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第41卷第11期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                 2021年11月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·1569 ·



                鲁   佩,宋日进,张        炜,郑 明,桂泽平,王子杰,王增军,顾                 民 *
                南京医科大学第一附属医院泌尿外科,江苏 南京                  210029

               [摘   要] 目的:探讨优克龙对肾脏草酸钙结石形成的影响及机制。方法:采用乙二醇、氯化铵以及葡萄糖酸钙联合诱导大
                噬与凋亡水平;优克龙也可抑制氧化应激过程,细胞中MAPK 通路激活水平显著下降,细胞自噬与凋亡水平均明显抑制。结
               [关键词] 优克龙;草酸钙结石;氧化应激;自噬;凋亡
               [中图分类号] R692.4                   [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2021)11⁃1569⁃05

                The effect and mechanism of urocalum on the formation of renal calcium oxalate crystals

                LU Pei,SONG Rijin,ZHANG Wei,ZHENG Ming,GUI Zeping,WANG Zijie,WANG Zengjun,GU Min     *
                Department of Urology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

               [Abstract] Objective:This study aims to investigate the effects and mechanism of urocalum on the formation of kidney calcium
                oxalate stones. Methods:A rat model with renal calcium oxalate stone was constructed. Urocalum was intervened in this model for four
                weeks and renal samples were collected for HE staining,while urine samples were collected for the examination of biochemical
                components. In addition,autophagy and apoptotic key proteins were detected in renal tissues. A model of calcium oxalate stone cells
                was constructed by calcium oxalate crystallization in tubular epithelial cells. The cell model was treated with urocalum to explore the
                protective effect and molecular mechanism of urocalum on renal tubular epithelial cells. Results:The number of calcium oxalate stones
                was significantly increased compared to the control group. Whereas,urocalum could significantly inhibit the formation of stones,which
                may be associated with reducing oxidative stress levels,autophagy and apoptosis levels. In the cell model,α ⁃ sulphpoic acid can
                significantly inhibit the renal cell oxidative stress process induced by calcium oxalate crystallization,and both cell autophagy and
                apoptosis levels were activated after oxidative stress. Urocalum can also inhibit the oxidative stress process,while the phosphorylation
                of MPAK signaling pathway was significantly reduced and levels of autophagy and apoptosis were remarkably lowered. Conclusion:
                Urocalum can significantly inhibit the formation of renal calcium oxalate stones,and attenuate the oxidative stress process induced by
                calcium oxalate crystallization,and significantly reduce autophagy and apoptosis through the MAPK signaling pathway.
               [Key words] urocalum;calcium oxalate;oxidative stress;autophagy;apoptosis.
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2021,41(11):1569⁃1573]

               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(81870512,81900684)
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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