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Journal of Nanjing Medical University

                                        (Natural Sciences)

              Contents of Main Articles

              No.2 Vol.41 Feb. 2021

              Prospects of studies of human in vitro spermatogenesis………………………………………… GUO Xuejiang(157)

              Cyclin D1 expression and SOX9 acetylation regulated by GCN5 in glomerular mesangial cell induced by sublytic C5b⁃9
                  ………………………… GUO Miaomiao,LIU Longfei,XIE Mengxiao,WU Zhijiao,LUO Can,PENG Mingyu,
                                                             ZHAO Dan,ZHANG Jing,QIU Wen,WANG Yingwei(160)

              Role of macrophage nerve injury induced protein1 in ischemia reperfusion⁃induced liver injury and inflammatory
                  response ………………………………………… ZHOU Shun,WANG Yong,ZHANG Feng,YOU Wei(166)

              Proton pump inhibitors induce vascular endothelium inflammation by activating calcineurin
                  ……………………… ZHANG Hejian,BAI Rong,BAO Liqin,ZHANG Xuehui,SUN Luning,MA Mengyuan,
                                                                  CHENG Ziping,CHEN Anjiu,WANG Yongqing(173)

              Study on the mechanism of low⁃frequency auricular electric stimulation to reduce visceral hypersensitivity
                  ………………………………………… XU Wanli,ZHOU Shuai,ZHOU Jingzhu,ZHAO Ruirui,SUN Luning,

                                                    WANG Yongqing,XUE Mingxin,CHEN Huan,ZHANG Zhaohui(181)
              YY1 suppresses migration and invasion of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells by downregulating lncRNA
                  SOX2OT …………………………………………………………… WANG Dongyan,ZHANG Jingjing(187)

              High⁃throughput sequencing of driver gene mutations in non⁃small cell lung cancer
                  ………………………………………………………………… YAN Xiaodi,SHI Guozhen,MAO Xuhua(193)

              The mechanism of effect of circ_0001246 on osteosarcoma chemotherapy sensitivity by regulating miRNA31a
                  ………………………………… WANG Juan,WU Tao,HE Bin,WANG Boyao,WEI Xincheng,FAN Lei(198)
              Association of eosinophils and the severity of acute exacerbation of COPD
                  ………………………………… XU Tingting,SONG Weiwei,CHENG Luxiao,JI Ningfei,HUANG Mao(203)

              Analysis of risk factors for pulmonary hypertension with supraventricular arrhythmias
                  ………………………………………                    HE Mengyu,DING Yirui,JIN Linling,KONG Hui,XIE Weiping(207)

              The early curative effect of dual mobility cup total hip arthroplasty for the hip reconstruction
                  …… LI Xuxiang,LING Chen,ZHANG Huikang,YAO Qingqiang,XU Yan,TANG Cheng,WANG Liming(212)

              Clinical effects of platelet⁃rich plasma on knee osteoarthritis:a matched case control study
                  ……………………………………………………………………… LI Zuxi,FAN Weimin,GU Xiaoyuan(216)

              Analysis of types of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy and its effects on maternal and neonatal outcomes
                  ………………………………………………………………… SUN Lu,DAI Chengting,YUAN Qingxin(221)
              Short⁃term effect of sublingual immunotherapy in 3⁃15 years old children with allergic rhinitis
                  ………………………………………………………………… TIAN Huiqin,ZHOU Xiaoli,HU Youfang(226)
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