析。结果:研究共纳入符合要求的患者136例,其中NSLN阴性62例,NSLN阳性74例,比较资料发现原发肿瘤大小、脉管癌栓、SLN阳性数目及SLN阳性比例是影响乳腺癌NSLN转移的危险因素(P <0.05)。将上述资料纳入Logistic回归分析,结果提示脉管癌栓、SLN阳性比例是乳腺癌患者NSLN发生转移的独立危险因素(P均<0.05)。结论:脉管癌栓、SLN阳性比例是乳腺癌患者 NSLN发生转移的独立危险因素,当乳腺癌患者存在脉管癌栓、SLN阳性比例≥0.5时更容易发生NSLN转移。

  • 评估腋窝淋巴结状态仍然是乳腺癌外科手术的重要组成部分,也被认为是最重要的预后影响因素之一。直到20世纪90年代末,几乎所有的乳腺癌患者都施行腋窝淋巴结清扫(axillary lymph node dissection,ALND)。前哨淋巴结活检术(sentinel lymph node biopsy,SLNB)是临床早期乳腺癌患者腋窝淋巴结分期的标准术式[1-3]。虽然接受ALND的患者比SLNB有更高的并发症发生率,但对于前哨淋巴结(sentinel lymph node, SLN)阳性的患者来说,ALND仍然是一种有效的手术方式[4-8]。然而,研究表明40%~70%的SLB阳性患者中非前哨淋巴结(non⁃sentinel lymph node, NSLN)并未发生转移[9-11]。鉴于此,很多学者认为ALND对SLN受累的乳腺癌患者获益有限。如何鉴别SLN阳性患者中NSLN是否发生转移具有重要的临床意义。本研究旨在对乳腺癌SLN转移患者中NSLN状态的危险因素进行分析,现报道如下。

  • 1 对象和方法

  • 1.1 对象

  • 选取2016年1月—2020年6月期间于宜兴市人民医院行SLNB的乳腺癌患者,均为女性。纳入标准:①临床腋窝淋巴结阴性、早期浸润性乳腺癌;② 术中SLNB快速病理结果阳性并随后施行ALND,清扫的NSLN数量不少于10枚;③腋窝淋巴结临床查体、影像学检查或异常淋巴结穿刺病理阴性;④各项免疫组化结果资料完整。排除标准:①影像学检查存有远处转移证据;②术前行抗肿瘤治疗如新辅助化疗;③SLNB失败。

  • 1.2 方法

  • 研究采用亚甲蓝作为示踪剂,在乳晕边缘皮内、肿瘤表面皮肤皮下处注射1mL,按摩10~15min后解剖出蓝染及其周边可疑肿大质硬淋巴结,将活检淋巴结快速冰冻切片送病理检查:直径<3mm淋巴结不行冰冻检查,其他冰冻切片后以最大截面切片,行HE染色后,病理科医师双盲阅片。若结果提示阳性(转移灶最大径>0.2mm)则行ALND;若术中病理为阴性但术后为阳性也需进一步ALND。所有SLN均进行HE染色连续切片病理检查。记录临床病理资料,如年龄、病理类型、组织学分级、脉管癌栓、原发肿瘤大小、雌激素受体(estrogen receptor, ER)、孕激素受体(progestogen receptor,PR)、Her⁃2、 Ki ⁃67、SLN大小、SLN阳性数目、SLN阳性比例、 NSLN数目及状态等相关临床病理资料。

  • 1.3 统计学方法

  • 采用SPSS 18.0软件进行统计分析。计量资料以t检验进行比较;计数资料以卡方检验比较。Lo⁃ gistic回归模型进行多因素分析。P< 0.05为差异有统计学意义。

