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               第4期 总第117期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                 2023年8月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 383  ·
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                  Study on purchase and payment intention of day care services in a

                                                   town of Dongguan

                        CHEN Jiaqi ,YIN Yonghong ,ZHANG Leiyu ,ZHANG Yuyingdong ,CHEN Xiaochang     2,3
                1. School of Public Health,2. School of Humanities and Management,3. Guangdong⁃Hong Kong⁃Macao Bay Area Public Health
                          Policy Research and Cooperation Center,Guangdong Medical University,Dongguan 523808,China
                   Abstract:This study conducted an empirical study in a town of Dongguan by adopting a convenience
               sampling method from September to November 2022. The research team conducted one⁃to⁃one questionnaire
               surveys on the basic information,purchase intention and payment intention of home⁃based elderly and their
               adult children for daycare services to understand the effective demand of residents for day care services and the
               development potential of daycare in Dongguan. The chi⁃square test and logistic regression analysis were used to
               analyze the influencing factors of purchase intention. U/H test and multiple stepwise regression analysis were
               used to analyze the influencing factors of payment intention. The results showed that 251 of the 392 respondents
               were willing to purchase daycare services,accounting for 64.03% . The average monthly payment value of
               daycare services was 2 127.2 yuan. The purchase intention of residents is affected by education level,income
               and expenditure and the number of children. Residents’willingness to pay for daycare was influenced by
               education level,health status of the elderly,income and expenditure of the respondents and whether they had
               children to provide care. The study found that daycare service has a particular development potential in
                   Key words:daycare;conditional valuation method;purchase intention;willingness to pay;elderly care
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