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第5期 总第124期                           南                                                         ·
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                   Study on the fertility intentions and influencing factors of medical
                                   school teachers based on grounded theory

                                                   ZHANG Xingmei,LU Fang
                            School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
                   Abstract:At present,low fertility has become one of the major concerns among all sectors of society. As
               part of the childbearing age group,medical school teachers encounter intense developmental conflicts and
               fertility challenges under the dual pressure of“fertility⁃education”. The article utilizes the theoretical sampling
               method by selecting 22 teachers from a medical school in Nanjing to conduct semi⁃structured interviews,and
               conducts a qualitative study of the primary data through the grounded theory to understand the current situation
               and influencing factors of this group’s fertility intention. Based on the three ⁃ level coding,we sort out 27
               conceptual categories,nine initial categories,three main categories and one core category and construct a
               theoretical model by developing a story line. The study finds that medical school teachers have both conservative
               fertility attitudes and low fertility intentions. Balancing personal development pursuits with family
               responsibilities is difficult,and that ideal conditions for childbearing do not match the objective realities.
               Accordingly,the study puts forward corresponding recommendations.
                   Key words:fertility intention;influencing factor;grounded theory;medical school teacher
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