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第44卷第3期            张慧凤,肖旭东,龚佳康,等. 复发性抑郁障碍进展为谵妄性躁狂1例并文献复习[J].
                  2024年3月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(3):440-444                        ·443 ·

                                                      表2 DM的临床治疗策略
                                            Table 2 Treatment strategy for patients with DM

                  Therapeutic Category                             Treatment strategy
                Preliminary evaluation  1)Improve relevant examinations to rule out
                and screening          organic underlying causes of delirium,
                                    2)Monitor for potential medical complica⁃  a. Dehydration,malnutrition
                                      tions of DM,especially when catatonia is  b. Aspiration(pneumonitis,pneumonia)
                                                                        c. Pulmonary embolus
                                                                        d. Infections(pneumonia,integumentary,urinary)
                                                                        e. Rhabdomyolysis

                                                                        f. Skin ulceration,breakdown
                                                                        g. Urinary incontinence or retention,fecal incontinence
                                                                          or severe constipation

                                    3)If recent exposure to antipsychotic or pro⁃  Monitor for signs of NMS or serotonin syndrome
                                      serotonergic drugs has occurred

                Treatment principles  1)Strongly consider stopping(or delaying ini⁃
                for“non⁃malignant”    tiation of)antipsychotic drugs
                DM patients         2)If antipsychotic drug treatment is required:
                                      atypical antipsychotics are preferred over
                                      conventional antipsychotics; closely moni⁃
                                      tor for onset of NMS
                                    3)Some patients may respond favorably to  a. Response more slowly with MECT or benzodiazepines
                                      mood stabilizers                  b. Mood stabilizers with/or atypical antipsychotics may
                                                                          be combined with benzodiazepines or MECT
                                    4)Monitoring required for progression to
                                      “malignant”DM or development of NMS
                Treatment principles  1)Stop antipsychotic drugs
                                    2)Strongly consider admission to intensive
                DM patients           care unit for supportive care and specific

                                      treatment as indicated
                                    3)Benzodiazepines and/or MECT are first ⁃  a. The initial dose of lorazepam is 2-4 mg/d,which can
                                      line treatments                     be increased to 6-20 mg/d if symptoms improve
                                                                        b. If there is no improvement in the treatment with lora⁃
                                                                          zepam,MECT is considered
                   MMS:neuroleptic malignant syndrome.
                惹、有自伤行为/想法等)的患者              [16-17] ,尽量避免使       科医生在诊疗此类患者时,需提高对软双相症状
                用 5⁃羟色胺和去甲肾上腺素再摄取抑制剂类的抗                           识别的敏感性       [18] 。此外,在情感障碍疾病的诊疗
                抑郁药(如文拉法辛等),或者待抗抑郁治疗稳定                            过程中,注意及早甄别精神症状(抑或入院已存
                后,逐渐减量或及时联合治疗剂量的心境稳定                              在,由于患者掩饰,没能及时识别)、谵妄症状的出
                剂。同时,本例患者既往采用多种抗抑郁药足量、                            现,及早予以对症处理。综上所述,希望该病例能
                足疗程治疗疗效均欠佳,且反复存在自伤行为/想                            为精神科医生早期识别、治疗及临床管理 DM 提供
                法,本次入院后仅 2 周症状即快速缓解,因此精神                          思考和启发。
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