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               ·298 ·                          南   京 医 科       大 学      学 报                        2024年3月

              and exudation of the wounds were observed on day 7 and 14. Meanwhile,the wound tissues wete taken for HE and Masson staining,as
              well as for reactive oxygen species(ROS)detection,and the levels of superoxide dismutase(SOD),glutathione peroxidase(GSH⁃PX),

              catalase(CAT)and malondialdehyde(MDA)were detected. Results:Skin scaffolds in the four groups showed a mesh ⁃ like 3D
              structure with uniform pore distribution. The cumulative release of SAB increased gradually over time. General observations showed
              that wounds healed well in each group and healed better in 1.0% SAB group than in other groups. On day 7,ROS Levels were lower in
              the 1.0%SAB group than in other groups(P < 0.05). On day 14,ROS levels were lower in the 1.0% SAB group than in all groups
              except the 1.5% SAB group(P < 0.01),and there was no significant difference in ROS levels between the 1.0% SAB group and the
              1.5% SAB group(P=0.136). On day 7,the levels of SOD,GSH⁃PX and CAT were higher in the 1.0%SAB group than in other groups
             (P < 0.05),MDA level was lower in the 1.0% SAB group than in the control group,vaseline gauze group and 0%SAB group(P <
              0.05). On day 14,the levels of SOD,GSH⁃PX and CAT were higher in the 1.0%SAB group than in the control group,vasolin gauze
              group and the 0% SAB group(P < 0.05),MDA level was lower in the 1.0% SAB group than in the control group and vaseline gauze
              group(P < 0.05). HE staining showed that the wounds were well repaired in each group and more new tissues were formed in the 1.0%
              SAB group than in other groups. Masson staining showed that on day 7 and 14,collagen deposition in the 0.5%,1.0%,1.5% SAB
              groups was more than that in other groups(P < 0.05). Conclusion:The 1.0% SAB⁃sodium alginate⁃gelatin skin scaffold on the day 7
              and 14 may not only inhibits the generation of ROS and upregulates the expression of various antioxidant enzymes,thereby inhibiting
              oxidative stress response in wound tissues,but also promotes collagen deposition,ultimately enhancing wound healing in diabetic rat.
             [Key words] 3D bioprinting;skin scaffold;salvianolic acid B;diabetes;wound
                                                                         [J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(03):297⁃304,328]

                  糖尿病溃疡创面是临床上常见的慢性病,其创                          还原检测法蛋白定量检测试剂盒、丙二醛(malondi⁃
              面修复已经成为临床棘手的难题                  [1- 2] 。丹酚酸 B     aldehyde,MDA)测试盒(武汉赛维尔公司),二甲苯
             (salvianolic acid B,SAB)的化学式为 C36H30O16,主要         (上海国药集团化学试剂有限公司),活性氧(reac⁃
              是从丹参的根及枝干中提取的活性物质,具有抗氧                            tive oxygen species,ROS)染液(上海西格玛奥德里奇
              化、抗炎、抗细胞凋亡等功能 。研究证实SAB在糖                          贸易有限公司),谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(glutathione
              尿病肾病、糖尿病视网膜病变的防治中发挥着重要                            peroxidase,GSH⁃PX)测试盒、过氧化氢酶(catalase,
              作用  [4-5] 。近年来,生物 3D 打印技术逐渐用于制备                   CAT)测 试 盒 、超 氧 化 物 歧 化 酶(superoxide dis⁃
              人工皮肤    [6-8] 。目前,尚无使用SAB作为生物墨水制                  mutase,SOD)测试盒(南京建成有限公司)。
              备人工皮肤支架的报道。                                            3D 生物打印机(RegenHU 公司,瑞士),透皮扩
                  本研究首次使用SAB 作为生物墨水,与海藻酸                        散仪(上海邦亿公司),血糖仪(ContourTS 公司,德
              钠、明胶混合制备人工皮肤支架,并通过动物实验,                           国),光学显微镜(Olympus公司,日本),自动组织脱
              探讨SAB⁃海藻酸钠⁃明胶皮肤支架对糖尿病大鼠创                          水机、PBM⁃B 型包埋机和包埋冷台(常州普瑞斯星
              面的治疗作用,以期为糖尿病溃疡创面的修复提供                            医疗器械公司),徕卡轮转切片机(Leica 公司,德
              一种可供选择的人工皮肤支架。                                    国),病理组织漂烘仪(常州中威电子仪器公司),组
              1  材料和方法
              1.1  材料                                           (BioTeK公司,英国),台式高速冷冻离心机(北京大
                  SAB、明胶(100G强度)、海藻酸钠(上海麦克林                     龙公司),高速组织研磨仪、涡旋混合器(武汉赛维
              公司),SD大鼠(苏州敬微宇生物科技公司),链脲佐                         尔公司)。
              菌素(MedChemExpress 公司,美国),高糖高脂大鼠                        动物实验经南京医科大学附属苏州第二人民
              饲料(南京协同生物公司),4%中性缓冲福尔马林固                          医院动物伦理委员会审批通过([2022]KY120⁃01)。
              定液(广州维格斯生物公司),苏木素染液、中性树                           1.2 方法
              胶、4’,6⁃二脒基⁃2⁃苯基吲哚染色试剂、组织自发荧光                      1.2.1 皮肤支架的制备
              淬灭剂、抗荧光淬灭封片剂、HE 染液套装、Masson 染                          将一定量的 SAB 溶于 10 mL 去离子水,并加入
              液套装、环保型脱蜡液、通用型组织固定液、双硫键                           装有 0.4 g 海藻酸钠粉末及 1.0 g 明胶颗粒的烧杯
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