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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第42卷第4期
               ·522 ·                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)   2022年4月




              智丽萍,祝 昭,袁 敏          *

              安徽医科大学卫生管理学院卫生健康大数据分析中心,安徽                      合肥 230032

             [摘    要] 目的:研究如何整合并优化影像、神经认知评价和生物标志测量等多来源多模态数据以提高阿尔兹海默症
             (Alzheimer disease,AD)发展阶段和转化的分类预测准确率。方法:基于阿尔兹海默症影像计划(Alzheimer’s disease neuroim⁃
              aging initiative,ADNI)2004—2018年4个阶段的样本数据,包括从核磁共振成像(magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)影像数据提
              取的脑图像特征数据、神经认知量表(简易精神状态测量量表和 ADAS⁃Cog13 量表)数据、生物标志测量数据(Abeta、Tau 和
              同时分类预测。基于具有轻度认知障碍(mild cognitive impairment,MCI)状态的352个样本的纵向数据建立二分类Logistic 回
              分数据集,并计算准确率、查准率、召回率、F1得分和ROC曲线下面积(area under curve,AUC)等指标进行综合比较,得到最优
              多模态组合的分类预测模型。结果:对于 AD 发展阶段的分类,结合脑图像特征数据、量表数据和生物标志数据建立二分类
              Logistic 模型表现最佳,区分 AD 组和正常组、MCI 组和正常组以及 AD 组和 MCI 组的准确率分别达到了 100.00%、77.18%和
              89.58%;AUC值分别为100.00%、85.52%和 96.39%,比仅用脑图像数据进行进展阶段的分类预测有显著提高。对于 MCI 是否
              转化的分类预测,脑图像特征数据结合量表数据和生物标志能最大限度地提高准确率,从 86.69%提高到 90%以上;相应的
             [关键词] 阿尔兹海默症;MRI影像;神经认知量表;生物标志
             [中图分类号] R749.1                    [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2022)04⁃522⁃07

              Improving prediction accuracy of early diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment and

              conversion to dementia by integration of cognitive assessment,biomarkers and brain
              image data

              ZHI Liping,ZHU Zhao,YUAN Min *
              Center for Big Data in Public Health,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032,China

             [Abstract] Objective:To determine whether the combination of neurocognitive assessment and key biomarker data can improve the
              accuracy of using MRI image data to predict Alzheimer disease(AD)status and conversion. Methods:Data were collected from the
              Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative(ADNI) during 2004—2018. Samples with complete MRI image data,cognitive
              assessment data and biological measures were screened from the raw data. Seven brain volumetric features including ventricular,

              hippocampus,whole brain,entorhinal cortex,fusiform gyrus,middle temporal gyrus,and intracerebral volumes were extracted from
              MRI by toolbox FreeSurfer. Cognitive assessment scale included the MMSE and ADAS⁃Cog13 scale. Biological measurement data
              included four biomarkers,i.e.,Abeta peptide,Tau protein,p⁃Tau protein and ApoE4 genotype. Based on the baseline data of 783
              samples,logistic regression model was established for classification of disease development stages. Based on the longitudinal data of

             [基金项目] 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目(2008085MA09);安徽高校自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2019A0238)
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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