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第43卷第7期                           南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)
                  2023年7月                   Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Natural Sciences)     ·893 ·



                孙文亚,何元林,陈秋臻,李 晶             *
                南京医科大学生殖医学国家重点实验室,江苏                 南京 211166

               [摘   要] 目的:通过对新生小鼠卵巢单个生殖细胞转录组数据进行挖掘,探究可变剪切事件是否参与调控小鼠卵泡组装过
                程的阶段转换。方法:基于小鼠单个生殖细胞转录组数据,用生物信息学方法分析卵泡组装过程 3 个细胞发育阶段的可变
                剪切事件及阶段转换之间的差异可变剪切事件,并用 PCR 验证差异可变剪切相关同源异构体的变化。结果:在小鼠卵泡组
                装 3 个发育阶段转换之间均检测到差异可变剪切事件,其中卵泡生成阶段可变剪切事件以及包囊破裂到卵泡生成时期的差异
               [关键词] 卵泡组装;可变剪切;单细胞转录组
               [中图分类号] Q756                     [文献标志码] A                      [文章编号] 1007⁃4368(2023)07⁃0893⁃07

                Dynamic changes of alternative splicing during the formation of mouse primordial follicles

                SUN Wenya,HE Yuanlin,CHEN Qiuzhen,LI Jing *
                State Key Laboratory of Reproductive Medicine,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China

               [Abstract] Objective:To investigate whether alternative splicing regulate the stage transition of follicle assembly in mice,the
                transcriptome data of single germ cells in new born mouse ovary were analyzed. Methods:Bioinformatics analysis were performed on
                transcriptome data of single germ cells in mice to detect alternative splicing events in three cell development stages during follicle
                assembly and differential alternative splicing events between stage transitions. PCR was used to validate dynamic stage transition
                related isoform expression. Results:The current study found abundant differential alternative splicing events between stage transitions
                during follicle assembly in mice. The most enriched splicing events were detected in follicle stage,also the most enriched differential
                splicing events were detected between cyst break down and follicle stage. The results of PCR validated the presence of isoforms of meiosis
                related genes and showed their shifts of alternative isoform usage at stage transitions. Conclusion:Alternative splicing was associated
                with cell development stage transitions during follicle formation in mice,regulating the transformation from germ cell to oocytes.
               [Key words] follicle assembly;alternative splicing;single cell transcriptome
                                                                              [J Nanjing Med Univ,2023,43(07):893⁃899]

                    在哺乳动物中,固定数量的原始卵泡是整个生                          ovarian insufficiency,POI),女性在 40 岁以前出现卵
                殖寿命期间可受精的卵母细胞的来源。随着青春                             巢功能减退,主要表现为月经异常、促卵泡激素水
                期后卵泡的持续周期性发育,原始卵泡储备减少,                            平升高、雌激素波动性下降,继而导致生育力下降、
                直至最终耗尽,出现一系列生理变化,如绝经 。人                           不孕 。POI 的病因复杂,有研究表明其与原始卵
                类绝经的平均年龄为51岁(40~60岁);然而,全球仍                       泡早期耗竭有关 。因此,原始卵泡池的建立即原
                有1%~2%的女性患有早发性卵巢功能不全(primary                      始卵泡组装过程是雌性生殖研究领域的重要课题

               [基金项目] 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1004203)                        小鼠卵泡组装过程开始于胚胎期第 17.5 天
                ∗                                                (embryonic day 17.5,E17.5),并在出生后的前3 d内
                通信作者(Corresponding author),E⁃
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