  • 2 结果

  • 2.1 影响NSLN转移的单因素分析

  • 研究共纳入符合要求的患者136例,患者年龄为(49.2 ± 8.7)岁,原发肿瘤大小平均为(3.2 ± 1.1) cm,其中NSLN阳性74例,NSLN阴性62例,活检SLN数目为(2.2 ± 1.7)个,SLN阳性平均数为(1.4 ± 0.7) 个,NSLN平均数为(15.3 ± 8.4)个。由表1可知,年龄、病理类型、组织学分级、ER、PR、Her⁃2、Ki⁃67及SLN转移灶大小均不是影响NSLN转移的危险因素 (P> 0.05);而原发肿瘤大小、脉管癌栓、SLN阳性数目及SLN阳性比例是影响NSLN转移的危险因素 (P< 0.05)。

  • 2.2 影响NSLN转移的多因素分析

  • 将原发肿瘤大小、脉管癌栓、SLN阳性数目及SLN阳性比例纳入Logistic回归分析,结果提示脉管癌栓、SLN阳性比例是影响乳腺癌患者NSLN发生转移的独立危险因素(P 均<0.05),而原发肿瘤大小、SLN阳性数目并不是NSLN转移的独立危险因素(P均>0.05,表2)。

  • 3 讨论

  • 在早期浸润性乳腺癌患者中,SLNB是评估腋窝状态的标准方法,当SLN阴性时则不需要再施行ALND,通常来说,ALND是SLN阳性患者的标准手术方式[12-14]。ACOSOG Z0011试验表明当SLN中有1~2枚淋巴结转移时,乳腺癌患者ALND是可以避免的,仅需通过后续局部放疗即可达到类似的预后效果[15-16]。不过通过比较Z0011试验入组患者临床资料后发现,其选择的预后较好的患者所占比例较多。有研究表明,Z0011试验在欧洲乳腺癌患者中只有9%符合入组条件,同时仅有5.6%的需手术治疗乳腺癌患者伴有1~2枚SLN转移。对于SLN阳性但不符合Z0011试验入组条件的患者,筛选出NSLN转移风险较低的患者,使其避免施行ALND则具有重要的临床意义。

  • 表1 影响NSLN转移的单因素分析

  • 表2 影响SLNB阳性乳腺癌患者NSLN转移的多因素分析

  • 近年来,国内外许多医学临床机构构建了有关NSLN转移状态的预测模型,比如MSKCC列线图模型、美国安德森癌症中心评分等。这些预测模型纳入的指标并不尽相同,有的模型比较复杂,纳入的参数项目较多,而有的总体准确性不足,有的模型重复稳定性差强人意,原因可能在于这些预测模型是建立在一组特定人群中的,在不同国家或区域间的乳腺癌临床病理资料往往存在着显著差异,所以得到的预测模型结果也会存在出入,导致先前的预测模型并不一定适合全部人群。不过即便如此,研究分析SLN阳性乳腺癌患者中NSLN转移的影响因素仍具有重要临床价值。

  • 通过对现有的文献检索发现了NSLN转移的各种危险因素,包括年龄、肿瘤大小、病理类型、组织学分级、脉管浸润、是否多灶、ER状态、SLN活检粒数、阳性SLN粒数、阴性SLN粒数、SLN包膜是否受到侵犯、SLN转移灶大小、SLN检测方法及阳性SLN比例等[17-20]。本研究表明包括原发肿瘤大小和SLN阳性比例在内的临床病理因素可以预测SLN阳性患者NSLN转移的存在。原发肿瘤大小能够反映乳腺癌性质,但通过Logistic回归分析发现,原发肿瘤大小并非是引起NSLN发生转移的独立危险因素。现有的研究表明,淋巴结结外转移例如脉管、神经侵犯等对NSLN转移具有较强的预测价值。研究中统计了相关脉管癌栓的临床信息,分析结果表明了不同NSLN状态中,脉管癌栓的发生率差异具有统计学意义,进一步通过多因素分析后发现脉管癌栓是能够引起NSLN转移的危险因素。对于乳腺癌患者是否需要实行ALND、SLN是否转移及转移的数目是最常用的参考因素,研究认为当SLN阳性数目越多时,NSLN发生转移的几率越大。在本研究中,我们发现SLN阳性数目并非是导致NSLN转移的独立危险因素,而SLN阳性比例是可以引起NSLN状态变化的独立危险因素,随着SLN阳性比例增加,该患者的NSLN则存在较高的转移风险。先前不少研究表示SLN转移灶大小是NSLN状态的独立预测因素,例如当SLN为宏转移时NSLN存在转移灶的风险显著增加。不过也有学者认为肿瘤细胞在淋巴结中的分布形式不尽一致,可能其中的淋巴结存在许多散在单个或多灶性的肿瘤细胞(簇),而这部分的转移灶大小将无法评估。本研究并没有发现SLN转移灶大小是影响NSLN转移的因素。

