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第5期 总第124期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)                             ·
                 2024年10月                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 515
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                    2024-03-29(10)                                                             (本文编辑:姜 鑫)

                 Traditional Chinese medicine elements of Jiangsu Provincial Health

                                         Policy and Management College

                                                  ZHANG Ailin ,SU Wenjuan  2
                    1. Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. School of Elderly Care and
                              Management,Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China
                   Abstract:In the early 20th century,traditional Chinese medicine gradually declined under the intense
               impact of Western medicine,and most medical schools in China did not involve traditional Chinese medicine
               elements. Jiangsu Provincial Health Policy and Management College(the predecessor of Nanjing Medical
               University)took the opposite path by hiring professors of traditional Chinese medicine and publishing the first
               medical history of China,“Chinese Medical History”(revised version). It also established China’s first session
               for traditional Chinese medicine practitioners to learn Western medicine. It established a trial site for traditional
               Chinese medicine,attempted to explore the development of traditional Chinese medicine with many pioneering
               practices,which has written a colorful chapter in the history of China’s modern medical education and health
               development. This is closely related to the characteristics of traditional Chinese medicine,social reality,and
               the school’s educational philosophy.
                   Key words:Health Policy and Management College;traditional Chinese medicine;Republic of China
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