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第44卷第5期 叶 倩,杨        云,徐文韬,等. 基于可解释机器学习构建脑卒中患者日常生活自理能力风险预测模型[J].
                  2024年5月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(5):672-680                        ·675 ·

                                                        表1   基线特征比较
                                             Table 1 Comparison of baseline characteristics

                             Characteristic          BI<60 points group(n=351)  BI≥60 points group(n=72)  P
                    Age(years,x ± s)                   060.46 ± 13.48000000     057.28 ± 13.37000000     0.07
                    Sex[n(%)]                                                                            0.67
                      Male                                246(70.09)000             48(66.67)00
                      Female                              105(29.91)000             24(33.33)00
                    Course[months,M(P25,P75)]            1.00(1.00,2.00)          1.00(1.00,2.00)        0.32
                    Position of stroke[n(%)]                                                             0.91
                      Basal ganglia region                181(51.57)000             36(50.00)00
                      Non⁃basal ganglia region            170(48.43)000             36(50.00)00
                    Type of stroke[n(%)]                                                                 0.01
                      Hemorrhage                          145(41.31)000             18(25.00)00
                      Ischemic                            206(58.69)000             54(75.00)00
                    Hypertension[n(%)]                                                                   0.35
                      Yes                                 256(72.93)000             48(66.67)00
                      No                                   95(27.07)00              24(33.33)00
                    Diabete mellitus[n(%)]                                                               0.54
                      Yes                                  92(26.21)00              22(30.56)00
                      No                                  259(73.79)000             50(69.44)00
                    History of smoking[n(%)]                                                             0.09
                      Yes                                 107(30.48)000             30(41.67)00
                      No                                  244(69.52)000             42(58.33)00
                    History of alcohol[n(%)]                                                             0.05
                      Yes                                  64(18.23)00              21(29.17)00
                      No                                  287(81.77)000             51(70.83)00
                    History of stroke[n(%)]                                                              0.44
                      Yes                                  38(10.83)00               5(6.94)00
                      No                                  313(89.17)000             67(93.06)00
                    Lower limb vein thrombosis[n(%)]                                                     0.02
                      Yes                                 108(30.77)000             12(16.67)00
                      No                                  243(69.23)000             60(83.33)00
                    History of anticoagulant[n(%)]                                                       0.07
                      Yes                                  36(10.26)00               2(2.78)00
                      No                                  315(89.74)000             70(97.22)00
                    History of antiplatelet[n(%)]                                                        0.01
                      Yes                                 153(43.59)000             47(65.28)00
                      No                                  198(56.41)000             25(34.72)00
                    Brunnstrom stage(upper limb)[n(%)]                                                  <0.01
                      Ⅰ                                    70(19.94)00               1(1.39)00
                      Ⅱ                                   139(39.60)000              4(5.56)00
                      Ⅲ                                    80(22.79)00              23(31.94)00
                      Ⅳ                                    28(7.98)000              14(19.44)00
                      Ⅴ                                    26(7.41)000              15(20.83)00
                      Ⅵ                                     8(2.28)00               15(20.83)00
                    Brunnstrom stage(hand)[n(%)]                                                        <0.01
                      Ⅰ                                    70(19.94)00               1(1.39)00
                      Ⅱ                                   139(39.60)000              4(5.56)00
                      Ⅲ                                    80(22.79)00              23(31.94)00
                      Ⅳ                                    28(7.98)000              14(19.44)00
                      Ⅴ                                    34(9.67)000              30(41.67)00
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