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               第3期 总第116期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                 2023年6月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 277  ·
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                   (2):110-116                                                                 (本文编辑:姜 鑫)
                Analysis on the utilization and influencing factors of basic public health
                   service utilization among migrant population in Jiangsu Province

                                                 LEI Shuaikang ,QIAO Xuebin 1,2
               1. School of Policy and Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;2. Headmaster’s Office,Nanjing University
                                              of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China
                   Abstract:This article aims to identify the utilization of basic public health services for the migrant
               population in Jiangsu Province ,and analyze influencing factors by using the dynamic monitoring data of the
               migrant population in Jiangsu Province in CMDS2018 with the statistical analysis adopts univariate analysis and
               dichotomous Logistic regression. Among the 7 161 migrant participants who had migrated into Jiangsu Province
               and lived for more than six months,the prevalence rate of 2 weeks was 2.47%,the health record establishment
               rate was 20.42%,and the proportion of those who received at least one health education session was 72.18%.
               The influencing factors for establishing health records for the migrant population include gender,age,education
               level,marital status,average monthly family income,willingness to stay,type of medical insurance coverage,
               and whether to sign up for family doctors. The factors influencing the migrant population’s access to health
               education include education level,employment status,health status,type of medical insurance coverage,and
               whether to sign up for family doctors. The utilization of basic public health services for the migrant population
               with different characteristics in Jiangsu Province is uneven. Therefore,it is necessary to focus on the migrant
               population with a lower education level,old age,uninsured or insured in other regions,unemployed or part-
               time workers to provide targeted basic public health services.
                   Key words:migrants;public health services;health education;Jiangsu Province
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