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第43卷第1期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2023年1月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·131 ·

               ·综     述·


                王 培,朱 敏      *
                南京医科大学附属儿童医院康复医学科,江苏                 南京 210008

               [摘   要] 无创神经调控技术是利用非植入性技术(无创)对神经纤维进行物理或药物刺激以调控神经元活动,进而起到一定
               [关键词] 神经调控技术;无创性;儿童康复;经颅磁刺激;经颅直流电刺激
               [中图分类号] R493                     [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)01⁃131⁃10

                Application of noninvasive neuromodulation techniques in children's rehabilitation

                WANG Pei,ZHU Min  *
                Department of Rehabilitation,Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210008,China

               [Abstract] Noninvasive neuromodulation techniques are bioengineering technologies that use non⁃implantable technology(non⁃invasive)
                to physically or pharmacologically stimulate nerve fibers to regulate neuronal activity and achieve a certain therapeutic effect. In recent
                years,noninvasive neuromodulation technology has developed rapidly. The neuromodulation technology represented by transcranial
                magnetic stimulation and transcranial DC/AC electrical stimulation has been widely used in the field of rehabilitation medicine and has
                become an effective“weapon”for clinical treatment. The application,safety and possible development trend of noninvasive
                neuromodulation techniques in children’s rehabilitation are reviewed.
               [Key words] neuromodulation technology;non⁃invasive;children’s rehabilitation;repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation;tran⁃
                scranial direct currednt stimulation
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(01):131⁃140]

                    世界神经调控学会(International Neuromodulation        碍和多发性抽动综合征的儿童 。在此,本文就目
                Society,INS)将“神经调控技术(neuromodulation)”定           前临床常用的这两项无创性神经调控技术在儿童
                义为利用植入性或非植入性技术、电或化学手段改                            康复的临床治疗作一综述。
                                                                  1 无创神经调控技术
                包括重复经颅磁刺激和经颅直流电刺激,主要用于                            1.1  经颅磁刺激(transcranial magnetic stimulation,
                患有脑性瘫痪、注意缺陷多动障碍、孤独症谱系障                            TMS)
                                                                      TMS 是一种无创的神经调节程序,磁信号可以
               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(81401864);江苏省科教强
                                                                  根据刺激模式,TMS 分为单脉冲 TMS(single TMS,
               (FYX201907);南京市卫健委一般性课题(YKK19108);江苏               sTMS)、成 对 TMS(paired TMS、pTMS)、深 部 TMS
                省大学生创新创业训练项目(202010312014Y)                      (deep TMS,dTMS)、重复TMS(repetitive TMS,rTMS)
                ∗                                                 和θ爆发刺激(theta burst stimulation,TBS)模式。其
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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