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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第44卷第7期
               ·1010 ·                    Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)   2024年7月

             ·综 述·


              许馨晨,顾莹莹,唐立钧          *
              南京医科大学第一附属医院核医学科,江苏 南京                   210029

             [摘    要] 前列腺癌(prostate cancer,PCa)是全世界第二大常见的男性恶性肿瘤,对其早期筛查、辅助诊断、风险分层、治疗指
             [关键词] 前列腺癌;影像组学;人工智能;多参数磁共振成像;正电子发射计算机断层扫描;超声
             [中图分类号] R737.25                 [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2024)07⁃1010⁃08

              Advances of radiomics in prostate cancer

              XU Xinchen,GU Yingying,TANG Lijun *
              Department of Nuclear Medicine,the First Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 210029,China

             [Abstract] Prostate cancer(PCa)is the second most common malignancy among men worldwide. A more comprehensive and
              integrated approach is needed for its early screening,auxiliary diagnosis,risk stratification,treatment guidance,and efficacy
              assessment. Radiomics,a technique that extracts and analyzes image features in a quantitative and high⁃throughput manner,has shown
              significant clinical value in the non⁃invasive diagnosis,aggressiveness assessment,treatment efficacy,and prognosis evaluation of PCa.
              With the rapid development of imaging modalities and artificial intelligence technologies,radiomics has tremendous potential. This
              article reviews the existing researches on radiomics based on multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging,positron emission
              tomography/computed tomography,computed tomography,ultrasound and other imaging modalities in PCa,emphasizing its potential in
              future applications.
             [Key words] prostate cancer;radiomics;artificial intelligence;multi⁃parametric magnetic resonance imaging;positron emission
              tomography/computed tomography;ultrasound
                                                                          [J Nanjing Med Univ,2024,44(07):1010⁃1017]

                  前列腺癌(prostate cance,PCa)是男性泌尿生殖               PCa 检出和预测侵袭性的主要工具,但 mpMRI 存在
              系统最常见的恶性肿瘤,是全球男性第二大常见癌                            假阳性和假阴性情况 ,且观察者间一致性较差 ,
              症,也是男性癌症相关死亡的第五大原因 。由于                            很大程度依赖影像医师的经验和主观判断。前列
              早期诊断的 PCa 患者生存率远高于晚期诊断患者,                         腺特异性膜抗原(prostate specific membrane antigen,
              及时发现PCa对降低病死率非常重要 。随着成像                           PSMA)正电子发射计算机断层扫描(positron emis⁃
              方式的快速进步,多参数磁共振成像(multi⁃parame⁃                    sion tomography/computed tomography,PET/CT)可用
              tric magnetic resonance imaging,mpMRI)已 经 成 为     于PCa的分期和复发性PCa治疗后再分期,比mpMRI

             [基金项目] 江苏省医学重点人才基金项目(ZDRCB2016003)                 puted tomography,CT)和超声也可协助 PCa 的筛查,
              ∗                                                 但灵敏度和特异度较低。而影像组学技术通过分
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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