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第44卷第6期         蔡岩坡,顾嘉玺,刘 鸿,等. 心脏手术同期迷宫消融术后房颤复发的风险预测模型构建[J].
                  2024年6月                     南京医科大学学报(自然科学版),2024,44(6):868-875                        ·871 ·

                                                表1 Maze Ⅳ术后房颤复发的单因素分析
                               Table 1 Univariate analysis of recurrence of atrial fibrillation after Maze Ⅳ surgery

                                                                 AF                      AF
                                 Item                                                                     P
                                                         recurrence group(n=150)  recurrence group(n=446)
                  Age(years,x ± s)                            62.0 ± 9.30             58.4 ± 9.10        <0.001
                  BMI(kg/m ,x ± s)                            23.4 ± 3.50             23.6 ± 3.20         0.627
                  Duration of atrial fibrillation(month)      56.4 ± 80.8             20.3 ± 38.3        <0.001
                  LAD(mm)                                     55.7 ± 10.1             50.4 ± 7.40        <0.001
                  LVDd(mm)                                    52.0 ± 8.70             51.6 ± 7.90         0.630
                  RAD(mm)                                     44.6 ± 7.20             41.5 ± 7.50         0.002
                  EF(%)                                       53.6 ± 19.4             52.2 ± 21.1         0.467
                  Extracorporeal circulation time(min,x ± s)  162.8 ± 44.50          157.8 ± 42.30        0.225
                  Aortic occlusion time(min,x ± s)           126.6 ± 43.70           120.5 ± 35.70        0.095
                  Mechanical ventilation time(h,x ± s)        48.5 ± 93.8            042.4 ± 102.6        0.523
                  ICU hospitalization time(h,x ± s)          101.2 ± 144.0           086.7 ± 158.1        0.323
                  Postoperative hospitalization time(d0,x ± s)  15.9 ± 8.80           15.4 ± 11.1         0.610
                  Gender(Female)[n(%)]                        088(58.7)               245(54.9)           0.426
                  Persistent atrial fibrillation[n(%)]        123(82.0)               354(79.4)           0.635
                  Smoking history[n(%)]                       022(14.7)               074(16.6)           0.610
                  Drinking history[n(%)]                      018(12.0)               060(13.5)           0.780
                  History of hypertension[n(%)]               052(34.7)               139(31.2)           0.436
                  History of diabetes[n(%)]                   016(10.7)                33(7.4)            0.230
                  History of cerebral infarction[n(%)]        019(12.7)               058(13.0)           1.000
                  History of peripheral vascular diseases[n(%)]  3(2).                 09(2.0)            1.000
                  History of hyperthyroidism[n(%)]             00(0.0)                 02(0.4)            1.000
                  History of catheter ablation[n(%)]           02(1.3)                 08(1.8)            1.000
                  History of pacemaker implantation[n(%)]      04(2.7)                 01(0.2)            0.016
                  Using hinged ablation forceps[n(%)]         040(26.7)               128(28.7)           0.601
                  Hemodialysis[n(%)]                           08(5.3)                 19(4.3)            0.650
                  Cerebral infarction[n(%)]                    01(0.7)                 03(0.7)            1.000
                  Tracheostomy[n(%)]                           04(2.7)                 08(1.8)            0.509
                  Sternal malunion[n(%)]                       01(0.7)                 02(0.4)            1.000
                  Early recurrence of atrial fibrillation[n(%)]  078(52.0)            055(12.3)          <0.001
                  Postoperative pacemaker implantation[n(%)]    6(4).                  09(2.0)            0.225
                  NYHA Ⅲ-Ⅳ[n(%)]                              091(60.7)               268(60.1)           0.924
                  Degenerative change[n(%)]                   069(40.6)               178(39.9)           0.231

                                                表2  Maze Ⅳ术后房颤复发的多因素分析
                              Table 2  Multivariate analysis of recurrence of atrial fibrillation after Maze Ⅳ surgery
                              Item                   B          SE          P           OR           95% CI
                   Age                              0.047      0.020        0.021       1.048      1.007-1.090
                   Duration of atrial fibrillation  0.011      0.003        0.001       1.011      1.005-1.018
                   LAD                              0.061      0.022        0.006       1.063      1.018-1.109
                   RAD                              0.023      0.023        0.318       1.023      0.978-1.071
                   Early recurrence of atrial fibrillation  2.820  0.489   <0.001      16.875      6.440-43.747
                   B:the unstandardized beta;SE:the standard error;OR:odds ratio;CI:confidence interval.
                    各国指南也将迷宫手术列入Ⅰ类推荐,认为心                          并发症发生率。本研究在纳入时,并未对患者的年
                脏手术同期行 Maze Ⅳ手术并不增加患者病死率及                         龄、LAD大小、房颤持续时间等常见因素进行筛选,旨
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