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南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)                                 第43卷第10期
               ·1464 ·                    Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)  2023年10月

             ·综      述·


              东 瑞 ,黄丽丽 ,王 洁          1*
               南京医科大学护理学院基础与社区护理学系,江苏                  南京    211166;江苏省卫生健康发展研究中心,江苏 南京               210036
              1                                                    2

             [摘    要] 戊型肝炎是由戊型肝炎病毒感染引起的一种传染性疾病,是全球范围内的重要公共卫生问题。尽管戊型肝炎通常
             [关键词] 戊型肝炎病毒;免疫反应;肝衰竭;慢性戊型肝炎
             [中图分类号] R512.6                    [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)10⁃1464⁃06

              Research advances in the immune pathogenesis of severe and chronic progeression of
              hepatitis E

                       1           2          1*
              DONG Rui ,HUANG Lili ,WANG Jie
              1 Department of Fundamental and Community Nursing,School of Nursing,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing
              211166;Jiangsu Health Development Research Center,Nanjing 210036,China

             [Abstract] Hepatitis E is an infectious disease caused by hepatitis E virus(HEV)infection,which is a significant public health
              concern worldwide. Although hepatitis E is generally considered an asymptomatic,self⁃limiting disease,its clinical manifestations vary,
              some patients may develop severe or chronic progression,resulting in poor prognosis and serious harm. Immune response is a key factor
              determining the clinical manifestation and outcome of hepatitis E. Normal immune response facilitates the clearance of virus and
              recovery from this disease,while excessive or disordered immune response can participate in severe and chronic progression of the
              disease,leading to disease progression. Through literature review,this article summarizes the immunological mechanisms of HEV
              related liver failure and chronic hepatitis E,including innate immune response and adaptive immune response,in order to provide
              theoretical basis and new ideas for early prediction,clinical prevention and treatment,and disease management.
             [Key words] hepatitis E virus;immunity;liver failure;chronic hepatitis E
                                                                           [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(10):1464⁃1469]

                  戊型肝炎病毒(hepatitis E virus,HEV)是一种无             7.2 kb,包含 4 个开放阅读框(open reading frame,
              包膜小型单股正链RNA病毒,其完整基因组长度为                           ORF) 。HEV 是全球范围内导致急性病毒性肝
                                                                径 。目前发现 HEV 有 8 个基因型(genotype,GT),
             [基金项目] 江苏省卫生健康发展研究中心开放课题
             (JSHD2022046)                                      其中 GT1~4 型及 GT7 型主要造成人类感染。荟萃
                                                                分析显示 ,约 1/8 的全球人口,相当于超过 900 万
               通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃mail:wangjienjmu@126.
              com                                               人,曾感染HEV。HEV在我国常为散发,偶有爆发,
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