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第42卷第8期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2022年8月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·1049 ·



                马廷政 ,曹平平 ,汪徐春 ,孙玉洁                1,2*
                南京医科大学基础医学院细胞生物学系,江苏省人类功能基因组学重点实验室,江苏                              南京 211166
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               [摘   要] 目的:以LRP6膜受体与WNT3A相互作用为模型,针对FRET技术在研究膜受体与胞外配体相互作用中的限制因
                素,探究有效的改进策略。方法:利用 PDB 与 Zdock 数据库建立 LRP6 与 WNT3A 的相互作用模型,在不影响 LRP6 膜受体与
               [关键词] 荧光共振能量转移;蛋白质相互作用;膜受体;配体
               [中图分类号] Q343                    [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2022)08⁃1049⁃06

                The optimized strategies for detecting interactions between membrane receptor and
                extracellular ligand using fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET)technology

                            1,2           1,2             1,2         1,2*
                MA Tingzheng ,CAO Pingping ,WANG Xuchun ,SUN Yujie
                Department of Cell Biology,School of Basic Medicine,Key laboratory of Human Functional Genomics of Jiangsu
                1                                              2
                Province,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211126,China

               [Abstract] Objective:This stuly aims to explore strategies for effectively studying the interaction between membrane receptors and
                extracellular ligands using fluorescence resonance energy transfer(FRET). Methods:Based on the model of interaction between LRP6
                and WNT3A established by PDB and Zdock database,LRP6 was truncated without affecting the interaction between LRP6 membrane
                receptor and WNT3A;the signal peptides of LRP6 and WNT3A were reconstituted at the amino terminus of the fluorescent tag to avoid
                loss of the fluorescent tag due to signal peptide cleavage;flexible linker peptides was used to connect signal peptides,fluorescent tags,
                and mature proteins to attenuate the effects of fluorescent tags on subcellular localization and function of membrane receptors.
                Results:The above improvement strategy significantly enhanced the membrane localization signal of LRP6 fusion protein. The
                interaction between LRP6 and WNT3A in the cell membrane region could be clearly detected by FRET technology,and the average
                FRET efficiency reached 26.51%. Conclusion:This study provides new ideas and strategies for effectively using FRET technology to
                study the interaction between membrane receptors and extracellular ligands in living cells.
               [Key words] fluorescence resonance energy transfer;protein⁃protein interaction;membrane receptors;ligands
                                                                            [J Nanjing Med Univ,2022,42(08):1049⁃1054]

                    细胞表面膜受体与其配体相互作用参与调控                           种癌症的发生发展密切相关             [1-4] 。因此,研究膜受体
                细胞的增殖、生长、分化等多种生物学过程,并与多                           与其胞外配体的相互作用及其动态变化有助于阐

               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金项目(82072580)                        振能量转移(fluorescence resonance energy transfer,
                ∗                                                 FRET)技术是研究蛋白质相互作用的一种经典方
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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