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第1期 总第108期 南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
2022年2月 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences) · 39 ·
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Study on the outflow problems and countermeasures of professional
public health institutions in Jiangsu Province
1 1,2
GUO Xuanying ,QIAO Xuebin
1. School of Health Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. Department of Medicine,Nanjing
University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210033,China
Abstract:The authors collected information on the level of professional public health institutions,personnel
composition and organization type,and analyzed the outflow and changes of personnel in different regions,levels
and types of professional public health institutions. The outflow rate of professional public health institutions in
Jiangsu Province in 2020 was higher than that in 2016. The outflow rates of professional public health institutions
at provincial and municipal levels were lower than those at district and county levels. In terms of the types of
institutions,the overall personnel outflow rate from high to low was maternal and child health centers,specialized
disease prevention and control centers,blood collection and supply institutions,disease prevention and control
centers and emergency centers. In terms of economic development levels in 2020,the outflow rate of professional
public health institutions in Jiangsu Province from high to low was the central,north and south region. The
outflow rate of professional public health institutions in Jiangsu Province showed an increasing trend. The outflow
rates at district and county levels were generally higher than those at the provincial and municipal levels. The
outflow rate of the centers for disease control and prevention was stable. The personnel outflow in specialized
disease prevention and control centers,and maternal and child health centers remained relatively serious. A
talent stabilization mechanism for professional public health institutions should be established.
Key words:professional public health institutions;personnel turnover;outflow rate