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第43卷第3期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2023年3月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·421 ·

               ·综 述·


                张玲玉,李阳阳,刘          煜 *
                南京医科大学附属逸夫医院内分泌科,江苏 南京                  211166

               [摘   要] 肠道微生物群的组成或功能失调与多种疾病相关。粪便微生物群移植(fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT)是通
               [关键词] 粪菌移植;肠道菌群;供体因素;受体因素;疗效
               [中图分类号] R392.9                   [文献标志码] A                       [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)03⁃421⁃07

                Advances of donor and recipient factors in fecal microbiota transplantation

                ZHANG Lingyu,LI Yangyang,LIU Yu *
                Department of Endocrinology,the Affiliated Sir Run Run Hospital of Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,

               [Abstract] Gut dysbiosis has been identified as a potential factor that may drive a variety of diseases. Fecal microbiota
                transplantation(FMT)is a microecological therapy which delivers fecal microbiota of screened healthy donor into the recipient
                intestine. By restructuring the recipient gut microbiota with donor fecal samples,FMT has been used to treat a number of
                gastrointestinal and non⁃gastrointestinal disorders. Although FMT could cure 90% of recurrent Clostridioides difficile infections,the
                efficacy of FMT in other diseases is variable. These suggests that there are multiple factors influence the efficacy of FMT. This article
                will discuss the impact of both donor and recipient factors on donor microbiota engraftment and clinical efficacy in FMT.
               [Key words] fecal microbiota transplantation;gut microbiota;donor factor;recipient factor;efficacy
                                                                           [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(03):421⁃426,437]

                    肠道微生物群的组成或功能失调与多种疾病                           FMT治疗人类疾病以来,FMT作为缓解一些疾病的
                相关,粪便微生物群移植(fecal microbiota transplan⁃           潜在治疗方法受到越来越多的关注                 [1-2] 。FMT 已被
                tation,FMT)被认为是一种重建患者肠道内微生物                       写入多项指南用于治疗复发性或难治性艰难梭菌
                群的微生态疗法,它是将来自健康供体粪便中的功                            感染(Clostridioides difficile infection,CDI),近年来发
                能菌群移植到患者肠道内,进而恢复受体肠道微生                            现其他肠道疾病如炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel
                物群多样性或减少不利微生物种类的相对丰度,最                            disease,IBD)、肠 易 激 综 合 征(irritable bowel syn⁃
                终实现肠道及肠道外疾病的治疗。自 2013 年一项                         drome,IBS)及非胃肠道疾病包括代谢性疾病等均可
                随机对照试验(randomized controlled trial,RCT)使用         能是FMT的潜在治疗靶点 。
                                                                      然而 FMT 在治疗相同疾病的不同患者时存在

               [基金项目] 国家自然科学基金(82070849)                          疗效差异,这表明存在多种因素影响 FMT 的疗效。
                ∗                                                 目前证实供体粪便来源、菌液移植方法及受体自身
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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