Page 84 - 南京医科大学自然版
P. 84

               ·820 ·                            南 京    医 科 大 学 学         报                        2024年6月

              ferences of 5.0 mmHg,with an estimated standard devi⁃  tients requiring a vasopressor to maintain hemodynamic
              ation of differences of 9.9 mmHg,at a significance level  stability or experiencing a hemodynamic fluctuation ex⁃
              α of 0.05 using a paired t⁃test. Given the possibility of  ceeding 20% were excluded. Data collected before the
              loss to follow ⁃ up,we increased the sample size by  use of a vasopressor or hemodynamic instability could
              10%,resulting in a required sample size of 50.    still be used for analysis. Close communication was
              1.2.2 determination of PTCCO2 and PETCO2          maintained with surgeons during the surgery. Patients
                  After entering the operating room,a 16⁃G intrave⁃  were excluded if the peritoneum had been ruptured,
              nous(Ⅳ)catheter was inserted into the median cubi⁃  but the data collected before peritoneal rupture was re⁃
              tal vein for fluid and drug administration,while a 20⁃G  tained. Patient’s temperature was continuously moni⁃
              arterial catheter was cannulated in the non ⁃ operated  tored and maintained above 36 ℃,while the room tem⁃
              radial artery for continuous blood pressure(BP)monitor⁃  perature was set at 23-25 ℃. The retroperitoneal CO 2
              ing and ABG sampling. The arterial catheter was   pressure was maintained at 12 -15 mmHg during the
              flushed with 500 mL of heparinized saline using a pres⁃  surgery. PaCO2,PETCO2,and PTCCO2 of each patient
              sure bag. Standard monitoring including electrocardio⁃  were measured at four time points:before CO2 insuffla⁃
              gram(ECG),saturation of pulse oxygen(SpO2),and arte⁃  tion,30,60 and 90 min after CO2 insufflation.
              rial BP was performed for all patients before anesthesia,  If PETCO2 exceeded 50 mmHg during the surgery,

              with these values recorded as baseline values. Anesthe⁃  adjustments could be made such as increasing respira⁃
              sia induction comprised propofol(1.5-2.5 mg/kg),fen⁃  tory rate,adjusting tidal volume,increasing the flow of
              tanyl(2-4 μg/kg),and rocuronium(0.6 mg/kg). Fol⁃  fresh oxygen,reducing pneumoperitoneum pressure
              lowing intubation,patients were ventilated with volume  within the surgeon’s acceptable range,or pausing the
              control ventilation(VCV)using 60% oxygen(2 L/min).  operation or closing the pneumoperitoneum if neces⁃
              The PETCO2values were maintained ideally between 35-  sary to enhance CO 2excretionand lower PETCO2 levels.
              45 mmHg by adjusting tidal volume,respiratory rate,  1.3  Statistical analysis
              and aspiration ratio(inspiratory∶expiratory,I∶E),with  Statistical analyses were performed using Graph⁃
              an upper limit of 50 mmHg allowed. PETCO2 was mea⁃  Pad 8.0 software(GraphPad Prism,La Jolla,California,
              sured by side stream spirometry(Mindray,BeneView  USA). Quantitative data were presented as means ±
              T6,Shenzhen,China),while PTCCO2 was measured      standard deviation(x ± s)or median with interquartile
              with the TCM ⁃ 4 monitor(Radiometer,Copenhagen,   range[M(P25,P75)]depending on the type of distribu⁃
              Denmark). Before placement,calibration was per⁃   tion. A difference of ≤5 mmHg between PaCO 2 and PET⁃
              formed by a trained author(LIU Shijiang)according  CO2,or between PaCO 2 and PTCCO2,was considered
              to the manufacturer’s recommendation. The electrode  within the clinical acceptable range. Categorical vari⁃
              was then placed onto the patient’s chest wall of the  ables,presented as frequencies(proportions)[n(%)],
              non⁃operated side,which was cleaned with alcohol to  were analyzed using the chi⁃square test or Fisher’s exact
              facilitate the adhesion of the disk to the skin,with the  test as appropriate. Pearson correlation coefficient was
              electrode working temperature set at 44 ℃. PaCO2 was  employed to assess the correlation between P ETCO2 and
              determined using a blood gas/electrolyte analyzer  PaCO2,as well as the correlation between PTCCO2 and
             (GEM premier 3000,Instrumentation Laboratory Co.   PaCO2. Additionally,linear regression analysis was uti⁃
              MA 01730 ⁃ 2443,USA). Before ABG sampling,pa⁃     lized to model and quantify these relationships. Bland⁃
              tients’hemodynamic was relatively stable for at least  Altman analysis was used to compare the agreement be⁃
                                                                tween PaCO2 and PETCO2,or between PaCO2 and PTCCO2.
              5 min to ensure a stable P aCO2. PTCCO2 and PETCO2
              were recorded simultaneously with ABG sampling.   P < 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
                  Anesthesia was maintained with propofol,sevoflu⁃
                                                                2   Results
              rane,and remifentanil to limit the BP and heart rate
             (HR)fluctuations within 20% of baseline values. Pa⁃     Ninety ⁃ seven patients were initially assessed for
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