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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第44卷第6期
               ·882 ·                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)   2024年6月

             ·综 述·


              孙   翠,罗 岩,刘        煜 *
              南京医科大学附属逸夫医院内分泌科,江苏 南京                   211166

             [摘    要] 肥胖是由于长期能量摄入大于消耗,使过剩的能量以脂肪形式储存于脂肪组织或者其他部位。脂肪组织适应性产
             [关键词] 米色脂肪组织;线粒体;线粒体动力学
             [中图分类号] R589.2                    [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2024)06⁃882⁃06

              The regulatory effect of mitochondria on beige adipocytes

              SUN Cui,LUO Yan,LIU Yu
              Department of Endocrinology,the Affiliated Sir Run Run Hospital to Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,

             [Abstract] Obesity is caused by a long⁃term excess of energy intake over expenditure which leads to the storage of excess energy as
              fat in adipose tissue or other tissues. The activation of adipose tissue dependent adaptive thermogenesis could increase energy
              expenditure and improve glucose and lipid metabolism,which is promising target for obesity. Both brown adipocytes and beige
              adipocytes participate in thermogenesis. Thermogenic adipocytes in adults are more close to beige adipocytes which have the capability
              to switch between an energy storage and energy dissipation phenotype,and could be activated by cold or adrenegic stimuli.
              Mitochondrial protein uncoupling protein 1 in thermogenic adipocytes could dissipate energy as heat. Recent studies have found that
              mitochondrial dynamics,quality control,metabolites and itself as the signaling organelles play vital roles in regulating beige biogenesis
              and function. This review will discuss the characteristics of mitochondrial and how mitochondrial regulate beige adipose tissue.
             [Key words] beige adipose tissue;mitochondrion;mitochondrial dynamics
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(06):882⁃887]

                  脂肪组织是一个具有高度可塑性的器官,能够                          根据形态及功能特征,脂肪细胞被分为白色脂肪细
              通过改变其代谢、结构、表型等来适应生理及外界                            胞、棕色脂肪细胞和米色脂肪细胞。白色脂肪细胞
              刺激下机体的需求,在维持全身能量和糖脂代谢稳                            具有特征性的单房大脂滴,将能量以甘油三酯的形
              态中起重要作用 。脂肪组织功能障碍会导致肥                             式储存起来。棕色脂肪细胞具有数量可观的线粒
              胖、胰岛素抵抗、血脂异常、高血压等代谢问题                     [2-3] 。  体,将能量以热量的形式释放,胞内脂滴小而多。
             [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(82300975,82270871);国家
              重点研发计划(2022YFA0806103)                            胞的生成和功能维持过程中发挥重要作用。文章
              ∗                                                 将主要关注线粒体对米色脂肪细胞生成及产热功
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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