  • 此次研究还存在一些不足。首先,没有将所有关于NSLN转移的影响因素均详尽纳入研究,例如淋巴结转移灶的大小,先前的研究均表示淋巴结转移灶的大小是预测乳腺癌患者腋窝NSLN状态的重要因素,而这项研究仅粗略地将转移灶分为微转移、宏转移,所以结论上还值得商榷。其次,本研究是基于单中心研究,结果是否适用于其他乳腺癌人群尚需验证。另外研究纳入样本量偏小、SLN快速病理检测不够精准等也会影响结果,今后工作中将进一步开展大样本、多中心前瞻性临床研究来对预测模型加以完善和验证。

  • 综上所述,本研究结果表明,脉管癌栓、SLN阳性比例是乳腺癌患者NSLN发生转移的独立危险因素,当乳腺癌患者存在脉管癌栓、SLN阳性比例≥0.5时更容易发生NSLN转移。

  • 参考文献

    • [1] LYMAN G H,SOMERFIELD M R,GIULIANO A E.Sen⁃ tinel lymph node biopsy for patients with early ⁃ stage breast cancer:2016 American Society of Clinical Oncolo⁃ gy Clinical Practice Guideline Update Summary[J].J On⁃ col Pract,2017,13(3):196-198

    • [2] LECURU F R,MCCORMACK M,HILLEMANNS P,et al.SENTICOL Ⅲ:an international validation study of senti⁃ nel node biopsy in early cervical cancer.A GINECO,EN⁃ GOT,GCIG and multicenter study[J].Int J Gynecol Can⁃ cer,2019,29(4):829-834

    • [3] SÁVOLT Á,PÉLEY G,POLGÁR C,et al.Eight⁃year fol⁃ low up result of the OTOASOR trial:the optimal treat⁃ ment of the axilla ⁃ surgery or radiotherapy after positive sentinel lymph node biopsy in early⁃stage breast cancer:a randomized,single centre,phase Ⅲ,non ⁃inferiority trial [J].Eur J Surg Oncol,2017,43(4):672-679

    • [4] LIANG Y,CHEN X,TONG Y,et al.Higher axillary lymph node metastasis burden in breast cancer patients with pos⁃ itive preoperative node biopsy:may not be appropriate to receive sentinel lymph node biopsy in the post ⁃ACOSOG Z0011 trial era[J].World J Surg Oncol,2019,17(1):37

    • [5] LAI J,PAN Z,CHEN P,et al.Development and valida⁃ tion of a nomogram incorporating axillary lymph node ra⁃ tio to predict survival in node ⁃ positive breast cancer pa⁃ tients after neoadjuvant chemotherapy[J].Jpn J Clin On⁃ col,2019,49(1):22-28

    • [6] GARCIA ⁃ETIENNE C A,FERRARI A,DELLA VALLE A,et al.Management of the axilla in patients with breast cancer and positive sentinel lymph node biopsy:An evi⁃dence⁃based update in a European breast center[J].Eur J Surg Oncol,2020,46(1):15-23

    • [7] WANG Y,DONG H,WU H,et al.Improved false nega⁃ tive rate of axillary status using sentinel lymph node biop⁃ sy and ultrasound⁃suspicious lymph node sampling in pa⁃ tients with early breast cancer[J].BMC Cancer,2015,15:382

    • [8] FARROKH D,AMERI L,OLIAEE F,et al.Can ultra⁃ sound be considered as a potential alternative for sentinel lymph node biopsy for axillary lymph node metastasis de⁃ tection in breast cancer patients?[J].Breast J,2019,25(6):1300-1302

