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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                  第41卷第3期
               ·434 ·                     Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)   2021年3月



              张慧敏 ,李月红 ,娄冬华            1*
              1 南京医科大学公共卫生学院,江苏 南京              211166;上海市凌云社区卫生服务中心,上海             210000

             [摘    要] 目的:研究与中学生视力及屈光不良有关的生活习惯行为危险因素,为学生近视防控工作提供依据。方法:采用整
              群抽样方式,抽取辖区两所中学纳入调查,共调查了1 430例学生,进行视力和屈光检测及问卷调查,根据视力和电脑验光的检
              视力不良 6.8%,中度视力不良 22.0%,重度视力不良 55.2%。屈光球镜值异常检出率 82.7%,轻度近视 48.0%,中重度近视
              34.7%。屈光柱镜值(散光)异常检出率82.2%,其中低度散光51.2%,高度散光31.0%。经过卡方检验和有序Logistic 回归分析
              间、1 周喝含糖饮料、每天坐着的时间、因学习减少运动时间、籍贯、每天吃鸡蛋数,近距离用眼多长时间休息、近1年生病休假、
             [关键词] 视力不良;屈光不正;饮食习惯;危险行为;中学生
             [中图分类号] R778.1                   [文献标志码] A                        [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2021)03⁃434⁃10

              Study on factors of ametropia of middle school students in Xuhui district,Shanghai in 2019
              ZHANG Huimin ,LI Yuehong ,LOU Donghua  1*
               School of Public Health,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166;Health Service Center of Lingyun
              1                                                                 2
              Community,Shanghai 210000,China

             [Abstract] Objective:This study aims to study the risk factors of living habits and behaviors related to poor eyesight and refractive
              index in middle school students,so as to provide evidence for the prevention and control of myopia. Methods:A total of 1 430 students
              were investigated by cluster sampling from two schools in the district. Visual acuity and refractive examination and questionnaire
              survey were conducted. According to the results of visual acuity examination and computer optometry examination,the risk behaviors
              affecting poor visual acuity of middle school students in Xuhui district of Shanghai were analyzed. Results:The detection rate of visual
              acuity impairment in Xuhui district was 84.0% . Mild visual acuity impairment was 6.8% ,moderate visual acuity impairment was
              22.0%,and severe visual acuity impairment was 55.2%. The abnormal detection rate of refractive spherical mirror value was 82.7%,
              mild myopia was 48.0%,moderate myopia was 31.7%,and severe myopia was 3.0%. The detection rate of refraction(astigmatism)was
              82.2% ,including 51.2% low astigmatism and 31.0% high astigmatism. After chi ⁃ square test and logistic regression analysis,the
              influencing factors of visual acuity examination results were not completely consistent with the results of computerized optometry. After
              one⁃way factor analysis,lights in the classroom,parental myopia,gender,grade,sleep time,sweet drinks in a week,sitting time in a
              day,exercise time reduced,native place,eating egg per day,time of close eyes,reading with lamp,rest area,reading book or looking
              electronic screens in walking,and reading book or looking electronic screens in the sun are influence factors. After the multi⁃factor
              analysis,gender,grade,frequency of eating vegetables every day,classroom light,PE classes a week,parental myopia,native place,
              nationality,and the rest area are the influencing factors. Conclusion:There is poor visual acuity and high detection rate of ametropia
              among middle school students in Xuhui district of Shanghai,which may be influenced by their living habits.
             [Key words] poor vision;ametropia;dietary habits;risk behavior;middle school students
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2021,41(03):434⁃443]
             [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(81773554)
              通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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