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南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版) 第6期 总第119期
· 516 · Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) 2023年12月
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Exploring the value of healthy China in the perspective of Chinese
ZHOU Han,CHU Zhuyuan
School of Marxism,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,China
Abstract:People’s supremacy and life supremacy are the distinctive undertones of Chinese ⁃ style
modernized Healthy China,while comprehensively promoting the construction of Healthy China and people’s
health are strategic tasks related to the overall situation of Chinese⁃style modernization. The strategy of Healthy
China is rooted in the development path of Chinese ⁃ style modernization and based on the overall goal of
building a solid socialist modernized country. Starting from the five characteristics of Chinese modernization,
namely,huge population size,commonwealth for all people,the coordination between material and spiritual
civilization,the harmonious coexistence between human beings and nature,and peaceful development,Healthy
China profoundly grasps the value of guarding people’s life safety and health,as well as the value of
leadership. Health is an essential part of national soft power,as well as the cornerstone and symbol of national
wealth and strength and national revitalization. Chinese ⁃ style modernization contains the proper meaning of
people’s health,and provides value practice and value leadership for better promoting the construction of
Healthy China. Therefore, promoting the construction of Healthy China and reinforcing its effectiveness
constitute an essential component of the process of realizing Chinese⁃style modernization,as well as a legitimate
implication of Chinese⁃style modernization.
Key words:Healthy China;Chinese ⁃ style modernization;value characteristics;value practice;value