    • [9] KENNARD J A,STEPHENS A J,AHMAD S,et al.Senti⁃ nel lymph nodes(SLN)in endometrial cancer:the relation⁃ ship between primary tumor histology,SLN metastasis size,and non ⁃ sentinel node metastasis[J].Gynecol On⁃ col,2019,154(1):53-59

    • [10] WANG N N,YANG Z J,WANG X,et al.A mathematical prediction model incorporating molecular subtype for risk of non ⁃ sentinel lymph node metastasis in sentinel lymph node⁃positive breast cancer patients:a retrospective analy⁃ sis and nomogram development[J].Breast Cancer,2018,25(6):629-638

    • [11] WINARNO A S,MONDAL A,MARTIGNONI F C,et al.The potential risk of contralateral non⁃sentinel groin node metastasis in women with early primary vulvar cancer fol⁃ lowing unilateral sentinel node metastasis:a single center evaluation in University Hospital of Düsseldorf[J].BMC Womens Health,2021,21(1):23

    • [12] MAJID S,RYDÉN L,MANJER J.Determinants for non ⁃ sentinel node metastases in primary invasive breast can⁃ cer:a population ⁃ based cohort study of 602 consecutive patients with sentinel node metastases[J].BMC Cancer,2019,19(1):626

    • [13] WANG X Y,WANG J T,GUO T,et al.Risk factors and a predictive nomogram for non ⁃sentinel lymph node metas⁃ tases in Chinese breast cancer patients with one or two sentinel lymph node macrometastases and mastectomy [J].Curr Oncol,2019,26(2):e210-e215

    • [14] SCHRÖDER L,FRICKER R,STEIN R G,et al.Evalua⁃ tion of sentinel lymph node biopsy prior to axillary lymph node dissection:the role of isolated tumor cells/microme⁃ tastases and multifocality/multicentricity ⁃ a retrospective study of 1214 breast cancer patients[J].Arch Gynecol Obstet,2018,297(6):1509-1515

    • [15] GIULIANO A E,HUNT K K,BALLMAN K V,et al.Axil⁃ lary dissection vs no axillary dissection in women with in⁃ vasive breast cancer and sentinel node metastasis:a ran⁃ domized clinical trial[J].JAMA.2011,305(6):569-575

    • [16] GIULIANO A E,MCCALL L,BEITSCH P,et al.Locore⁃ gional recurrence after sentinel lymph node dissection with or without axillary dissection in patients with senti⁃ nel lymph node metastases:the American College of Sur⁃ geons Oncology Group Z0011 randomized trial[J].Ann Surg,2010,252(3):426-432

    • [17] SA⁃NGUANRAKSA D,O⁃CHAROENRAT E,KULPROM A,et al.Nomogram to predict non ⁃ sentinel lymph node status using total tumor load determined by one ⁃ step nu⁃ cleic acid amplification:first report from Thailand[J].Breast Cancer,2019,26(4):471-477

    • [18] MAJID S,RYDÉN L,MANJER J.Determinants for non ⁃ sentinel node metastases in primary invasive breast can⁃ cer:a population ⁃ based cohort study of 602 consecutive patients with sentinel node metastases[J].BMC Cancer,2019,19(1):626

    • [19] ROUZIER R,UZAN C,ROUSSEAU A,et al.Multicenter prospective evaluation of the reliability of the combined use of two models to predict non⁃sentinel lymph node sta⁃ tus in breast cancer patients with metastatic sentinel lymph nodes:the MSKCC nomogram and the Tenon score.Results of the NOTEGS study[J].Br J Cancer,2017,116(9):1135-1140

    • [20] SHIMAZU K,SATO N,OGIYA A,et al.Intraoperative no⁃ mograms,based on one ⁃ step nucleic acid amplification,for prediction of non⁃sentinel node metastasis and four or more axillary node metastases in breast cancer patients with sentinel node metastasis[J].Ann Surg Oncol,2018,25(9):2603-2611

  • 参考文献

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