Page 148 - 南京医科大学自然版
P. 148

               ·1032 ·                         南   京 医 科       大 学      学 报                        2024年7月

                                                                TP53(c.1146del)。对患者肿瘤和血液样本 NGS 检
                                                                测发现 MSH2 胚系致病性突变(c.2038C>T)。微卫
                 The intestinal wall at the junction of the transverse colon and as⁃
              cending colon was obviously thickened,exhibiting an irregular mass.
              The thickened colon displayed indistinct boundaries with surrounding
              organs,compressing adjacent organ tissues(as indicated by the arrow).
                            图1 患者CT检查结果                         17日行手术治疗,术中见横结肠肝曲巨大肿瘤侵犯
                      Figure 1 CT scan results of the patient   至胆囊、后腹膜、肝十二指肠韧带,切除部分腹腔病

                                    A                        B                       C                       D
                 A:Tumor cells were arranged in nests,with conspicous pleomorphism and dysplasia,accompanied by occasional individual cell keratinization,with
              no dysplasia in mucosal glands(HE staining,×100). B:Tumor cells showed diffuse and strong positivity for P40(immunohistochemical staining,×200).
              C:Tumor cells tested negative for CK20(immunostaining,×200). D:Tumor cells demonstrated a loss of MSH2 protein expression,contrasting with the
              preserved expression in non⁃neoplastic glandular and inflammatory cells(immunostaining,×200).
                                            图2 患者结肠镜活检病理检查与免疫组化结果
                  Figure 2 Pathological examination and immunohistochemical staining results of the patient's colonoscopic biopsy

                                                                续继续行奥沙利铂、雷替曲塞化疗 2 周期。最终术

                                                                2  讨 论

                                                                     LS 是一种常染色体显性遗传性疾病,大多由
                                   A                       B
                 A:Tumor exhibited an infiltrative growth pattern,morphologically
              consistent with findings from the colonoscopic biopsy(HE staining,×100).  系突变引起。EpCAM 基因的 3′区缺失引起 MSH2
              B:Tumor cells showed diffuse and strong positivity for CK5/6(immunos⁃  启动子高甲基化也导致 LS。LS 相关的肿瘤病理类
              taining,×200).                                    型大多数为腺癌,以结直肠癌和子宫内膜癌最常
                   图3  患者腹腔转移灶病理检查和免疫组化结果                       见 [1-2]
                                                                     。LS 相关的鳞状细胞癌少见,多发生于 Muir⁃
              Figure 3  Pathological examination and immunostaining  Torre综合征(LS伴有皮脂腺肿瘤等皮肤肿瘤的一种
                       results of the patient’s intraperitoneal metastatic      [2]
                       foci                                     亚型)患者的皮肤 。结直肠原发鳞状细胞癌罕见,
                                                                目前英文文献报道约 150 例,约占结直肠恶性肿瘤
              灶送检并行横结肠末端回肠吻合术。根据病理诊                             的 0.10%~0.85%  [3-4] 。之前仅有 2 例 LS 相关肠鳞状
              断开始行奥沙利铂、雷替曲塞化疗联合卡瑞利珠单                            细胞癌的报道,在发生肠鳞状细胞癌之前都罹患LS
              抗治疗 4 周期,化疗周期结束后评估部分缓解。后                          相关的结肠腺癌        [5-6] 。本文首次报道以结肠鳞状细胞
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