Page 115 - 南京医科大学自然科学版第1期
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第41卷第1期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2021年1月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·109 ·




                周本昊 ,姜 超 ,韩云宏 ,王 研 ,杜               成  1*
                南京医科大学附属脑科医院(胸科院区)重症医学科,江苏                      南京   210029;南京中医药大学附属医院肿瘤外科,江苏                南
                1                                                          2
                京 210029

               [摘   要] 目的:探讨经鼻高流量氧疗(high⁃flow nasal cannula,HNFC)在基于超声测量膈肌浅快呼吸指数(diaphragmatic⁃rap⁃
                id shallow breathing index,D⁃RSBI)评估的高风险脱机拔管患者中的应用价值。方法:选取2017年9月—2019年11月南京医科
                大学附属脑科医院(胸科院区)ICU 机械通气大于 48 h 的患者,在通过自主呼吸试验符合脱机拔管程序基础上,使用超声测
                量 D⁃RSBI,以 D⁃RSBI≥1.3次/(min·mm)评估为高风险脱机患者,将该类患者随机分为两组:HNFC组和常规氧疗(conventional
                oxygen therapy,COT)组;比较两组患者拔除气管插管后48 h内再插管率及拔管后6、24、48 h呼吸频率(RR)、心率(HR)、动脉血
                氧饱和度(SaO2 )、动脉血二氧化碳分压(PaCO2 )、氧合指数(PaO2/FiO2 )。结果:本研究最终纳入符合入组标准的患者共41例,
                其中HFNC组21例,COT组20例;拔除气管插管后6、24 h HFNC组RR、HR、SaO2、PaO2/FiO2均优于COT组,差异有统计学意义
               (P < 0.05),PaCO2两组差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05);拔管后48 h HFNC组SaO2、PaO2/FiO2明显高于COT组(P < 0.05),差异有
                统计学意义,RR、HR、PaCO2两组差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。HNFC 组拔管后 48 h 内再插管率明显低于 COT 组(4.76%
                vs.30.00%,P < 0.01)。结论:针对基于D⁃RSBI评估的高风险脱机拔管患者,拔管后使用经鼻高流量氧疗较常规氧疗可以明显
               [关键词] 经鼻高流量氧疗;常规氧疗;膈肌浅快呼吸指数;脱机
               [中图分类号] R459.6                   [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2021)01⁃109⁃05

                The application of high ⁃ flow nasal cannula in high ⁃ risk patients of extubation failure
                assessed by the diaphragmatic⁃rapid shallow breathing index

                ZHOU Benhao ,JIANG Chao ,HAN Yunhong ,WANG Yan ,DU Cheng   1*
                Department of Critical Care Medicine,Brain Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing Medical University(Chest Hospital Area),
                Nanjing 210029;Department of Digestive Tumors Surgery,Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing University of Chinese
                Medicine,Nanjing 210029,China
               [Abstract] Objective: To investigate the application value of high⁃flow nasal cannula(HFNC)in high⁃risk patients with extubation
                failure based on the ultrasound⁃measured diaphragmatic⁃rapid shallow breathing index(D⁃RSBI). Methods:Patients with mechanical
                ventilation for more than 48 hours in ICU from September 2017 to November 2019 were selected. Based on the extubation procedure
                after the SBT,their D⁃RSBI was measured using ultrasound and those whose D⁃RSBI ≥ 1.3 times/(min·mm)were evaluated as high⁃
                risk patients with extubation failure,who were randomized into two groups:HFNC group and conventional oxygen therapy group(COT
                group);The re⁃intubation rate at 48 h after extubation and,respiratory rate(RR),heart rate(HR),arterial oxygen saturation(SaO2 ),
                arterial carbon dioxide partial pressure(PaCO2 ),oxygenation index(PaO2/FiO2 )after extubation at 6 h,24 h,48 h were compared
                between the two groups. Results:A total of 41 patients who met the inclusion criteria were finally included in this study,of which 21
                were in the HFNC group and 20 were in the COT group;RR,HR,SaO2,PaO2/FiO2 in the HFNC group were superior to the COT group
                at 6,24 h after extubation,the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05);and there was no significant difference between the

               [基金项目] 北京医卫健康公益基金会医学科学研究基金医学科研项目(YWJKJJHKYJJ⁃F2246E)
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃mail:
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