Page 38 - 南京医科大学学报社会科学版
P. 38

南                                              第6期 总第107期
             · 552  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2021年12月
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                Research status and evolution trend of commercial health insurance

                                                        in China

                                         YAN Zhigang ,SUN Zhenyu ,QIAN Dongfu   1,2
              1. School of Health Policy and Management,2. Institute of Healthy Jiangsu Development,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing
                 Abstract:The present paper used CiteSpace bibliometric software to visually analyze the research status
             and evolution trend of commercial health insurance in China,so as to provide experience and reference for the
             promotion of commercial health insurance research in China. The domestic literature on commercial health
             insurance can be traced back to 1995. Since then,the number of publications has shown an overall increasing
             trend. The cooperation and exchange between research institutions or scholars was not close enough. The
             research focus varied at different stages,with more focus on the application of computer Internet technology in
             the field of commercial health insurance between 1995 and 2003,the professional operation of commercial
             health insurance between 2003 and 2009,the finement and precision research of insurance types between 2009
             and 2015,and following government’s preferential tax policies and the big health industry between 2015 and
             2020. Domestic research on commercial health insurance needs to further strengthen interdisciplinary
             cooperation and further develop and improve the research perspective,content and methods.
                 Key words:commercial health insurance;bibliometric analysis;CiteSpace
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