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                                                    南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                 第3期 总第116期
              · 242  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2023年6月
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                        Study on the impact mechanism and moderating effects of

                   instrumental activities of daily living on depression in the elderly

                                                           YU Tong
                                School of Humanity and Management,Wannan Medical College,Wuhu 241001,China
                   Abstract:The aging of the population has become gradually deepened in China. The aged care services
               system should focus on the disabled elders. However,past studies have not yet explored in ⁃ depth about
               depression among the elderly caused by disability. The study aims to estimate the impact of disability on
               depression among elderly population by the Instrumental Activity of Daily Living based on CFPS2018 survey
               data and analyze its heterogeneity effect. Secondly,the study employs the mediation between personality traits
               and cognitive ability. Thirdly,the study analyzes the moderating effect of social support and social participation.
               The robustness test indicated a significant negative correlation between IADL and depression among the elderly.
               In addition,three personality traits and mathematical reasoning ability show significant mediating effects. The
               regional and demographic factors show significant heterogeneity between East and West,gender,education
               level and age. Therefore,this study suggests improving the assessment and monitoring system for disability and
               cognition among elderly population,setting up the early warning mechanism of mental health for focus groups of
               particular personality traits and cognition,and improving the construction of mental health medical services in
               the primary public health system. This study also recommends that the government utilizes long ⁃ term care
               insurance,which plays a vital role in the mental health of disabled elders at the institutional level,while also
               promotes Smart Senior Care services to enhance the social participation of the elderly.
                   Key words:IADL;elder;depression;CFPS;disability
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