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第4期 总第117期                           南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)京医科大学学报(社会科学版)
                 2023年8月                      Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  · 377  ·
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                   Study on influencing factors of primary medical treatment among
                          residents under compact urban medical alliance model

                                    DING Shuo ,LIU Guoqing ,XU Fuqin ,JI Kai ,CHEN Ren   1,2
               1. School of Health Management,Anhui Medical University,Hefei 230032;2. Science and Education Division,Affiliated Suzhou
                                        Hosptial of Anhui Medical University,Suzhou 234000,China
                   Abstract:This study surveyed among residents seeking medical care within the compact urban medical
               alliance in the North,Central,and South regions of Anhui Province to understand their initial healthcare ⁃
               seeking intentions and influencing factors. Among the 513 participants in the analysis,16.8% of the residents
               were aware of dual referrals. 78.4% of the participant chose primary healthcare institutions for their initial visit,
               and 82.8% selected the hospital because it was close to their home or workplace. Further analysis revealed that
               educational level,age,monthly income,trust level in primary healthcare institutions,and perceptions of the
               necessity of dual referrals significantly influenced residents’healthcare ⁃ seeking behavior. It is necessary to
               optimize the referral process and guide residents to seek healthcare in an orderly manner. Furthermore,it is
               also essential to strengthen the policy favoring primary healthcare institutions,and improve the welfare of
               primary healthcare staff. We recommended implementing measures such as talent introduction and continuing
               education to enhance the service quality of primary healthcare institutions. Accelerating the development of
               urban healthcare networks and rationalizing the downward distribution of high ⁃ quality medical resources will
               help optimize the configuration of healthcare resources.
                   Key words:hierarchical diagnosis and treatment;graded diagnosis and treatment;two ⁃ way referral;
               compact urban medical alliance
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