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               第3期 总第122期                           南
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                   Prevalence of diabetes and intervention strategies in hospitalized
                                      patients with severe mental disorders

                                 TANG Weiwei 1,2,3 ,ZHANG Jie ,FAN Hong ,QU Chen ,CAO Xin  7,8
                1. School of Health Policy and Management,2. Jiangsu Provincial Institute of Health,3. Global Health Center,Nanjing Medical
               University,Nanjing 211166;4. The Second People’s Hospital of Jiangning County,Nanjing 211100;5. School of Public Health,
                Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;6. Institute of Prevention Health Education,Jiangsu Provincial Center for Disease
                  Control,Nanjing 210009;7. School of Public Health,8. Health and Development Institute,Nantong University,Nantong
                   Abstract:China has made remarkable achievements in the management of severe mental disorders,but
               there are only a few research reports on the risk of diabetes in severe mental disorders. Foreign studies have
               shown that the risk of diabetes increases the most in patients with severe mental disorders. Blood glucose control
               in this population has become a new direction of work and research. The study found that the detection rate of
               diabetes among hospitalized patients with severe mental disorders in the Second People’s Hospital of Jiangning
               District,Nanjing,was 20.1%. Variables such as mental illness type,age,course of disease,sex and marital
               status were essential factors for comorbid diabetes. It is called for diabetes screening in hospitalized patients
               with mental illness should be carried out as soon as possible,to explore possible influencing factors,and
               conduct timely evidence⁃based research to focus on patients’mood and increase their exercise level to control
               their blood glucose level,so as to reduce the risk of diabetes.
                   Key words:severe mental illness;diabetes;influencing factors;intervention
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