Page 54 - 南京医科大学社科版
P. 54

南                                             第3期 总第122期
              · 262  ·                       Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)  2024年6月
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                    Research on the propaganda and mobilization of patriotic health
                                         ——Centered around People’s Daily(1952-1953)

                                                         YING Qiuyang
                                        School of Marxism,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China
                   Abstract:During the patriotic health campaign from 1952 to 1953,People’s Daily fulfilled the propaganda
               and mobilization work of the patriotic health movement with high quality and quantity,providing strong public
               opinion support for the successful implementation of the patriotic health movement. Along with the
               transformation of tasks and situation of the patriotic health movement,the propaganda and mobilization of
               People’s Daily showed a developmental pattern of ups and downs. People’s Daily mainly adopted the methods
               such as strengthening typical propaganda, setting up vanguard models, creating ceremonial landscape,
               constructing collective memories,deepening people’s understanding by using image narratives,proper public
               opinion supervision and adhering to the practical approach of seeking truth from facts,principles of combining
               grand narrative with individual expression,coordinating short⁃term goals with long⁃term effects,and unifying
               mass consciousness with national sentiment. The study reveals that the propaganda and mobilization work of the
               patriotic health movement in the new era must adhere to the fundamental guarantee of Party leadership,
               highlight people⁃centered values,integrate with the cultivation of the new generation,and build a multifaceted
               and diverse communication system.
                   Key words:patriotic health movement;People’s Daily;propaganda and mobilizatio
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